The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hey lorathon, I remember a post you made while ago about a VA that is using kACARS with their own package, anyway. You said that we need to link kACARs download to your site or can we upload the orginal kACARS to the own site? Please clear that up.... Which one is okay?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 9 replies
I am Getting this error when trying to login and other people are getting Connection Error! any ideas? Thank you Very Much Daniel
Set departure time to Pushback time
by Guest Duckydoo- 4 replies
Hello I posted this here but it seems it's more likely to get seen in this forum. If this is considered a double post, sorry. kACARS is a really neat and user-friendly ACARS application but I have one problem with it. It records the boarding time (i.e. the time before pushback is started) as the actual departure time (labeled "Act Depart Time" in the UI). This can skew your block times making them longer - for which your Virtual Airline my penalize you. This isn't much of a problem if you only start kACARS at the time you are ready for pushback. But strictly speaking I don't think this is correct behavior since departure time is normally the time pushback begins i.e. bl…
Last reply by jantorre, -
- 8 replies
When i click on start flight in kacars i get this message: I have used kACARS for a few days now and never got this message?
- 5 replies
Ciao to all, my problem is that the kACARS_Free correctly connect, load bid and send pirep to the VA site (Pirep filed) but nothing is registered in the MySql DB, except the date and time of the pirep submission in the pilot record. The Live Map show nothing... Thanks for support Gianni
Last reply by CVV001, -
- 9 replies
Message for the dev, with X-plane growing, is there any chance to support X-Plane one day ? I might not be a coder but I know a few things about X-plane... Cheers !
Last reply by maxwaldorf, -
- 3 replies
In the free version there is a "Charter flight"tickbox. Is there one in the basic customised Kacars? Jon
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I am trying to set up a kacars client for pilots to use via phpmyadmin with the use of databases and tables. How can this be done and where are the scripts with directions on how to make the tables
- 4 replies
When i try to connect my VA to KACARS i get this message: And when I connect to my FSX i get this message: Any help?
Last reply by James142, -
- 2 replies
Hey, When i am flying, and sometimes in the middle of my flight, the kACARS is gone. Like i never ever closed out the program. when i landed and, i was looking over the place in my computer and saying where the heck is kACARS running, and i could not find it. It's been like that since my last three flights and i had to manualy file the pireps. I start kACARS, prepare it, then fly................. and gone................ It vanished without my permisson. what is going on?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone! I just now started messing with KACARS and am curious why I do not show up on my live map on site? I see screenshots of others on their maps but for the life of me, I can not get mine to show. All other ACARS scripts that work with livemap work on my site. Done checked. Did I miss something somewhere? ANd I notice it has a load button bottom left side.... Can anyone elaborate on that one for me please? I am a little lost I guess. Thanks in advance. Ray
- 2 replies
Hell some help with passenger load. I am runing a flight club which uses propeller aircraft only. but on every flight i do its coming up on the Kacars "Taking off with 0 Passengers on board any clue why? I included an images you will see it in the Flight Log Section.. Kind regards Allan PA sorry I posted in wrong section
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I know that jeffrey K. is gone for the weekend so i thought, let's post my question here.. maybe you have had the same... In the free version you are able to click Charter flight and then change the aircraft and the number of passengers.. this isn't available in the paid version. I this correct or am i missing something? Hopefully you guys can help me out with this issue. Thanks! Lucas
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 2 replies
Hey In our Schedules gives one flight (at now) where the pilot must land to refuel his plane. After this he must fly to the destination. But after i do the takeoff the flight phase dont change. Can one add an bottum to remove the Landing-infos? That kACARS ecord the landing at the destination??? or gives this everywhere?
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 9 replies
Hi, how can i change it, that kACARS send every 5sek the flight info? I find it better.
