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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. Nice job. I made a couple edits to the route planner section so that FlightAware and SkyVector include the ICAO's. <a href="http://flightaware.com/analysis/route.rvt?origin=<?php echo $schedule->depicao ; ?>&destination=<?php echo $schedule->arricao ; ?>" id="falink" target="_blank"> <a href="https://skyvector.com/?chart=304&zoom=6&fpl=<?php echo $schedule->depicao ; ?>%20%20<?php echo $schedule->arricao ; ?>" id="sklink" target="_blank"> I noticed that you hard coded dates in your form. Please correct me if I'm wrong but after March 22nd I'll have to go change all the dates?
  2. I changed mine to the following format. Username: ABC1234 Display Name: John Smith ABC1234 Open SMFRegisterData.class.php Change line 18 from $username = $eventinfo[2]['firstname'].' '.$eventinfo[2]['lastname'].' '.$pid; to $username = $pid; Insert this after line 18 $name = $eventinfo[2][firstname].' '.$eventinfo[2][lastname].' '.$pid; Change line 44 from '$username', to '$name',
  3. There are several free skins available to you that come with updated pilot centers. Just do a search for free skins. However, if you are not happy with what you have you will more than likely have to pay a designer for their time to create a new one for you.
  4. I haven't. I'll do that and report back. Thanks!
  5. Sorry - looks like I didn't mention that above, but yes, I added it. thanks, Keith
  6. In short of upgrading my .935 site to the new 5.5 is there a way to get this working? I've added the above into my files but that didn't work. I'd like to get this working with my current version. I will eventually update to 5.5 but I've got a lot of work to do to make that happen and right now I just don't have the time to invest to that project.
  7. Send me a private message through the forum and I'll see what I can do.
  8. You have to do this through your database. In Cpanel you should have a link and / or button called phpMyAdmin. From there you click on your PHPVMS database. If would have been the same table that you used to change your email in the database. All that is stored in phpvms_pilots unless you didn't take the defaults during your PHPVMS install. If you are not familiar with editing your database PLEASE be careful. Back it up before you do anything!
  9. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7937-vfleettracker-v13/page__hl__%2Bfleet+%2Btracker
  10. Check that the folder the avatar uploads to has the right permissions.
  11. Ok - do the following. 1. Backup your phpvms_pilots table. Do this just in case something goes wrong. 2. In the phpvms_pilots table find your account and go to the salt column and delete it. Make sure it's completely deleted with no blank spaces. 3. Go here: http://md5sum.org/ Type in a temp password and press "Get MD5 Hex". 4. Take the new MD5 hex and replace it with the hex in your password column. Leave the salt column blank. 5. Login to your account with your temp password (not the hex) and then change your password. You MUST change the password after you get into your account.
  12. You have to insert that file into your phpvms_airports table in your database. Log into phpMyAdmin and click on the phpvms_airports table. From there you'd click import and upload the file. However, before you do ANY database work make sure you make a copy of your current database.
  13. Have you went into your database and looked at your account in the phpvms_pilots table to verify that the email address you have in there is correct?
  14. Port 465 is for SMTPs (SSL) which some hosts require.
  15. Awesome - glad to hear that. I've heard of a lot of issues with Windows 10 and updates when programs are installed in Program Files and / or not running as admin.
  16. Do you know if they installed it in the Program Files directory and if they are running as an admin? I've been using Windows 10 with Kacars installed in the root of C: instead of program files and so far I haven't had any issues with Windows updates.
  17. Thanks for the link. I'll have a go with it.
  18. I'm in need of a little help from the skin designer community. I have a image thumbnail on my live map page that when clicked I want the image to open up larger on the same page. Right now when it's click it opens up a new window in the browser. I googled for a few hours last night and I saw something like a JQuery Lightbox might help me. However, that is a little above my currently skill set. Could anyone assist? Thanks!
  19. You get the code from your Paypal account and then you have to figure out where you want to put it. If you want it on your front page you can look at your frontpage_main.tpl or frontpage_main.php file in your skin folder.
