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623 topics in this forum
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Good morning I am changing the paint of my fleet A318, A319, A320, A321 Wilco Evolution If anyone is interested, send me a PM stating the costs thank you
Last reply by Anlufra, -
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Please PM me details and pricing. Thank ya much
Last reply by ehemeyer, -
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Hi, I'm looking for somebody who could be create & design in new project of our website. Regards, Vahid
Last reply by Vahid, -
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American Airlines Virtual is looking for a professional skinner for our future website! Please message us if you are interested! Will negotiate prices later.
Last reply by B77W, -
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Hello I'm one of the owners to the website Flight Sim Global I'm looking to add on to it now with a gallery. I already have the sub-domain ready, and I know how I exactly want it. Would anyone here have enough experience to get a gallery made with the options I listed below? Profile Login System Voting Feature Adding Tags To Photos Categories To Separate Photos If you're up for the task please email me at and we can talk more about it. Thanks.
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
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Hi, I currently have a lot of free time and this will be the case until the end of January. I am ready to take on some projects for a very competitive price. Unfortunley my website is down, possibly until the end of year, therfore I am providing my portfolio at the alternative site. My services vary... I offer services like installation, maintanence, module design & implementation, custom template design & implementation and many more. If it's not on the list, ask! I'm here to answer your questions. I also offer two ready to use modules. Dispatch module(20GBP) and phpVMS comments widget(10GBP) or 25GBP for a bundle. To get more info about them, contact me! …
Last reply by MaciejO, -
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Hello guys, i'm starting a new VA with PHPVMS. I was wondering if there is anyone who would be able to make a pilot store so that my pilots could buy stuff with their redeemed Miles. I am willing to pay. Let me know please. Thanks
Last reply by MattSoares, -
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In order to maintain a minimum level of uniqueness among Virtual airlines, this module has been removed from the market by No further orders can be made. Zumeweb | Premium Module Detailed Fleet Information: This module allows fully detailed information regarding a particular aircraft in your fleet. Features include, Date of aircraft purchase, statistical calculations, recent flights with aircraft, scheduled flights on aircraft, statistical graph for revenue comparision, and more! All classes are extensively documented. Includes all updates Demo Price: $15 Woo! This is awesome. How do I get it? If you are interes…
Last reply by magicflyer, -
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Hi there, I run and I'm looking to accomodate our Route Map page to show us our route details. A good example that I'm after is here: We have two hubs at the moment, Dubai and Birmingham. I'd like a map to operate so when I click either of these hubs, it will then show all of the destination airports just like that link above. When you click on the destination, I'd like a line to be drawn between departure and arrival airport. I'd also like it to bring up a bubble stating the flight numbers associated with that route, the route distance and the aircraft that fly those routes. I'd also like an improved search …
Last reply by Rnaetsar, -
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Hi All, I have coded my own shoutbox for PHPVMS, for just £10 I'll make it fit the style of your airline and install it on your site for you. I can give you a demo of the shoutbox via skype at any time. Just add me on jordan_barber1 and I will be happy to help. Thanks, Jordan.
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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Hi Guys, For our va, Inter Virtual Airlines, we request HD repaintings for: PMDG: B737 / 738 / MD11 (cargo) Aerosoft Airbus X: A320 NEO / 321 NEO Wilco: 733 Contact way: PM or comment Thank you
Last reply by InterVA, -
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Hi Guys, For our va, Inter Virtual Airlines, we request HD repaintings for: PMDG: B737 / 738 / MD11 (cargo) Aerosoft Airbus X: A320 NEO / 321 NEO Wilco: 733 Contact way: PM or comment Thank you
Last reply by InterVA, -
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Cheap and affordable phpVMS Skinning Services I am offering the phpVMS community an affordable phpVMS skinning solution. All designs I offer are unique and are not sold on to any other customer. Prices start from $25 USD and upwards. About me I am a freelance web designer who is interested in helping out the phpVMS community with freeware skin releases and an afforadable payware service. Currently my website is under a major revamp but as soon as it’s back online I will notify the community. Recent work Fresh by miniarma - Fly Scandinavia – Quote me If your interested in my servi…
Last reply by miniarma, -
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Why not experience the superior quality of Mumble for yourself? Use the promo code "trymumble" to receive 1 free month of our Mumble hosting. We think you'll find the experience superior to teamspeak. While you're at it, why not try 1 month of our hosting for free? The first ten users to use the promo code "hostme" will receive a 1 month free trial of our hosting plan service as well. If you aren't satisfied after the 1 month trial, simply cancel through the client panel, or just don't pay the next month's invoice and your hosting…
Last reply by tweatherford, -
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Hi all, I'd like a price for paints to be done for the following. In silverjet colours google "silverjet" images for the paint. PMDG NGX PMDG 772 CS 772 Level d 767 CS 767 Airbus x I have done reprints with the NGX and the level d 767 so I may do those myself, dependant on prices.
