Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
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If you are looking to be hire, or hire someone to do work for you, general rules that should be followed: Have a written contract - this is a good starting point. This is very important. You must specify the exact scope for the work, and the expectations. The contract can be signed digitally. Pay half up front, and make sure you're paid half up front. Clarify what licenses are required and paid for If there are addons in use, has the author given permission? Have the licenses been paid? COPIES OF THE LICENSES ARE REQUIRED TO BE HANDED OFF The rest should be paid upon delivery Don't be a dick
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
I have received a few complaints recently about financial transactions taking place with members of the phpVMS forum board. This has been posted before but I am posting it as a reminder. Please be aware that we in no way endorse or recommend any members that offer paid services. We cannot and will not provide any action of recourse for members involved with paid services.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I am excited to announce the release of my custom phpVMSv7 theme! I created this theme because I know that not everyone has the budget for an expensive custom design, and I want to support the community by providing a high-quality, modern, lightweight and efficient, accessible alternative. SPTheme is fully customizable and designed with privacy in mind, as it contains no external content and is 100% GDPR-compliant. It features a built-in admin module, allowing for easy management, and includes both dark and light mode for a flexible user experience. To enhance functionality, SPTheme offers live network statistics and a "Who is Online" display, ensuring users a…
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Good day, Progressive Web App (PWA) allows users to "install" websites as an application on their desktop (or mobile) and access it like a native app. Interested? send me a PM. Cheers
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, Platinum Airways is looking for a developer to install a clean version of phpVMS and ACARS, for a fee. Please contact me via DM or via a reply. Thanks, Stijn
Last reply by Stijn, -
- 1 reply
Hello, In this forum, is there no one capable of installing phpvms7 for a paid service? I have asked but it seems that there is no one who can install this software It's not free, I will pay for the service
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
- 0 replies
Hello, We are an offline VA with some 200 active members. We are looking for a (paid) developer who can take our web environment from Joomla 3 to phpVMS. Interested? Please reply or contact me via DM. Thanks, Stijn
Last reply by Stijn, -
- 1 follower
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Hello dear community, we are currently looking for an experienced and dedicated developer who can support us in creating a module for phpVMS 7. Our goal is to extend and improve the functionality of the platform. If you are interested, we look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me via PM. Then we can discuss the details and our vision of the module and set the price. Thank you in advance for your interest and support! Tim
Last reply by TimBl, -
- 0 replies
🌟 Introducing the Creation Crew Center – Your Ultimate phpVMS Solution! As seasoned website designers and phpVMS experts, we're excited to unveil our latest innovation tailored specifically for the virtual aviation community – Creation Crew Center. Say goodbye to the painstaking process of designing and coding from scratch. Our solution is here to revolutionize your virtual airline's management system! 🔍 What Makes Creation Crew Center Stand Out? Versatile Base Theme Set: Choose from various layouts with a consistent, update-friendly core. Perfect for mirroring your airline's unique branding while ensuring top-notch performance. Lifetime Upd…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I need help installing phpvms A payment for help is made through PayPal. Gladly in German, otherwise the communication takes place via a translator Thank you very much
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Hello all, i am fairly new to this installing of databases and and ftp am seeking an expert to help me install and get it up and running.
Last reply by mookaruckus, -
- 1 reply
Is there any way to get someone from phpvms to upgrade my system to the latest version please? I'm non-techie and don't which to break anything or lose data
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I am in search of a developer for our new website that will be moving from phpVMS v5 to phpVMS v7. We have a lot of modules working with phpVMS that we would need to have developed from scratch for phpVMS v7 before we could make the change to avoid losing features for our pilots as we are a very established VA already. Of course this would be a paid project. Please PM me for details and to find out more about what we need done so we can figure out a good price for your services. Thank you very much!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am Joe the COO of Millennium Aviation ( ). We are looking for a new webmaster to assist with upgrading our phpVMS version as well as assist with developing our new website. Our previous webmaster passed away unexpectedly. For more information you may contact me via email :
Last reply by karfageniiy, -
- 0 replies
Englisch: We are looking for programmers for our small virtual airline from northern Germany who are interested in reviving our virtual airline. NordFly is an german virtual Airline and was active from Jan 2020 to Mrz 2022. The airline's headquarters are in Hamburg, from where we fly to the whole world. Our airline is very familiar. We run a Discord server, which is our main communication platform. You are interested? You speak german and know PHP? Perfect, then let's talk without obligation. Feel free to contact me via Discord or by mail to Deutsch: Wir suchen Programmierer für unsere kleine virtuelle Airline aus Nordd…
Last reply by medibasti05, -
- 3 replies
Hello All, Looking for paid service to get me set up with phpvms7, hosting, and DisposableHero's Theme and Mods. I'd also be interested if anyone can do work with Creative Tim's Webfront ends and UI Skins. To get started I at least need the above. Thanks!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Allow us to building your Virtual Airline front end site. We can provide phpVMS installation only. Get a quote here: Email: ***Disclaimer - We DO NOT sell phpVMS but only provide installation for a fee.***
Last reply by vsa36, -
Se você precisa de alguem para instalar o PHPVMS 7 em português Brasil, pode me chamar!!! Instalar apenas: phpVMS v7 apenas O preço inclui apenas a instalação sem trabalho personalizado, em lingua portuguesa. Instalo seu software phpVMS e entrego para você. Você receberá apenas uma instalação básica completa. Sem mods ou conteúdo adicional. Você poderá fazer login, contratar pilotos e usar o ACARS (comprado a parte). Todo o software phpVMS é gratuito e estou fornecendo apenas o serviço de instalação, em servidor. (recomendo servidor pago) Certifique-se de que seu servidor atende aos requisitos para hospedar o phpVM…
Last reply by anderluizferreira, -
- 1 reply
Hello my Name is Peter and I am the CEO of PantingPete VA Graphic Solutions We are here to help Virtual Airlines in all Graphic things. If you need further informations, please visit our Website Greetings Peter
Last reply by PaintingPete, -
- 0 replies
Archive this topic. Thank you.
