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623 topics in this forum
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Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
kACARS Custom Updates available
by Guest lorathon- 10 replies
Updates for existing customers are listed on my sire. Please let me know if you wish to update your system.
- 12 replies
Hello all you simmers! We are offering a $5 a month hosting plan,it offers unlimited everything(Email accounts,Storage,Bandwith...etc) And we will help you setup Phpvms for free! If you would like to sign up Please P.M me. Thanks!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 25 replies
I just learned ow to make skins! Thats why I am offering a skin service to anyone that needs it . I can fully customize it and everything for you guys!! Just PM me, or respond here Ada
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
PHPVMS Website skinning services offered I have been skinning phpvms websites for quite some time now and have got quite good results. I am currently designing a websites for a other virtual airlines. All websites are priced depending on the complexity. I design websites from £9.50 This includes the layout for the website and all pages which you want on your website. Single page designs from £5.00. Pilot centre from £6.00. Installation of phpvms is from £4.50 Links to my work are below:…
Last reply by chris2, -
- 3 replies
Hello we need a custom Acars, not Kacars. We are just looking for someone that can help us make our own acars system kinda like Kacars but for a little bit less. We are already looking foward for a nice custom template from Tom. But we need a Custom Acars too. Thanks Guyes! DD
Last reply by ddlidd, -
- 7 replies
Hello my virtual airline needs someone to make us a custom Kacars for our virtual airline. We are willing to pay for it i needed please contact me at
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 5 replies
Today marks the opening day of afrdesigns. We provide services mainly for phpVMS including skinning and single page customisation.Prices are affordable and can be negotiated for exclusive discounts including those who are active members on the phpVMS forums. If any of these services appeal to you, please use the contact page to request a quote. Pricing All of our designs are individually quoted depending on the complexity. phpVMS skins start from a price of GB £10. Each of our customised pages start from a price of GB £5 Payment We only accept payments via paypal. A deposit of 50% is required before the project is started and the product will be installed on your we…
Last reply by FlyFloridaVA, -
- 6 replies
Trying to see if there is someone who can help me fix up my website to look more professional. . If you can help me out please email me at or pm me... Thank you Brian
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
I am in search of an individual that has a talent to paint all types of FSim Aircraft for continuing work. Requirements: Complete knowledge of the repainting process. Ability to meet deadlines. (usually 10-14 day turnaround) Strong communication skills using English as a primary language. Ability to return email within a reasonable amount of time. Willingness to white label and/or re-brand the paints. What I can offer: An agreed upon contract price per aircraft. Logo design and color schemes would be supplied to you at the start of each project. Prompt payments via PayPal (I pay you directly when you are done, no waiting for a customer) If you are interested p…
Last reply by Frans, -
- 5 replies
Hey Everyone Am looking for a fleet painter for FSX And a fs9 fleet it will be 5 aircraft in FSX and 7 In FS9 if you guys can help would be great i need this as my old fleet painter started it about 3 months ago said he was going to send them to me and never heard from him again and i cant wait any longer 3 months is to long! Thanks Nathan
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 22 replies
Greetings! I just finished a professional, custom VMS Website and thought I would stop in on the forums to say hello. I am not sure if the owner is ready to announce the website so I will not spoil it for him but will hopefully release the url to the new site in the coming days. If any of you are looking for a VMS professionally designed, please feel free to contact me. Pricing would be about $500 - $750 depending on what is involved. "If you can dream it, we can build it." Happy flying! Respectfully, Chris Gordon Fujiwhara, Inc. Website Design and Development
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Need paint scheme designed and then the aircraft mentioned below painted. Willing to pay for service. Thanks! The Fleet: C172SP - Trainer PC12 - Island Shuttle Piper Seminole - Trainer / Multi Transition Learjet 45 - Corporate Travel / Jet Transition C141 - Cargo C130 - Cargo A300-600ST - Cargo
Last reply by uaso, -
- 0 replies
I am looking for someone to design a new skin for my Virtual Airline. Designer must have experience in this field and can provide me with work that has already been completed. It needs to be user friendly and browser friendly. If anyone meets the bill please send me a pm with your work. as well as expected pay rates.
