Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
Kesuk is my 2nd VA, I wanted to do something a bit different and take a break from the big jets and actually fly an aircraft. It seemed that hardly anyone was taking on what Alaska had to offer and that Alaska wasn't getting the recognition it deserved so I said, ALASKA IT IS!! That was 2 years ago, and now with the shows Fying Wild Alaska and Alaskan Wing Men bush flying is gaining popularity. After launching Kesuk I noticed other Alaskan Charters started popping up, even copying my fleet, I guess that's the best form of flattery.We have been featured in Computer Pilot Magazine and on the show 10 minute taxi. If you want to have a look at an original,quality, and alway…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
In Denmark, our Virtual Airlines has just received letters from Thomas Cook Scandinavian / MyTravel Airways, that we should discontinue our website. We in the association has decided to confront the great and expects a lawsuit over the summer of 2011. We have contacted the Danish media to get attention. According to our attorney, we do not violate Danish law. Let me hear from you if you have similar stories or help. What they want us to remove the fleet (add planes), screenshots, call sign "VKG" and not otherwise mention their name on the website.
- 20 replies
Anyone got any tips on recruiting pilots for your va? if you look at mine you can see that its going downhill fast thanks, james
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 36 replies
Hi all fellow CEO's And pilots, I have created a new VA called Angel Air VA it is a open VA No restrictions and NO "you must fly X amount of hours per month to stay active" I just wanted it to be a friendly place to come and fly with an incentive to climb the ladder in the ranks if that is what the pilot wished to do. Anyway I am not the greatest web builder in the world niether do i claim to be the most imaginative. So any input from all you seasoned vetrans would be gratfully appreciated. That being said here is the web address I look forward to your comments/suggestions or just to tell me to give up and not bother. Scott
Last reply by Angel Air, -
- 15 replies
Hey, Just to let you know that I have opened an Air Malta Virtual... Check us out, and yes we do have Permission from Air Malta Plc. Enjoy!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 4 replies
Hello! With all the festivities going on in LA the last few days, Legend Air has decided to dedicate one of its 757's to the NBA and the 2011 All Star Weekend. Check out our new paint and let us know what you think!
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 0 replies
Dear All, vNetjets have officialy opened our doors to the public va world. About Us Welcome to vNetJets Europe. We are a virtual airline that are based on the real world NetJetsEurope. We offering Passenger and Charter services Inside Europe along with a "Fly Wherever you want" Charter Divsion. So, why not join up and see what the fastest growing,business jet airline can offer you! Opening Event Our opening Event will consist of 5 legs, visiting all of our hubs across Europe. The first departing Manchester airport and arriving at Genève airport. Flight time should be around 2 and a half to three hours. So Why Not Stop By At and see what w…
Last reply by Jon, -
- 0 replies
As of today Ross Burke and Robert King officially leave us. With this Ross Burke has now requested we take down the website and so we are no longer allowed to use VASytems but the good thing out of this is we get to come back to phpVMS! We have successfully managed to intergrate our design into phpVMS but due to the move back to phpVMS we have now lost all pilots. If you was a pilot for us and wish to sign back up you can and will only take a few minutes as the Exam is no longer in use. Also if you have hours to transfer then please email them to I would like to apologize for this and even more to those pilots who were mid-flight whe…
Last reply by Joshua John, -
- 7 replies
Dear pilots, The wait is over!!! FLYIVA ACARs has been released. You may download the new ACARs by logging into the Pilot Center and clcking the Downloads link! You will also need the ACARs guide which walks you through the process of using the new ACARs program. It can be found here by logging into the Pilot Center and clicking the Downloads link! If you are interested in our VA, head on over to! Now get back to flying! Daniel Kinder - CEO - IDE0001 -
Last reply by regional_elite, -
Hi all we have started a new charter VA for Australia Check it out at We operate in the eastern states of Australia have a large livery. We are not a Heavy Metal VA. We operate with 50 to 4 seat aircraft. Do All sorts of charter Regular fly in fly out, crew changes for mining co's Executive Charters, Small scale charters Holidays etc. All are welcome, No restrictive rules, only one rule and that is fly once a month and record your flight on our Pirep system very easy. All our events are done on the VatSim atc syatem. We cater for MFS and X-Plane Sims or ant other Sim that will allow you to fly with VatPas. WE Need Some one to help wit…
Last reply by Commander, -
- 7 replies
Hiya Guys, THe past 12 months on phpvms have been fantastic and my skills in php css and the codon framework have increased tenfold. With some minor template fixes to finish off i thought I would share my work with you all Please tell me what you all think.... Imagine Airways Homepage
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi All, After a few months of configuring and reading the forum and do some testing at a small scale, we have started testing with about 12 people. We are aiming to put all pilot over tot phpvms at the beginning of April. The testers at this moment are very happy with it all. New site V-Bird VA Regards, Cor
Last reply by Cor, -
- 14 replies
I had an idea this morning........What if all of us who are active pilots get together and help one another out. My Idea is we join each others VA's so that all of us can enjoy some activity..I'm sure most of the quality VA's here have something that you like.....What do you guys think??