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 5 replies
Hello guys, I wanted to ask you a question about the phases of flight Kacars. My VA is a cargo airline and the stages of Kacars I would change some things: Ex, I would change phase Boarding with the Cargo Loading and other. Please ask if any of you could help me to make this change, thanks. Ciao , My VA : Cargoitalia Virtual
Last reply by joeri, -
I found one very small limitation of kACARS which is kACARS only saves one configuration mean if you have two airlines with different phpVMS installation like I have since don't want to mess up statistics of civil VA with my Military VA you have to Alter configuration every time you fly for one so here just an idea if possible: something like a dropdown to choose from Airline configs for Pilots flying in multiple Virtual Airlines different phpVMS Installs kACARS is still the best ACARS for VA's Best Regards Thomas
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
kACARS - Landing Rate
by Guest lorathon- 5 replies
Simple landing rate monitor. This was requested by a fellow phpVMS'er. Will display the landing rate after climbing at least 10ft off of ground. Also has an option to display the rate in message form inside of FS. http://fs-products.net/PhoenixVA/index.php/downloads
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 20 replies
Hey, i would like to use this acars for my virtual, but since i dont know is there any guides?? Thanks
Last reply by El Macara, -
- 1 reply
Hello I need my URL base changed from .net to a com. At the minute when pilots install the application it installs as .net, is there anyway for it to install as .com for the URL base? Regards
- 3 replies
Hello would like an information in kacars I can connect to the system but can not pull the reserved flight what do I do?
After move
by Toyuko- 1 reply
After my server moved to http://jalvirtual.org there ahas been only been one bug thats been popping up after the move and it was to do with KACARS. Both in website and Kacars application Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/globalai/public_html/jalvirtual.org/core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php:1) in /home/globalai/public_html/jalvirtual.org/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 12 replies
my k-ACARS 1.8, this gives an error in FSUIPC, why? the other programs typically connects --------------------------- kACARS - ERROR --------------------------- FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- 1.4 operate normally
Last reply by Kyle, -
Vacation Time
by Guest lorathon- 4 replies
I will be on vacation from Aug 13th until the 23rd. I will handle any issues when I return. Don't think I have ignored you, I am just going to be internet free for a week.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
when I hit the login button in Kacars, I get a message referring to the path to the send file is denied. Using WinExpl, I checked the path and found that the send.xml file is missing from the fs-products directory. I have tried reinstalling from scratch, reinstalling version xxxxx.06, but still get the same message. I am a member of Trans-Québec virtuel and used the frnch2 language in xxxx.08. I am running windows 7 64 bit with full admin rights. it seems that the install program fails to extrct the send.xml and receive.xml files Please help me the exact message is as follows: "Access to the path 'C:\program files(x86)\FS-Products\kACARS_free\send.xml' is d…
KAcars pauses
by Dee- 3 replies
Hello some of our members have reported that the filed log shows fs paused and unpaused , sometimes many times even though the FS is'nt really paused by them , any help would be great and thanks in advance...sample case... 11:04] - PMDG 747-8i British Airways [11:04] - Flight Number AI0105 [11:04] - Departure VHHH [11:04] - Destination RJAA [11:04] - Simulator Paused [11:04] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:04] - Boarding [11:05] - Simulator Paused [11:05] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:06] - Taxiing to Runway [11:07] - Taking Off [11:07] - Taking Off [11:07] - 169kts [11:07] - pitch angle -8 degrees [11:07] - 231635 (lbs) of fuel onboard [11:08] - Climbing [1…
- 4 replies
[EDIT] Well, tried with lot of passwords and now is connected. Sorry about this post '^^ Now I have another question. Is kACARs compatible with X-Plane? Thanks!
Last reply by Germy, -
- 7 replies
Hello Apologies if this has been asked before , what would be the right way to allow pilots to fly Routes/Destinations which are not in the Schedule . So Far with FSAcars we would just put in any city pair and the Pilot ID as the Flight Number , on ending the flight the log would be accepted . where the City pairs or ICAO City was missing in the DB , most would get added auto or via a manual entry before the pirep manager accepted the Pirep . Would Like very much to have the option to fly off sked routes if at all possible with KAcars , thanks in advance
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
hey jeffery, i was wondering if you can add something in it, like for example [01:05] - Cruise 25000 and can you add the FT by it, like [01:05] - Cruise 25000FT. Hope it's easy for you.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by AUZ,