Last reply by Passion, -
- 11 replies
Hello, My name is Tory Hollins and I am the proud CEO/Executive President of Legend Air. I have recently created FSPremier as a "hub" for Virtual Airline CEO's for help with certain services, the main one being Aircraft Repainting. I am the lead designer at FSP having much experience with repainting aircraft for MSFSX and 2004. I have worked with WeeHee Industries in the past and have recently sent in my work to Captainsim in hopes of becoming a part of their team. The FSPremier site will be launched mid August once the store system has been completed and activated and my orders slow down a little more. I am currently on a mobile device for the next few weeks so I am…
Last reply by angle, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I'd like to have a skin completed for a VA of mine, under the "Oasis Group." Here's my idea: Some of you may remember "FlyOasis," and here's the concept for the integrated partner "Izi Airways" as found here that I'd like to incorporate under the "Oasis Group". In exchange for your services I will paint aircraft/ graphic assistance. I can paint most payware and freeware models, and produce quality work. Screenshots available. Shoot me a pm or email me at shaiganmarten[at]hotmail[dot]com if interested. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by caribbeanflyboy, -
- 0 replies
Hi there I carnt paint me fleet. I have a fleet of boing 737 300, 737 800, 757 200, 767 300, A320, A321. All i want is my airline name down the aircraft with a yellow tail like what xl uk had bur yellow with a black UK on the tail. I would like to ask if any one could please paint them for me for free? and if you want i can do a free phpvms skin for you thanks chris
Last reply by chris2, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone Jetlantic Virtual Airways - is looking to renew its website. We are looking for someone capable of designing and implementing a skin and a few improvements to the site. What we want is: - a modern, appealing and uncluttered design - design to be based around the company's dominant colours - blue, grey and white - a custom template for the forum - customization of the pilot center Concerning the front page, we want a certain number of features (logos, etc) to be present, but within that frame the designer has freedom to propose his / her ideas concerning layout, colours, etc - suggestions and creative input are very welcome. Compan…
Last reply by GentleGroove, -
FSPremier is now taking orders for repaints and also other services for the Virtual airlines FSP provides low cost service to Virtual Airlines ranging from small to large. After searching accross the web and comparing our prices to our competetion's, I have noticed and can personally guarentee that our prices are the lowest for the quality you receive! With all the other promises out there you still may be a little skeptical, and have every right to be. Please, take a moment and click on the "About FSPremier" tab to see what we are all about and to view some of our designer's profiles. You will notice that each designer profile will give information about each of them…
Last reply by angle, -
- 2 replies
Thomas Rozanov will do his best to provide you with the best service and features you can possibly get. He will do all the thinking it may be making a skin, or making a VA from A-Z. He gives 1 year technical support. Contact: (Please ignore the site i am not worried too much about it at the moment) Because i give 100% of my time to my clients! Thank You Very Much!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 4 replies
Good Day I´m searching for an developer to create the following add-on / module Aircraft booking: The add-on should link aircrafts to the flight shedules. That means - if someone book a shedule like eddf - eddt (frankfurt Tegel) with an Airbus 320 - 200 ICAO / Callsign Heidelberg If a pilot klicked on the "add-bid" button the aircraft is booked only for that flight - so all the other flights with that aircraft are not available untill the bid is released I hope you get what i meen - if so contact me via pm - wit informations about your work - skills and of course your payment whishes Thanky Nagelfar
Last reply by Ephendi, -
- 3 replies
I am not going to be able to offer my services for skinning now, as I have taken on a new contract with my business. The new contract is going to leave me with little time spare, and certainly not enough to be commissioning new websites. So I am withdrawing my availability for this service.
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I'm pleased to announce my latest product: LiveBoard. It's a modification to the popular Realtime NG Series board, but the LiveBoard actually connects to the database of your phpVMS install. Next to that, you also get an admin module with which you can generate an HTML embed code and with which you can edit the general appearance (color, size, title) of the board on your website. Screenshot: Click here for a live demo! Go to for more information. Greetings, Jasper Bussemaker
Last reply by James142, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, What Am I Looking For? A unique, training request/accept system for members of my virtual airline In Detail A mentor can input his availability into the training centre admin panel. Which inputs it into a MySQL table the data is Mentor Name, Date and then Start time and end time. I would like the normal pilot to open the training centre and be shown available sessions for him to get mentoring. The data shows each individual entry for sessions until they are accepted it also shows any accepted session the pilot has. The pilot can then confirm the session with the mentor, add what he wants to do in a small text box and the mentor will get an e-mail with inform…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 0 replies
Are you tired of searching all over for templates, or website designers? Look no further! Our premier web designers will create the perfect website for you, at an affordable price too! Some of our work is: vUPS Cargo, and growing! And dont forget to check out or site at You know you need that new site, and we are the designers that can make it happen. Leave me a PM, and we'll get started! Enjoy, David Web Designer - BluSpektrum Media
Last reply by Talisman57, -
- 5 replies
Customized flight boards are available from now. Live Demo HERE
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
The Integrated Pirep System (or IPS) is a PHP-based flight logging system, which logs flights flown online at IVAO and/or VATSIM without the need of a flight logging client. And it's available for phpVMS too! For only €30 you we will install our revolutionary flight logging system on your web server and configure the database and setup the cronjob. Contact us at to request the IPS for phpVMS! We also offer skin design in cooperation with Simpilotgroup. For more information on services and prices, please visit our website. Kind regards, Jasper Bussemaker
Last reply by James142, -
- 5 replies
Hi there, I am looking at creating my own Virtual airline, but have no experience atall when it comes to creating a website and installing VMS etc.. I have Adobe Dreamweaver yet dont know how to use it, and dont have a clue what to do with skins and codes. Sorry to be such a pain! any help with this matter, or even a web designer willing to create me a website (I will pay if required), would be greatly appreciated, many thanks, Jetstream Virtual.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Last reply by Bikekid260, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I am wondering if anyone could install phpvms for Celestial Air Virtual. I don't need full web design just installation help. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Michael Schwartz
Last reply by mark1million,