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7147 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hey ! I reinstall my PHPVMS and after filling the option and done i go to my website And all it say is this Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/vol1/ on line 119 Please help !!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Can someone help? I would like to have a background picture for my boarding pass. How can I do that?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 15 replies
When I turned on Maintenance Mode, it turned my site white. Normally it has that little message. So, I turned it back off, but it's still white. Any ideas? My Site
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Lately after my admin updated the system, I started to notice that Log from FSACARS is not been uploaded fully, all the data are partial. Thank you. Regards Abhay CEO, Airindia Virtual
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hello just upgraded to 2.1.934 , I cant see the Map anymore , Error Console shows the following 2 Errors Error: GIcon is not defined Source File: ( Path to folder)/phpvms.js Line: 21 and Error: GBrowserIsCompatible is not defined Source File: Line: 31 Ran the reset acars via Admin panel and switched Templates to Default ones , same state Map any Help would be great
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Whenever you go to my website, or navigate to any other page on the website, I get an error "This web site needs a different Google Maps API key. A new key can be generated at" I've generated an API Key and put it in the website settings and the notification still comes up.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I just installed a fresh copy of PHPVMS today and for some reason its not adding the airports i put in.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Hi. First of all, sorry for my poor English. I am working with the issue of finances and would like to add the cost of aircraft. It would be easy to discount the total balance of the purchase of an aircraft. I have seen that there is a table called finacesdata, but this does not have any rows. There is only the structure. I have also seen that in all the code is not referenced to the above table, except when you create it as installation scripts. I wonder. Am I wrong on the above? What is it for this table? It would be interesting to have a table with the total balance sheet and operating with it as you wish. Expenses system is interesting but not suitable for t…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
I have this code in pilot_list.tpl: <?php if (PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'LOA' == "LOA")){ echo "<td style=\"color: orange;\">LOA</td>"; }else { echo "<td style=\"color: green;\">Active</td>"; } ?> I have a pilot's account set to LOA, but it still shows green Active. Do you know why? Here is my pilot roster; Thanks.
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
- 3 replies
I have been asked by my CEO to create a function that allows the user to register to 3 different sites using ONLY one form. Is it possible to change the code of the default register_mainform.tpl (I re-written all the code from register.php and made it much simpler and also made a new registration form exactly the same as the register_mainform.tpl) to make it so that it posts the data contained in the form to many sites at once. Therefore you get the same data on all three sites without having to fill out 3 registration forms. Thanks in advance, Mitch
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
- 906 views Whats up here?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
After adding a SMF forum to my site i got this error Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Access denied for user 'virtu534_ceo'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (1045)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /home/virtu534/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99 Hosting: Website URL:
Last reply by Jason, -
by Kyle- 0 replies
Hey Guys, I downloaded Jeff's pagination and I'm having problems here. I want to put it in the PIREP.php. I did try but it gives me errors. And i'm not sure what to do or where to put it in? Any help would be great!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Ok, on the My PRIEP List. Is there anyway to put the image like for Example Aecpted = Image Check Link Rejected = Image X Link I hope this understands, but is there anyway to do it, i would be happy to do it. Thanks!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 9 replies
Nabeel, got an error on my system ... I go into my profile I click on Pilot Center, then click on view available flights. Then put it to search by airport, pick an airport and click on find flights ... then the page goes blank, does not appear any more ... How can I solve? Thanks!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
I am in error in creating the tables .. someone help me
Last reply by Gol Virtual, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, I have just installed phpVMS, the installation procedure was succesful, however after I log in with the e-mail/pass supplied at the installation time, I cannot acces /admin I get : An Error Was Encountered Unauthorized access. I tried to do a clean install ( deleted database and files ) whith no results. I have noticed that the last page during the installation phase does not look as the one in the installation instructions on the site - it is an empty page and does not ahave a link to the admin panel or the main site, and no footer. I do not provide any links as this is installed on a VM and my IP is dynamic. Thanks.