Last reply by ltslack, -
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I'm happy to announce a new phpVMS module: OnlineCheck for phpVMS This module uses the IPS (Integrated Pirep System) to keep the IVAO/VATSIM data feed up-to-date and then uses this data to determine if a flight is logged online or not. Features: - Detect if flights are flown on IVAO or VATSIM - Display network on live map - Display network in client field in pirep - Add comment to pirep stating that flight was flown online and on which network For just €40 it's yours and we will do the installation for you (if you want)! Please contact us via our website if you are interested.
Last reply by Jasper Bussemaker, -
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Hello All, I am looking for someone to repaint the Default FSX A321 with a Hawaiian Airlines texture for Hawaiian Virtual Please drop an email to me at if interested. Cheers! P.S It needs to look like the following (As if it was an A321)
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Problem Solved, thanks!
Last reply by edmundk, -
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BREAKING NEWS!! All 55,000 Star Alliance routes (ready for upload) and now available! If you run a VA or are thinking about starting one, you WILL need schedules! Purchase them here for the best rate and best price that will be offered! They are in PHPvms format. I can also put them in a custom format for you! The airlines that are included are: (JP) Adria Airways (FDX) FedEx (A3) Aegean Airlines (AC) Air Canada (CA) Air China (NZ) Air New Zealand (NH) All Nippon Airways (OZ) Asiana Airlines (OS) Austrian Airlines (AV) Avianca (SN) Brussels Airlines (CM) Copa Airlines (OU) Croatia Airlines (MS) EgyptAir (ET) Ethiopian Airlines (BR) EVA Air (LO) LOT Po…
Last reply by LanceDesigns, -
Looking for up to date schedules (need to be current as of the past two weeks or so, no year old ones please...) for two airlines. Please PM me if you can do this!
Last reply by hollinst, -
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FNM Hosting, a Fully Managed Web Hosting provider announced the launch of Flat 50 percent discount on all its Hosting Packages. The offer period lasts until 31th May 2014. Users who intend to benefit from this offer, can use ‘phpvms2014 ’discount coupon at the time of sign-up. The coupon code entitles every user to flat 50% off on the default product pricing. Get your own hosting plan for only 1.97$!! For any questions, you can contact us at Have a great day
Last reply by elfrost, -
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Im after someone to create a briefing packaged using simbrief Api And someone to create a flight board (resolved)
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
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Hi all, I hope I'm repeating the post anyway, I have recently received my website as developed by Zumeweb and had it installed, if you need a website developed they are the best to go through and they are pretty good with price too anyway, I need someone to add content and maintain the website, I am willing to pay for the services that I receive at your own price. I have all the content to be added, I don't know anything about HTML or I would do it myself, I've tried to learn but I just don't have the patience or time. I need someone who is very familiar with HTML and won't make a mess of the website, if you are interested you can contact me via pagvir…
Last reply by person2611, -
Last reply by Removed, -
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Hi all, We want to create airgalileo va. Our fleet will be composed by: A320 B737 We want someone who designs our livery. If you are interested send me a PM or reply here specifying the price, the time and your portfolio. Thanks Lorenzo
Last reply by airgalileo, -
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To Whom It May Concern: Pixel Webs is a website development business based out in the United States, which is expanding to phpVMS. We are going to be taking care of phpVMS by updating and adding exciting features to it continuously as well as developing modules for it. Also, we are offering our custom-made development services for virtual airlines: Logo Design: Our professional team will design a custom logo for your airline within 48h maximum, 2 revisions and all for $15(USD). Pilot Centre: Custom-made pilot centre for your virtual airline, with unlimited custom pages, and up to 10 rounds of revision. It will be delivered within 2 weeks. Price $250(USD). Basic W…
Last reply by PixelWebDesigns, -
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Announcing Flight Unlimited VA Web Hosting Coming to a VA near you! Flight Unlimited.Net is now offering hosting services to virtual airlines. Services can be purchased on a monthly or longer basis. Included are Free Domain, unlimited emails, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage. Virtual Airline Web Hosting: $5.00 - Month $10.00 - 3 Months $20.00 - 6 Months $40.00 - Year Includes: **Free Sub Domain w/Hosting Unlimited Emails Unlimited Band Width Unlimited Storage MySql FTP (opitional) 37,000+ Airports 70,000+ Routes Visit site for more details: Contact: THX, CEO FLIGHT UNLIMITED.NET **A…
Last reply by hurkulez, -
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I want to show the acars I developed
Last reply by mariorgrossi, -
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Hello guys, I am looking for a website developer that is very skilled and is great with a variety of coding skills. The site needs to look sleek and "sexy." Please message me for further information about the project!! Thank you guys!!! Cheers!
Last reply by Carlton, -
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Hello friends, maybe some here already know my modules, I stopped a while to develop modules because I started work on a game development project, I am here again to return to my work, and I would deichar here also some modules that I'veI had done, so that you can enjoy or buy. For those who first buy will be selling at a cheap price because I need a certain amount of money to re-start my shop, and who can colcaborar me I thank you. Below the list of modules, those who wish to buy, please send inbox to negotiate. DATA ROUTES -> (This module displays all available routes in your Virtual Airline from the desired airport!); BADGE ON/OFF PILOT ->…
Last reply by levicosta201,