Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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The Brampton Flight Centre/Flying Club Located at CNC3 (thats near CYYZ) if your now wondering whats the club all about, and what it does then keep reading. The Virtual Brampton Flying Club(VBFC) is based in CNC3 Brampton Ontario Canada, the flying club operates small private aircraft in and around the Toronto area. The VBFC is a relaxed club, we dont push you to fly a certain ammount of flights a month, you fly when you want to, but to maintain membership, you must fly atleast one flight per year(1 flight isn't to mutch to ask for) The brampton flying club is for people who "have an intrest in flying/aviation, want to make new friends, fly, and le…
Last reply by greg, -
Hi, Currently we are collection information from a wide range of sources with information of what they think about our Air UK Virtual. We would like you to give your opinons on what you think about the airline. Comments both good and bad are needed. Post your you opinions on: Website Images Layout Content of the website and anything more you can think off. No comment is too bad. Many thanks chris
Last reply by chris2, -
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We are accepting new pilots and staff application process @ , rather pro or inexperienced. We have many great features. First, in the pilot center, (must be logged in to access) we have a schedule finder with the real-world schedules from American,British,Jet blue and more. There, you can bid on flights and fly them. To make flying more enjoyable, we have a ACARS program available in the pilot center. All ACARS flights will show up on the live map. Whether you enjoy flying cargo half way around the world in a jumbo freighter, making short hops in Alaska or just flying regularly scheduled domestic flight, we have something for you. With over…
Last reply by fsxpilot123, -
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hello all here is my first website i created. special thanks to simpolot for the help. let me know what you think off it or what could be improved. citybirdva gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
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Last reply by OWA001, -
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Virtual United Airlines is now hiring staff for the Following positions: Web Tech (desperately need as I am having problems with getting phpvms running.) Chief Operations Officer VP of Human Resources VP of Scheduling VP of Fleet All other Positions will be hired after I have filled these. Please send me an e-mail at ceo at virtualunitedairlines dot com, the Position you are applying for and I will e-mail you back with a copy of the Operations guide, and if you have skype, my skype address.
Last reply by Steve Bartlett, -
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Welcome to Virtual Aurigny Group (VA), and thank you for your interest! Virtual Aurigny is a new airline that started in 2015 completely from the ground up, to what you see today. Our vision is to have a realistic, professional virtual airline, and a place that is organized; plus, enjoyable and fun to use your flight sim, learn, and FLY! My standing policy, as I write this, is as long as this airline continues to operate, everyone will have a voice; whether it is from the newest trainee, to the executive staff, regarding the direction of VA. We strive to make this a pleasant experience for everyone and have a group that shares a common interest. The flight operation of …
Last reply by Mickey, -
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Hello all forum users ! A few months ago I posted in the forum somewhere that I was going to develop another VA, I also stated I would not give out any information about the VA until we were close to launch. Well, the time has come for me to tell you that Flex Virtual Airlines will be launching this Saturday. Me and another staff member are currently organizing an event with Atlanta TRACON on the Vatsim ATC Network in regards to the launch. So about the VA... Flex Virtual Airlines is a community oriented airline based in the United States. Our hubs include Atlanta, New York JFK, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Vancouver. Flex is a fictional airline with a twist of r…
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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We are happy to announce we are accepting Pilots and staff to join Royles was made by a group of people who are tired of being rushed around in VA's with high levels of demand! so we created Royles Virtual Airline for all pilots to come and fly and enjoy their VA instead of being rushed around. so come join today to enjoy the VA and fly how you want and where you want to fly. Our goal is to make sure all our pilots are happy with the VA and if there is a schedule that they want Just ask and we will add it and the same with our fleet. Our VA is your Va and we want the VA to be what you want it to be just pop on our forums and have your say and give your suggest…
Last reply by RoylesVA, -
- 1 reply
Legacy Airlines is hiring PAID STAFF, Staff will get a payware product upon sign up + Another payware product every 6 months! Need a great time that can is active and uses teamspeak! If interested join me on teamspeak or PM me. Address:
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 4 replies
Aloha, My name is Austin and we are going to begin to create a new Hawaiian Air Virtual that accurately simulated the real world Hawaiian Airlines. We are currently getting ready to make our website with PHPVMS and starting to find a few members. We are in need of staff positions, If you would like to get more information on the airline feel free to shoot me an email at my temporary email address until we get company emails going at " " Also we have a teamspeak and you can connect to it by putting the following in your address bar " " Mahalo, ~Austin
Last reply by HawaiianAirVirtual, -
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Welcome to LegionAir Virtual airlines. We are international carrier based out of KSLC, PANC, KMSP, and KPHL with room to grow. At LegionAir its all about the pilots and enjoying this hobby we have. Your welcome from day one to fly any route and any aircraft you would like. We currently are using FS9 and FSX. We have a top notch fleet and flights from long haul to short jumps. We are striving to create a fun drama free atmosphere to allow flight simulation for all. If this sounds like you, apply and lets start flying!
