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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. Unfortunately, mine have not. I just checked and I have a least 2 PIREPS that are not on VA Central from last week.
  2. Hi Nabeel, I'm getting the same error as the OP. Currently I have 3 PIREPS waiting to be uploaded. If I hit upload I get the below: FAILED exporting PIREP #41 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #40 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #39 - No response from API server Completed Here is our airline: http://vacentral.net/airline/pva_patriotvirtualairlines Thanks!
  3. They are located in the following templates: finance_balancesheet.tpl finance_summarysheet.tpl You'll need to search for the below variables $chart_width = '600'; $chart_height = '500'; That will change the graph sizes. Keith
  4. Just like any other update. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=3
  5. phpVMS Install Checker[b]Install Check[/b] [b]Checking PHP version[/b] [OK] PHP version is 5.2.x [b]Checking connectivity...[/b] [OK] Can contact outside servers [b]Checking for SimpleXML module...[/b] [OK] SimpleXML module exists! [b]Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files[/b] [b]-- Checked 167 files, found 0 errors[/b] phpVMS Install Checker[b]Checking phpvms_acarsdata...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_adminlog...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_aircraft...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_airlines...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_airports...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_awards...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_awardsgranted...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_bids...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_customfields...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_downloads...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_expenselog...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_expenses...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_fieldvalues...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_financedata...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_fuelprices...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_groupmembers...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_groups...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_navdata...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_news...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_pages...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_pilots...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_pirepcomments...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_pirepfields...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_pireps...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_pirepvalues...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_ranks...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_schedules...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_sessions...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_settings...[/b]OK [b]Checking phpvms_updates...[/b]OK
  6. All I get is the below: UTC
  7. I noticed the missing steps as well but all the necessary steps to connect are in my tutorial video. I was going to e-mail Nabeel with the missing steps but completely forgot about it. Sorry guys!
  8. I'm having the same issue. To add to this I get this error when FSFK opens the PIREP page after it submits it to the database.
  9. I agree 100% with you on this. I don't think it is too much to ask for a quick e-mail.
  10. Actually they just released v2.5 back in January of this year.
  11. I got the same exact reply so this is indeed exciting news. I can't wait until they release it!
  12. Done!
  13. The ADMIN_EMAIL has the correct e-mail address but it doesn't use it. It is using the e-mail address from user 1. Yes, it's every e-mail that is sent from the site. This is happening on the release and latest beta. Thanks!
  14. I used different e-mail addresses from @gmail.com and I'm running PHP Version: 5.2.5
  15. Yep, the settings so the correct e-mail address.
  16. How's this coming along Brian? Any updates for us? Thanks!
  17. Currently all e-mails that the system generates has my e-mail address as the "From". I set the Webmaster Email Address in the Site Settings to my HR address but it doesn't work. I'm assuming it is picking the e-mail for user ID #1. I'm guessing this is a bug or do I need to look somewhere else for this setting? Thanks!
  18. Thanks for adding this Nabeel! While testing this feature I found that half of it works. The e-mail for submitted PIREPS worked correctly and went to the e-mail I stated. The e-mail for the registered users did not work right. It sent an e-mail to the address I had set for the PIREPS but not the one defined in the config file. I'm still getting the "Invalid address: You must provide at least one recipient email address." after someone registers.
  19. I had a problem getting my key. It took like 4 days to get it. I had to post on the Aerosoft forum asking for the site admin to send me my key before I finally got it.
  20. Thanks Simpilot! I found the post I was referring to http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1941-removing-pilots/page__p__12798__fromsearch__1entry12798
  21. Yes, there is. Simpilot posted the code but I can't find the post since we switched forum software. I had a directly link to it. Perhaps someone else can find it.
  22. I love FSFK and use it as my one and only ACARS program. Check out my tutorial video I did for my VA on it that Nabeel posted in the doc section. Make sure you view it in full screen mode. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=24
  23. Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_CONFIRM', false); Just checked and I do have the above in my local config file. Thanks Nabeel. This temporary table, if possible, would be great to help control false registrations issues like I had today.
  24. Thanks! I'll check that when I get home and post back but for some reason I think I already did that.
  25. I was wondering if there was anyway to not create the accounts until they are approved on the admin side? I had a couple fake spam accounts get registered today and before I could even delete them the system already created the accounts which makes those pilot ID's unusable. I also have the SMF auto account registration module installed which created the accounts on my forum as well. It would be great if the system wouldn't create anything until I approve them in the admin center. Is this possible? If not, is this doable in an update? Thanks, Keith
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