Last reply by asriel, -
- 1 reply
Custom Virtual Airline Website Looking for a front-end Virtual Airline website? Allow us to build and develop your perfect front-end Virtual Airline website. Stand out from the rest with a custom VA website. Hosting & Domain registration can be provided. Combine this with your Pilot Crew Center. Custom email addresses for your staff. S.E. Web Development ( phpVMS Install Only Install Only: phpVMS v7 only Having a hard time and/or getting errors installing your phpVMS software? We at VSA will install the phpVMS software for you to yo…
Last reply by asriel, -
- 1 reply
Good Morning We are looking for a webmaster to make the main website of our VA. Thanks.
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 11 replies
One of the major hurdles when setting up a virtual airline from scratch is the amount of data that has to be input to get a working airline. How many hours do you need to spend input airport data , aircraft data , flight data etc. If you say you had just 4 airports that you start off with as 'HUB' airports i.e. A B C D then the number of flights you would at least expect to create are. A-B , A-C , A-D , B-C, B-D and then C-D that's already 6 flights needed. But in reality you may obviously want to fly outside of just the hub airports and typically you 4 airports may require the input of say another 200 airports as other destinations so the number of flights starts getti…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
We are looking for a new system, our current phpvms (5.5) is slowly at its performance limit, because we have expanded it but Arg. We need something new and faster, but the design and structure should remain. Is there someone here who will redesign the current site for a fee? But attention, we have 2 different (front page and crew center) designs. For more detailed information please inquire via PM. Greeting Miggel
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 0 replies
We are looking for a new own small Acars system for Edelweiss Virtual. What it must be able to - in our design and CI - work for MFS2020, P3d, fsx, fs9 and Xplane - record flight - send mail / Airmail - load simbrief data upload a cockpit screenshot every few minutes if needed - acquire divertet airports. Of course we pay for these ACARS
Last reply by Miggel, -
- 0 replies
Virtual Airline Hosting Create a front end website with a website builder. We only provide hosting and domain name registration. Custom Emails for your staff. Free Installation of phpVMS to get you up and running. Free Domain with Annual Package Free Sub-Domains Free Database/s ORDER HERE
Last reply by vsa36, -
- 1 reply
I am wanting to start a Virtual Airline, I am looking for someone to either help me or make me a website that will integrate with smartCARS. I can add airports and schedules etc. I will be getting my smartcars etc from TDFI Design
Last reply by vsa36, -
- 4 replies
phpVMS v7 only Having a hard time and/or getting errors installing your phpVMS software? We at VSA will install the phpVMS software for you to your URL on your server. The price includes only the install with no custom work. We will install your phpVMS software and turn it over to you. You will get a full basic install only. No mods or additional content. No custom work. You will able to log in, hire pilots, and use the ACARS if you purchased it. All phpVMS software is free and we are only providing the service to install. If you would like development updates installed we can provide that as well. Please make sure your server meets t…
Last reply by vsa36, -
- 1 reply
Hi Looking for some assistance and information. I have a VA idea that I am looking to develop and take forward. I have looked at hosting from TFDI Design as well as getting a domain for the site. I have previously a bought smartCARS licence so have full access to that. I would be looking for a public facing site to be designed and also a pilot base/centre to be created and customised to the airline branding with integration of modules and sim brief. I have designed a mock website using WIX just to trial a few ideas. The website was designed to look similar to a real world airline website but clearly stating its virtual. I can provide a link to this if …
Last reply by vsa36, -
- 2 replies
Hi; I’m looking for someone who can write me a detailed and informative Standard Operating Procedure and Handbook for my airline. I’m happy to discuss quotes and prices. Feel free to drop a message below or message me directly. Thanks, Sam.
Last reply by vsa36,