Last reply by ferdiiskandar, -
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We are under BETA Stages still. Looking for Pilots and staff. Visit us and tell us what you think so far
Last reply by RogerB, -
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It is with great pleasure to announce the doors are now officially open for a Come Fly... Do you fancy working your way up to the top and fly to some of the worlds most exotic places and discover new friends to fly with..yes? Good!! Then you need Come Fly... Come Fly is a Long/Short Haul Budget airline with a whole range of destinations, ranging from Spain to the far reaches of India...and it doesn't stop there. With each new pilot the VA with evolve into somethings special! Don't just dream it with Come Fly...Let's Fly Away Now Recruiting... Come Fly...Let's Fly Away
Last reply by Scott, -
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Almirath Arabian Airlines Announce Phase 2 Of Relaunch Almirath Arabian Airlines | | 2 June 2014 Amman, Jordan - The Almirath Arabian Airlines’ phase 1 of relaunch has been deemed a huge success by airline CEO Mahmoud A. Fadli. In a statement released internally, Mr. Fadli described the company’s phase 1 of relaunch as the “greatest success in our 13 year history.†The airline relaunched phase 1 of its operations on May 31, 2014 by offering Direct Entry Applications to the company’s Boeing 737 program. To date, the company has received over 70 new vPilot Applications. To keep with its relaunch schedule, the airline announced that pr…
Last reply by almirathva, -
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[August 03, 2011] - Seattle, Washington - Legend Air Virtual Corporate Offices The date has been set. On Friday, August 5, 2011 at 3:00 PM EST, Legend Air Executives will be meeting on the Teamspeak 3 server to discuss the budget as well as possible expansion. This will be a major step forward for Legend Air as a whole, and will hopefully provide all of our members with the chance to experience more destinations as well as get the chance to earn type ratings in new types of aircraft. Pilots and the general public are welcome to join the staff on the Legend Air Teamspeak during the meeting to be filled in about what is going on during the meeting. After the meeting the E…
Last reply by hollinst, -
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Hey guys! After a loong time we're finally open! Our site is currently in beta phase which means there may be/are errors and bugs which will be fixed as soon as possible. As we said in our previous post, we have open staff positions which are listed below: -Hub Directors(x3) -Fleet Director -Schedule Director -Event Director -PR Director -Fleet Painter **Hub Directors** Hub directors will be responsible of handling hub specific jobs which are dealing with pilots of that hub, coordinating with the schedule director and fleet director to open up/close routes from that hub when necesarry. **Fleet Director** The fleet director will be responsible of mantaining th…
Last reply by WingsGroup, -
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Royles Virtual Airline are currently searching for new staff members. All the details for the vacant positions are below and if you wish to apply for any of them, please Click Here and fill in an application! Web Master Royles VA is looking for a, knowledgeable webmaster for the virtual airline to help design, Update the site and systems this will be using the phpVMS system. This position is on the senior staff team so you will have the opportunity to take part in staff meetings and make big decisions in the virtual airline. Basic Requirements: Able to work to best of your ability Be confident in HTML,CSS and PHP Be able to come up with unique and interesting idea…
Last reply by RoylesVA, -
- 5 replies
MarBo Virtual is looking for Event Coordinator Responsibility: * Organizes online events * Talks with vACC's for organizing events * Informing our pilots for events in our airline Requirements: * Have VATSIM Account * Be member of MarBo Virtual (if interested, join us) * Dedicate 1h-2h per week for MarBo * Previous experience in VA management is recommended but not necessary Applications should be sent to, and adding as CC The form you should apply with is * Full Name : * VATSIM ID : * Why should we choose you? : * Any other staff experiance? : There is no set deadline, so if we receive good number of ap…
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Hi everyone! Closed.
