Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
Hello i was wondering if someone can help me with a skin. I was also wondering if they can put it on there for me
Last reply by jauger, -
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Hi. Since my website somehow corrupted itself I have to completely recode it. Last time I was uploading files directly to the web server instead of doing it on my computer. I used to use wampserver until I upgraded it. Now it gives me an error whenever I try to use php on it, it gives me an error. When I use xammp, it freezes on me and wont do anything when I try to run it. Is there anything else like these programs that I could try? Kindest Regards, James
Last reply by James142, -
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Hi, Ive give up on squalk box some of the aircraft are invisible anyway ive uninstalled it but there are no default AI aircraft, can somebody help? Thanks in advance Jacob
Last reply by avdesigns, -
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I can pay, send me a link to your portfolio, and some pricing based on per-page basis. I have a concept, just need help with some definition... just stuff in photoshop. PM me, if you are interested, or know of anyone...
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi, I just bought Maldives from Aerosoft and was wondering if anyone has a list of all flyable airports in this scenery mainly the codes to enter them in the phpvms database for my airline. I googled around already, but only found 5 airport icaos from Maldives, but can't find the codes for the airports with the water runways etc. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks! Edwin
Last reply by Edwin, -
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Hello, I want to move the location of where the cockpit is shown on fsx as its sitting next to the wings and not at the front. How can I config the cockpit to be at the front. Its fine on out side view but is incorrectly positioned on internal thanks
Last reply by avdesigns, -
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Just wanted to drop by and give a quick hello to everyone. I have not been on in ages and even shut my sites down. I have major helth issues now on top of getting married and graduating college in a couple weeks. Hopefully I can get a VA site going again and join back in here at the community again. Take care everyone and remember, Keep the blue side up!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Good Evening Captains, I am going to write an article on a magazine about my virtual airline and generally the virtual flights. This will include an article with a presentation of my va and some faq about virtual airlines and flights. This is an aviation magazine but most readers do not know what a virtual flight or even airline is. I want you to suggest me questions in order to use them for the faq. The questions i have already built are: What is a virtual flight, IVAO and VATSIM? What is a virtual airline? What do i need to fly a virtual flight? Obviously i do not need the answers .
Last reply by servetas, -
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Sorry for asking this question again.. Do you guys have any module ideas? I have some free time at the moment and would be interested in helping out the phpVMS community! Please feel free to post your suggestions!
Last reply by edmundk, -
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I really like the new forums a lot. I think Dave has been wanting to update the forums for some time. I just want to thank Nabeel , David, all the mods and admins on phpVMS and the community here that helps answer my questions. Once again love the fresh new look. Hopefully other NEW things will come in the future
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Hi all I need information but may not find this posted. I need to crash an aircraft if the pilot does not have the range or the number of hours, if possible when the reserve pilot the aircraft. If not here where I have to post this topic, sorry.
Last reply by mitcheinfo, -
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Last reply by edmundk, -
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After all these years using FSX I have never created a helicopter flight plan until today. Apparently it won't register from helipad to helipad, only runway to runway for acars to log flight. Is this the only way to record a flight runway to runway? Thanks!
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 (9M-MRD) crashes over Ukraine near the Russian border. Link: Video: A dark year for Malaysian Airlines..
Last reply by James142, -
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Are you looking for a VPS that is cheap on the wallet but not the parts? Check our VPSDime.
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Web Tip #1: Use PHP to display the copyright year on your webpage, don't use plain html you will forget to update it. Replace © 2014 Redwood Virtual With © <?php echo date ('Y'); ?> Redwood Virtual Remember, if this is on an static .html page, you must rename the extension to .php. .tpl in phpVMS is fine because you are displaying content within a module created with a .php extension.
Last reply by StartVM, -
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The Wilco E175 v.2 comes with the FeelThere Map! software, but is there any way to extract the FeelThere Map! from the Wilco E175 \Panel folder to be able to work on other aircraft?
Last reply by B77W, -
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Trying to source some payware paints for my A330. There are so many models and a few are quite inaccurate looking, like Wilco. I'd like to know what models everyone offers repaints for (A330 only).
Last reply by freshJet, -
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I was referred to Site Ground hosting, and am referring back. The prices are very cheap, and a referral deal get's us both a bargain! Check it out!
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
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Just thought I would let everyone know Hostgator released a coupon code today! RMN75 You can get their top plan Business for $3.74 per month for life.
Last reply by StartVM, -
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For phpVMS in general and getting the site back online. I hadn't been online in a few days and when I saw the error when trying to access the site and the forums, I immediately was worried that it might not come back at all for some reason. I would just like to know as a community how we should or can help with phpVMS being around for a long time and the site too? I know some people come and go (with flight simulation in general) as thing's change in life, me being one of them, but like the fact that I have FSX or X-Plane ready to reload at any time, and enjoy very much phpVMS and would like to see it around for a very long time. If I knew anything worth whi…
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Hey Guys: I am looking for someone who can do livery Repaints. Please contact me so we cant further discuss my project. Chris
Last reply by ChrisHD, -
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Hey Guys! I thought we might need a thread like this. I used to do website feedbacks for $5 on before and a lot of people loved my service. So, if you post your URL here - When I get the chance, I can give you some feedback on maybe some small improvements. I may not always be available, but I'll try to reply as often as I can. This is a volunteer thing, and it's free of charge. Anyone is welcome to give feedback to other members. Please mention your Website URL, and I'll reply when I get the chance.
Last reply by magicflyer, -
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I am trying to learn the basic's of CodeIgniter and keep having pretty much the same error on any of the tutorials. I have tried the Static Pages and the News tutorial and I a getting the same error? I can't figure it out, and I don't understand what the user on the CodeIgniter forums is referring too as the error and how to fix it Hoping someone here can help me out. Here is the link to the Static Pages Tutorial: This is the main error in the controller Pages.php file: An uncaught Exception was encountered Type: ParseError Message: syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC),…
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Hello fellas! Hope the skies are blue and the winds are fair! Have not had much of an opportunity to get on lately and do any web work or flying for that matter. I hope to change that soon as soon as I get the college schedule worked out and in action. Being 44 and going to school kind of sucks lol Anyhow, hope all is well and I can not wait for phpVMS 3 to come out. I am looking forward to seeing some awesome VA websites when it does come out. Take fellas and keep the blue side up! Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Account deletion
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi - please could I request for this forum account to be deleted? I'm just clearing up any old accounts I don't use any more. Thanks for the help!
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share your view regarding your exam
Last reply by ruchi,