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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. Check this post out. It should help get you started on doing this. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5695-smfregister-20/#entry39173
  2. Your forum needs to be installed in the same database as PHPVMS.
  3. Has anymore updates been made to this template?
  4. Do you mind posting the code for that public profile or at least the section that deals with the awards?
  5. No worries. :-) Under lib/skins/YOURSKIN folder you should see a file called pilot_public_profile.tpl or .php depending on which version of PHPVMS you are running. That is the template file for the link you posted above. Just search for where your awards start on that template. My guess is you don't have code that shows the image.
  6. Do you have something like the below in your code? <img src="'.$award->image.'" alt="'.$award->name.'" border="0" /> That calls the awards image on the pilots public profile. Without that you will only get the text.
  7. Haha - I totally understand that. I'm a Network Engineer myself...
  8. I can't help with that issue but did you make copies of everything so you can roll back for now?
  9. That one means the app doesn't have permissions to send the file. My suggestion would be to do the following. 1. Uninstall the client and then install in the root of C: or somewhere other than Program Files. 2. After you install it, say in C:\Karacars\. Go into that folder and find the .exe file. Right click and go to the compatibility tab and check Run as Administrator. That will fix that issue.
  10. I answered you here. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23445-kacars-problems/#entry123588
  11. FTP to your web host and in the root directory where you installed PHPVMS you'll see the core folder. Check out this page for assistance as well. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/acars-guides/using-kacars-r33
  12. What do you mean it doesn't work? You can't get it to install on your aircraft? Can you elaborate a little be more?
  13. I'm interested in getting a new pilot center for my VA. I've reached out to a couple well known PHPVMS skin designers but unfortunately, they don't do just a single page. If you are interested, please send me a PM. Thanks, Keith
  14. FTP to the server you have installed PHPVMS. In the root directory of the install you'll see a folder called core.In there you'll see a file called local.config.php.
  15. Look in the core folder on your server.
  16. Check this post of to see if it helps. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23412-website-recapcha/
  17. The module download from CC does have instructions on how to install the module on your site. As for the client, after you install the client software just click Setting and follow what is says. If you have any issue after the install you need to direct it to their own support forum. http://forum.crazycreatives.com/ As for KAcars there is not a read me but on the download page it tells you were to install the module. The client would be the same as above other than the support can be here.
  18. Interesting. When I get back home I'll help explain how to install them.
  19. Hey look - another Patriot! See the below post for a possible solution to your issue. http://forum.phpvms....__hl__recaptcha
  20. Both free clients have a read me file in them that tell you how to set them up and use them. You wouldn't need to use any config files from your pilot center.
  21. FSACARS is old and I'd suggest you switch to another one. There are several free ACARs clients you can choose from. KACARS Free http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/kacars-free/information CCFTracker https://www.crazycreatives.com/ccftracker-free/
  22. Oops - I had it backwards. Here is the path. core/local.config.php Look for the section below. define('DBASE_USER', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'); define('DBASE_PASS', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'); define('DBASE_NAME', 'xxxxxxxxxxx'); define('DBASE_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('DBASE_TYPE', 'mysql');
  23. I've moved those posts to a new thread. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23404-skin-question/ Thanks!
  24. Look at your config.local file to make sure your database username and password are correct.
  25. That falls outside of my realm of knowledge but there are a lot of smart developers on here that I'm sure will chime in and help on this.
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