Last reply by Waters10, -
finally we'r here a new VA Georgian Airways has opened,we fly around Europe and Asia from Tbilisi,Istanbul and Frankfurt in about 40 cities and 30 countries. our aircrafts are B737(400,500,700,800) CRJ200 and B747-200 for cargo flights.There will be a few updates so come and fly with us
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Continental Airlines Virtual has been around since October of 2011, However, we've have had good times, and bad times with Staff Members. (Most likely because Friends, can't really run things Perfect). So we are looking for a BRAND NEW Staff Team. Here is a List of ALL the positions that are available: ALL APPLICATIONS NEED TO BE SENT TO in order to be eligible for a Staff Member. Each, and every staff member on this list WILL Receive their own "" email address that can be used for any thing you desire. (xxx being the Staff members first name) Executive Positions: **APPLICATIONS DUE BY 09/30/2012 , 0000z** - Vice Chief Execu…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines-Help Wanted Two and a half years ago I came up with an idea to develop a virtual airline that would work as a business lab for my high school Free Enterprise students. In that time Nabeel has worked very patiently with me to help me bring this idea into reality. Hence I owe him a debt of thanks that I wish to make public here. Moreover, Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines would not even be on the drawing board without Nabeel’s help, guidance and understanding. The Readers Digest explanation of the concept is as follows. When the VA goes on line, it will be as though it were the early 1950’s. As a result we will fly the DC-3 only. I have…
Last reply by big red 1, -
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Hello everyone, The new American Virtual is up and running. We’re a new VA simulating the real world operations of American Airlines. Are you looking for a fresh, new, modern VA experience? We’re proud to offer you Fully automated ACARS system with live chat and FS Radio, powered by VABase. Over 8500 real routes, which are as up-to-date as of February 2019. Monthly updated schedules! No more flying with VA’s who haven’t updated their database since 2011. Brand new awards system with awards like Pilot of Month, Best Landings, Online Events, Most Passengers Carried and more. We’re working towards becoming an official VATSIM airline. …
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Hello all, Sorry i been gone for so long things have not been very good financially therefore causing me to barely have any free time. As you all been aware i started an add on for an ifs and i never got to finish it, if anyone wants the code i will be more then glad to pass it on. But this topic is not about this, after many hours of planning and thinking this through i have decided to start a Virtual airline of my own. This will be done with great love an appreciation to the hobby. The airline will be called "jetFree" | Slogan: Always free to fly... Based out of Boston Logan International Airport in Boston Massachusetts. The fleet will initiate with three Boeing 777…
Last reply by joeri, -
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We are pleased to announce the release of a new virtual airline with a difference, in which pilots have the choice to fly real life airlines, fly our own airline or they can fly in one of our many light aircraft. We are currently very much in development so we would appreciate any help we can get, staff vacances are available on our staff page. We hope to see you flying the virtual skies with us soon!
Last reply by jetsonflight, -
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Jetwave will be a fictional LCC operating B737-800's out of San Diego. Visit for a preview of the livery. The airline will serve major US markets, in addition to leisure destinations in Hawaii and Mexico. Monthly charter specials and VATSIM events to non-scheduled destinations will be promoted in order to broaden our operations. Expansion will be methodical, taking into account real-world O&D data analysis. Flight dispatch info (route, weather, fuel) will be integrated into the schedules in order to both increase realism and simplify the pre-flight process for the pilot. Instead of the typical multi-level rank structure based solely off collecting hou…
Last reply by Jetwave, -
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Hey everyone, New VA, All Canadian Virtual Airways. Currently in the build stage, looking for others to join staff positions as executives, to assist in finishing website to go live. Check the website out at . If you have something to offer and would like to join the staff, or help out of the graciousness of your heart, you can contact me here via PM, emails or Chris
Last reply by ACVA_CEO, -
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Dear all, as of summer 2011 i am releasing the BAe 146 VPA ( BAe 146 Virtual Pilots Association ) this is for all BAe 146 fans to join and log their flight through PHP VMS. The Bae VPA is more like a fan club where you can make new friends and be part of the ever growing dynamic friendly flying environment. We have already had also of interest about the BAe VPA which has shown there is a big target market for virtual 146 flyers. The BAe VPA is due to be open during the summer of 2011, please check out Facebook for more details. Staff positions are applicable so please do get in touch! Regards Harrison Hopwood Facebook Page:…
Last reply by Harryh, -
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Eastern Airways Virtual has been running on VMS for 2-3 years now (originally posted on one of Nabeels older forums lol). We faithfully reproduce the real world schedules and charters of Eastern Airways. Using kACARS and phpVMS plus airmail and events systems. Our fleet includes BAE Systems JS4100, SAAB 2000 and ERJ135. In September 2010, Air Southwest was sold to Eastern Airways. We have now incorporated Air Southwest's schedule and fleet of Dash 8-311's. Eastern and Air Southwest Fleet are to fly their own exclusive routes as per real world operations. Eastern Airways Virtual Team.
Last reply by mark1million,