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 4 replies
I'm going to go ahead and start an airline thread to keep airline updates in and get feedback from you guys. I appreciate all the help I am getting from those more knowledgeable, and I am grateful for any constructive criticism you can provide here. To start off with, I wanted to get some feedback on one crucial area of the VA that you guys can't access - the Pilot Center. I have a few ideas in my head, and I started implementing them this evening, and I was hoping to get your thoughts. (Refer to attached thumbnail) Thanks, guys! [update - Hiring] I am looking to hire a few individuals to help me out. I doubt I will have much luck finding interested candidates on the p…
Last reply by James142, -
- 10 replies
X - US Airways is now open. We are a x-plane exclusive VA. Check it out!
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 7 replies
D1 Virtual has just received a major makeover of its website. ( We are calling out to everyone on the forums to please help us make our website look and feel better. If you have any suggestions or comments please post below. Everything will be taken into high consideration. Be advised there are still a few links on the nav bar that we are working on adding. Regards Ada Erzurumlu Link to website
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 2 replies
Dear Pilots. Independence Air Virtual has undergone a massive expansion! We have added over 400 flights and over 100 aircraft to our quick growing operation! Below are our newest bases with their corresponding announcements! We are proud to announce the newest hub in our system! Portland, OR!! With over 130 flights, this is our largest station! We added over 40 new cities. We have added 36 Airbus A319 and 32 Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-200 aircraft to our fleet! Some of our new destinations include Colorado Springs, CO, Missoula,, MT, Anchorage, AK, and San Diego, CA! We are excited for this opportunity to expand our operation and provide more options f…
Last reply by Michael, -
- 1 reply
Gday All Just wanted to release the news that Qantas Virtual Airlines is now active, there are still a few final adjustments that need to be made to the site, but none of these will affect pilots. Thanks for all the support guys, this is what it got me Qantas Virtual Airlines is a virtual aviation community based for users of Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 9. Our aim is to recreate Qantas' real-world scheduled Domestic passenger services around Australia, and scheduled international passenger services for Qantas destinations around the world. We use the VATSIM online flight simulation network to replicate these movements. VATSIM includes…
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 6 replies
- 2.6k views About Us Well we are the newest name in Virtual Airlines and our philosophy is that pilots are sick and tired of the treatment they have received from other Virtual Airlines in the past. We want to make our operation fast, easy and a lot more fun for our pilots to fly. Our base of operations is Washington Dulles, which is an airport that a lot of pilots want to fly to but there isn't a whole lot of service in and out of Washington Dulles. We are not only confident that we have picked the right location for our operation but we have the right ideas on how a virtual airline is supposed to operate. Our fleet consists of the Airbus A319 and Bombardier CRJ200 …
Last reply by mark1million, -
FlyJersey ~ First thoughts
by Guest- 0 replies
What is FlyJersey? FlyJersey is a virtual airline based in the Channel Islands. We fly from all 3 airports in the Channel Islands including: Jersey , Guernsey & Alderny! Where do you fly to?[/font] We fly to all over Europe to the biggest destinatons! Like... Paris , Rome , Madrid and Munich! What does your fleet include? Well our fleet includes a: British normal trislander , Cessna Grand caravan , Twin Otter DH-6 that was our smaller fleet , but the bigger fleet includes: Dash 8-Q400 , Atr 72 , Boeing 737-300 , Boeing 737-500 and the biggest in our fleet the Boeing 757-200. What Jobs our available? We are looking for all kinds of people to join our current te…
- 0 replies
TVA Airways is a virtual airline and is a meeting place for flight simulation Pilots from beginners to professionals. Membership is free and open to all! Flight Simulation and virtual airlines are first and foremost part of a hobby, So relax, have fun and enjoy your flights. Our team is here to support you and to provide you with an easy and enjoyable experience so you receive the maximum amount of fun from your hobby.
