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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. Patriot Airway 737-800 coming out of the paint booth.
  2. Just tested Google Chrome and no issues there either.
  3. Upload the install folder again and run the following install/checkinstall.php install/checkdb.php Post the input of both of those here. Make sure you delete the install folder after running those to scripts.
  4. Have you modified the template in any way? If so, change your skin back to the default and see if that fixes the problem.
  5. Have you installed the module and all the .tpl files?
  6. I had the same problem. The code used to call the image is wrong. On the fleet_table.tpl change the following. <img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imageurl; ?>"> to <img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>"> That should work for you.
  7. Hi Nabeel, I'm getting the same problem as Mark. I haven't changed the template and I'm not using SMTP. Thanks, Keith
  8. Thanks for this!
  9. Try it without the /view and it shows the map just fine. http://euroskies.vacau.com/index.php/routemap/
  10. The others I've received are the same except for the reply-to address.
  11. I got 3 of them as well.
  12. +1 $40.00 is a good price and with Tom you will get a quality skin with great customer support!
  13. http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/193
  14. Thank you sir -- that worked great! The file in question is fsfk_log_flightimages.tpl.
  15. Here are the different "roles" you can assign a group. EDIT_NEWS EDIT_PAGES EDIT_DOWNLOADS EMAIL_PILOTS EDIT_AIRLINES EDIT_FLEET EDIT_SCHEDULES IMPORT_SCHEDULES MODERATE_REGISTRATIONS EDIT_PILOTS EDIT_GROUPS EDIT_RANKS EDIT_AWARDS MODERATE_PIREPS VIEW_FINANCES EDIT_EXPENSES EDIT_SETTINGS EDIT_PIREPS_FIELDS EDIT_PROFILE_FIELDS EDIT_VACENTRAL ACCESS_ADMIN FULL_ADMIN You could possibly give an Event Coordinator Group the following access. EDIT_NEWS - Post news about the events EMAIL_PILOTS - Email pilots about events EDIT_SCHEDULES - The ability to add special event schedules so pilots get create for flying them EDIT_AWARDS - The ability to add awards to the system etc. While you may not find exactly what your looking for you should get the idea. Have fun!
  16. Hi, I did a search but I couldn't find anything so if this has been asked before please forgive me and point me in the right direction. ;D I just did my first test flight with FSFK and I have to say it is awesome. I believe I found my new ACARS system! Anyways, when the maps are uploaded they are huge and bleed off my template. Is there somewhere I can change the maps sizes so they don't mess up my template? Thanks, Keith
  17. I believe it will using XACARS. I haven't tested this since I don't own XPlane. But, X-Plane pilots could always file manually if not.
  18. That depends. What would you want the event coordinator to do?
  19. Yes, that feature was added to the 2.0 release.
  20. Yes, I know. That wasn't the problem. The problem is that it should have seen that I had that .tpl in my skins folder and used it instead.
  21. Oh, OK. I'm not too sure about that one. I got the one working for SMF quite easily. Check out page 3 on the below forum and see if that works for you. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=708.30
  22. What forum are you using?
  23. I never heard of that one. I just checked the site out and it looks pretty cool. I'll have to give that one a try. Thanks!
  24. That one is not it admin/templates. It's in core/templates. I can't make a bug for it ATM because I get "502 BadGateway" when I try to visit the bug site.
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