Code Snippets
Pieces of code you can use around your site
314 topics in this forum
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is it possible to show the vaCentrlal Live Map instead the acars map? i cannot find any code for the vacentral llive map...
Last reply by Melli, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I wanna share my code that I'm using to the briefing to my pilots. This code display the pax and cargo that they will use to their flight. It incluides Cargo and Passengers flight. <div class="col-md-4"> <table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td class="auto-style12"><span class="auto-style26"><strong> <?php if($schedule->flighttype == "P") { echo "Pasajeros:"; } else if($schedule->flighttype == "C") { echo "Carga (KG):"; } ?></strong></span> <span class="auto-style26"><?php $allaircraft = OperationsData::GetAllAircraft(true)…
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
Flight Board
by sev- 0 replies
Hi im looking for the code to apply a acars map and flight board on a landing page before going into crew centre...Thanks Karl Alden
Last reply by sev, -
Hi i have loded it all up and all ok but when you click the generate button i get this error in the console..
Last reply by sev, -
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Last reply by PedroBoreio, -
- 0 replies
Hello I was digging around in phpvms today and came across the functions for url, actionurl, adminurl etc. So I started thinking, it'd be really handy to have something similar for the skin url. So instead of href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/crystal/styles.css" you would go href="<?php echo url('styles.css'); ?>" that's much shorter, and also if for some reason you'd want to change the folder of your skin you don't need to recode everything. so I wrote that little function, here it is: function skinurl($path="") { if($path[0] != '/') $path='/'.$path; return SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/'.CURRENT_SKIN.$path; } all you n…
Last reply by mischka, -
- 0 replies
hello, im use this module, but between to 50 files i want pagination.... <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead > <tr align="center"> <th>Tipo de Aeronave</th> <th>Matricula</th> <th>Rango</th> <th>Aerolinea</th> <th>Pasajeros</th> <th>Carga Maxima</th> <th>Detalles</th> </tr> </thead> …
Last reply by OWA001, -
- 0 replies
Hello, How to recover some information on the log with the variables For example: 12:35 start engine 2, 12:50 overspeed .... Thanks for your help
Last reply by Salem, -
- 0 replies
Hello I want to delete expired bids per Crone Job. Is here a way to check if a pilot is inflight with the current bid? i Want so set the expired time to 2 or 3 hours but when the bid will be deleted, the flight is avaible for other pilots even if currently the pilot is still flying. I have tried to check the acarsdata table, but here is no unique id that has a reference to the bid. phpvms version is 5.5. Best regards, Jan Grimm
Last reply by Sovereign, -
- 0 replies
Hello folks! I thought about to edit categories in the default download module and changed it to my needs. After you deactivate a download category, it wont show up in your list. Important information: BEFORE do this tutorial, backup the database tables and files you'll edit. lib/skins/pandaair_theme/downloads_list.php admin/modules/Downloads/Downloads.php admin/templates/downloads_categoryform.php core/common/DownloadData.class.php database table phpvms_downloads 1. Open your database and run the following command. It will add a column to your downloads table. Be sure to add the …
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 follower
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Hello guys, This is a little security snippet you can use for your website. The user needs to answer the multiplication question before proceeding: PHP: $rand1 = rand(1, 9); $rand2 = rand(1, 9); HTML: <div> <label><?php echo $rand1;?> x <?php echo $rand2;?> = </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="sum" id="ques" placeholder="<-- Your Answer" required> <input id="sendbtn" type="submit" name="submit" value='Send' disabled> </div> Jquery to check user's answer. If the answer is correct, as soon as the user move the mouse out of the field, the "Send" button is enabled othe…
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 0 replies
I was wondering if anyone would have any idea on how to set different icons for the aircraft type on live map. I'm not great with jquery functions so anyone able to resolve this would be a great help I'm assuming it would be something along the lines of this const getHeadingIcon = (heading) => { if (!(heading in headingIcons)) { headingIcons[heading] = L.icon({ iconUrl: url + "/lib/images/inair/" + aircraft + heading + ".png", iconSize: [35, 35] }); } Many thanks
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 0 replies
Hey, Hope somebody can help? Is there a way to show the offblock/onblock times, start and finish, also takeoff and landing times? Need help to source a code? TIA
Last reply by Mickey, -
- 0 replies
Something i have been working on with a friend lately is creating a flight path line from the flown route on v5.5.2 This is still the early stages but everything is already there thats needed. when i do the corrections and other fun stuff to the code i will put it out. check it out for yourself. This is without the addons that cost $$$ and made with everything already given to you (but with leaflet) leaflet will be required to run this as im not paying $$$ for a google maps API So lets Continue on First thing is first, we have to make a db from your mysql CREATE TABLE [name of your table] ( i…
Last reply by swaluver480,