Last reply by bravo27, -
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Legend Air is making itself a name and expanding rapidly! To help with our expansions we do need some extra help! Please take a moment to look at our job openings listed below and feel free to contact me to find out more information about any of them! Here are the new positions: Mexico/Canada Operations Manager South America/Caribbean Operations Manager Europe/Asia Operations Manager Middle East/Africa Operations Manager Australia/Oceanic Operations Manager Webmaster Fleet Painters (2) If you are interested in any of these positions please email me at Now, for a few quick updates about Legend Air: LEV has leased a new fleet of 767…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 0 replies
Well it has been a few years, but back in August 2010 Malaysia Virtual Airlines returned to the virtual skies. We have friendly staff, and are willing to help you with any question no matter how stupid you think it is. We have the flights of MAS, Firefly and MASKargo, though the schedules are still being inserted into the database. Malaysia Virtual Airlines We will be glad to have you on board, and hope you all welcome us back to the VA world. Regards Daniel Counahan CEO of MVA
Last reply by Strider, -
2011- FlyOasis Re-organization
by Guest Jamal Pratt- 0 replies
2011 Re-Organization :: :: Bridgetown, Barbados - With the successful launch of FlyOasis in 2010. FlyOasis will be undergoing extensive re-organization. With a new round of investment Capital Glenn Financial (:VGF) is slated to become the new majority stock holder in FlyOasis. 2010 was a mediocre year for FlyOasis but 2011 can be better we now have the resources to expand and finish what we started. It's going to be a great year for all involved. In 2011 the airline will under-go crew base changes and aircraft lease changes in an effort to streamline it's operations and restore the airlines balance sheets…
- 2 replies
hello all here is my first website i created. special thanks to simpolot for the help. let me know what you think off it or what could be improved. citybirdva gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 8 replies
Is looking for a dedicated staff : Coo-is requiered to help the ceo with the running of the airline (must know phpvms) Vceo-is requierd to to manage the ops directers and als answers to the ceo and coo (must know phpvms) OPS Directors-are responsible dor the daily operations withe their respercte hubs Fleet Manager-is able to add or remove an aircraft from the fleet and is responsible fo painting the fleet(must check with the ceo before adding or deleting any aircraft) Routing Manger-is able to add or delete routes to better the airline (must check with the ceo before adding and deleting any routes) also now seeking pilots
Last reply by GreenJetpilot, -
- 3 replies
Is looking for a dedicated staff : Coo-is requiered to help the ceo with the running of the airline (must know phpvms) Vceo-is requierd to to manage the ops directers and als answers to the ceo and coo (must know phpvms) OPS Directors-are responsible dor the daily operations withe their respercte hubs Fleet Manager-is able to add or remove an aircraft from the fleet and is responsible fo painting the fleet(must check with the ceo before adding or deleting any aircraft) Routing Manger-is able to add or delete routes to better the airline (must check with the ceo before adding and deleting any routes) also now seeking pilots visit the site @…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Here is what I have going on. I am starting a VA that will focus on the regional sector (below 100 seats) of all the worlds airlines. I personally love Regional flying for the short flights. I have compiled schedules for most of the airlines I want to operate/ More will be added along the way. What I am looking for is someone who is proficient in PHPvms to help get us started. I managed to get it installed and have added some routes but that is about it. Browsing these forums the last couple pf days, I have learned a lot but am lost when it comes to all of this coding. I came across a PHPvms website that I really enjoyed and loved how it looked and operated. http://allegi…
Last reply by regional_elite, -
freshJet Virtual | Staff Applications Open
by Guest itrobb- 2 replies
Staff Positions Open The following staff positions are now available at freshJet* :- Position: Operations Assistant Description: Assists the Operations Manager with scheduling and daily operations. Also helps in coordinating events. Previous Experience: Some preferred. Position: Human Resources Manager Description: Posts Press Releases, handles public email enquiries, approves pilot and staff applications. Previous Experience: Preferred, but not required. To apply for one of these positions, click here. NOTE: Pilot vacancies not available yet, please contact us for more. *Not all vacancies listed, for more, email at info[at] - END - …
- 0 replies
Midwest Virtual Airlines is currently seeking pilots to join at No previous experience is required for pilots. The following staff positions are now open for applications: Director of Operations, Detroit Director of Operations, Honolulu Director of Route Management Director of Fleet Management Requirements for Applicants: Previous VA Staff Experience Preferred. Previous VA Experience Required. At least 16 years of Age. TeamSpeak & a Legal Copy of FS9 or FSX. Valid Email Address and At least 1 hour a day of avilability. Be able to operate KACARS. Please include: Why you are interested in the staff position. Verification to previou…
Last reply by Grant,