  20. Thanks David, I'm running 935 and I'm definitly missing those lines. I went back on Github and found a earlier version of code that had it but so far nothing has updated. I added the below to the CentralData.class.php I added $all_news = SiteData::getAllNews(); if(count($all_news) > 0) { $news_parent = self::addElement(null, 'newsitems'); foreach($all_news as $news) { $body = str_ireplace('<br>', "\n", $news->body); $body = str_ireplace('<br />', "\n", $body); $body = htmlentities(strip_tags($body)); $news_xml = self::addElement($news_parent, 'news', null, array( 'id' => $news->id, 'subject' => $news->subject, 'body' => $body, 'postdate' => $news->postdate, 'postedby' => $news->postedby, ) ); } } right after self::set_xml('update_vainfo'); self::$xml->addChild('pilotcount', StatsData::PilotCount()); self::$xml->addChild('totalhours', StatsData::TotalHours()); self::$xml->addChild('totalflights', StatsData::TotalFlights()); self::$xml->addChild('totalschedules', StatsData::TotalSchedules()); then added /** * CentralData::send_news() * * @return */ public static function send_news() { if (!self::central_enabled()) return false; $all_news = SiteData::getAllNews(); if(!is_array($all_news) && count($all_news) == 0) { return false; } self::startBody('vanews'); self::addElement(null, 'total', count($all)); $news_parent = self::addElement('newsitems'); foreach($all_news as $news) { $news_xml = self::addElement($news_parent, 'news', null, array( 'id' => $news->id, 'subject' => $news->subject, 'body' => '<![CDATA['.$news->body.']]>', 'postdate' => $news->postdate, 'postedby' => $news->postedby, )); } CronData::set_lastupdate('vanews'); $res = self::sendToCentral(); return $res; } after # Package and send CronData::set_lastupdate('update_vainfo'); return self::send_xml(); } Is there anything that you can thing of that I've missed?
  21. I've recently noticed that my VA news hasn't updated on VACentral since March of 2013. In my admin panel, under NEWS, I have recent news there. Can someone give me a hint at where to start troubleshooting? As far as I can tell, I've made all the required updates and so far everything seems to be working fine except for the news. Thanks, Keith
  22. Not sure if this is what you are talking about but you can limit what links users/pilots see on your site. In your core_navigation file you can use the below code around the links you only want logged in users to see. I have my site set up this way. If you are not logged in then you only see certain links. After login, then more links become available. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { echo '<li><a href="'.url('/profile').'">Pilot Center</a></li>'; } ?>
  23. It's actually quite easy to limit what your staff see by their Group membership. Below is a quick write up I did for doing this. It works great . Like the code above this just hides the links but it works. As you install new modules sometimes the creator of the module doesn't add permission settings for the module link. What happens is, pilot groups that you don't want to see the module can. To fix this we have to add the specific group that you want to have access. I'll use the Charter Module as an example. For this module I only want admins and the custom pilot group called "Scheduling Manager" to have access. 1. Go to the admin site 2. Navigate to Pilots & Groups --> Pilot Groups 3. Take note of the "Group ID" of the pilot group you want to allow permission. In our example it would be Group ID 6. 4. Login to FTP 5. Go to admin/modules/MODULE NAME (CharterCenter in our example) 6. Locate CharterCenter.php and back it up first 7. After you have backed it up, open the file in a text editor (NOT WORD) 8. Locate the following line public function NavBar() { echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/CharterCenter">Charter Center</a></li>'; } The above code has no permission settings so any one that has access to the admin will have full rights to this. 9. We now need to add the permissions line. public function NavBar() { if(PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 1) || PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 6)) { echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/CharterCenter">Charter Center</a></li>'; } } If there is a module that you only want admins to have access to just remove this code from the above. || PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 6) You can have more than just one other group on the modules. The below code allows Admins, Schedule Managers, and HR Manager. public function NavBar() { if(PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 1) || PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 6) || PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 4)) { echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/CharterCenter">Charter Center</a></li>'; } }
  24. This is the code I use in the pilot roster with just a link to vataware. <?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); if($fieldvalue != '') { echo '<a href="http://www.vataware.com/pilot/'.$fieldvalue.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.SITE_URL.'/images/vatsim.gif" alt="Vatsim ID" border="0" /></a>'; } ?>
  25. You can use airmail 3. See the below link. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5822-airmail-30/
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