Last reply by captainB, -
- 3 replies
Part of what I am working one right now, aside from the massive task of entering schedules, is deciding how to allocate folks into aircraft. I'm definitely not a fan of hours based systems, as (and what follows is my personal opinion, mind you) I think that total time alone can dictate if you are capable of handling an aircraft. It may be a component of my final plan, but it won't be the only part. I thought of using awards, given upon completion of a checkride, as a method of giving folks type ratings. It allows me to know who has what ratings, and would give the pilot a way of showing their skills. Of course this turns into more work, working with several different airl…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Finally i have read almost all topics about Acars google map but mine still not working i have try kacars,xacars,fsacars but nothing displayed on map... only on xacars a got a display which is wrong . Got anybody this map to work ? i Like to make it working with Fspax if possible and not with other acars.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hey im new to all this phpvms and stuff and had a few questions if someone would be kind enough to answer. first the README file just says INSTALLATION Upload to your site, then it talks about creating a database. now I dont know exectly wat upload to site mean upload all the flies?? i know how to create datebase infact i alread did that. any help would be greatly need Thanks you so much Stephen Panzl
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hi I try to lock aircraft in use or aircraft in bid . $lastbids = SchedulesData::getAllBids(); $aircraftroute = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($route->registration); foreach($lastbids as $lastbid) { $aircraftbid = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($lastbid->registration); if($route->registration != $lastbid->registration) { continue; } } (schedule_results) I want skip all flight with aircraft in use or already in bid . I need code for lock aircraft in use . Tnx
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 9 replies
I need help....Just setup phpvms on a new website. Everthing went fine, except the docets provided no path from my domain to site index.php or admim/index.php. Used and www.mysite/phpvms/admin/index.php......seems to go to a login page (Both are the same) how do you setup or develope the site. Documentation is week. Found nothing instructing me to make changes to selected files before uploading to site as I had with phpbb forums. And these error messages: (10 July 2010 - 12:53 PM) Warning: Unknown: open(/var/php_sessions/sess_b82c70e5099744e7c2ecaf96d2f81658, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0 Warning:…
Last reply by Bluemax, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have a problem on my system The map does not show pilots in flight! what can is going?! Hugs I just made a flight of two hours now .. who wants to see me and talk.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
I'm wondering if it is possabile to have mutliple airlines into one airlines. I been trying different ways but not the phpVMS way i want. Like for Example EveryAirlines EasyJet WestJet Us Airwyas Southwest Airlines Also i want new pilots just to seclet "EveryAirlines" no other airlines. With a sechudle. with mutliple airlines. Like Flight WJ232 US049 SW94 Is it possbaile? Or not?
- 6 replies
Hello, I wonder how to change the language from English to Portuguese? Would have some script that does it? Hugs great system. Note 10000
Last reply by Otacilio Jales, -
- 5 replies
Hi How can i add filter to Schedule for aircraft location ? My location at EGLL , show only route with aircraft at EGLL . Now show all routes from EGLL with all aircrafts .
Last reply by Artjom, -
- 10 replies
Hello, i try to work out a scoring system using fspax pireps and this is what i have done so far: 1. created 2 fields in the db table "_pireps", named "bonus" and "penalty" 2. added the following code to the /acars/fspax.php: $data = array( 'pilotid'=>$pilotid, 'code'=>$code, 'flightnum'=>$flightnum, 'leg'=>$leg, 'depicao'=>$depicao, 'arricao'=>$arricao, 'aircraft'=>$aircraft, 'route' => '', 'flighttime'=>$flighttime, 'landingrate'=>$_POST['TouchDownVertSpeedFt'], 'submitdate'=>'NOW()', 'load'=>$_POST['NbrPassengers'], '…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Nabeel, In "Site & Settings" in the Admin Center I setup my "Webmaster Email Address" to and also set the same address to my profile. Am I missing something to have the Contact sent and all registrations be sent to that e-mail address? I setup that e-mail account through Google Apps, and it is a functioning address, as I have tried it several times. Nothing is being sent to that e-mail address. Is there another place I need to change it (maybe somewhere in the File Manager)? Or can you not use your site name as your primary e-mail (as it says so in the cPanel main page "Update Contact Info) The main one in cPanel for Update Contact Info is not…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone one know how to bypass the skin wrapping? I know by default you call a template with $this->render('template.tpl'); Is there another function or param to pass to disable the skin wrapping?
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
I am having trouble with the live map feature on my VA website, it is not displaying any data just "flightpilotid - flightpilotname flightflightnum flightdepicao flightarricao flightphasedetail flightalt flightgs flightdistremaining nm / flighttimeremaining" I have reset the ACARS under the admin section and have tried both kACARS and xACARS, i am now stumped. Any help is greatly appreciated? Tom
Last reply by Nabeel,