The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hello there, First of all, I would like to thank kacars developer for his excellent software. You have really made an excellent tool for our virtual airlines, and people from all over the world, while may not be able to mention it here, do thank you daily for a great tool. I'd also like to thank all experienced members on the forum for their quick help in any situation faced by the users of kacars. Question to experienced members and respected developers: one of my recent va members logs have been suspicious. At first this guy used to fly one or two times a day. Over the past 2/3 weeks he has been sending me 8-10 logs per day, all within minutes of each other. For t…
Last reply by VA_ABQ, -
kACARS Structure Question
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey All, This is Casey, I'm new to any sort of ACARS program, but not to vatsim. I'll give a bit of background on myself, because if we choose kACARS, you will likely see a lot more of me. I'm vatsim member 981110, a P1 pilot, a C1 controller, the vZDV Facility Engineer, and most importantly for this purpose, the Central Dispatch Manager for Mountain Air Virtual Airlines (MTN). We are in our 13th year, being founded at Denver International Airport in 1998 by Gary Widup and company, and we are still going strong. We now have a presence all over the country as well as operations in Europe and San Juan. We are looking to begin offering an ACARS program to our pilots th…
by Guest lorathon- 5 replies
New Version Released Another Site Setting added - Allow Charter (with this set to '0' your pilots will not be able to fly charter flights nor will they be able to change the aircraft) A few more error catching filters. YOU MUST UPGRADE THE MODULE ALSO!!!! Please test and report and problems right here. Thanks
Last reply by bunoire14, -
- 5 replies
One of my pilots is stating that when they click Start Flight, it says Aircraft Is Not On Ground. He has the parking brakes on and FSUIPC is installed. Is there any way to fix this? He needs it fixed by tomorrow for our event we are having.
- 5 replies
I have noticed that there is a negative pitch on takeoff, is that normal?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 5 replies
Hello Facing this problem when i click file pirep it says Error: Error message is Data Not Received switch = pirep what to do on this? Site URL: http://piasvirtual.org Thanks & Regards Ahad
Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
- 5 replies
so I the site administrator of http://www.virtualcanadianairforce.com and every time i try to get kAcars to work it gives me a switch = verify error. Here's a Picture of the error. http://gyazo.com/06f5885c70e42610574c5eff2e551027 the module is the same version as the client and it is installed in the right dirctory. I dont know what to do. the directory is core/modules/kAcrars_free thanks
- 5 replies
If you forget to start kACARS when the aircraft starts to move, it gives you the popup letting you know this. It then continues to pop this up over and over and over. Can you set a flag that once it's warned the user it doesn't keep popping up? The only way to close kACARS at this point is to force close it, since it continuously gets stuck in this aircraft movement loop. This is on the paid version of kACARS, don't recall this in free. Thanks.
Last reply by texxasal, -
- 5 replies
I keep getting a box pop-up saying the underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept open was closed by the server. any help would be great.
- 5 replies
Jeff, Sorry for the post else where. I have done 4 clean re-installs, clean disc and defrags, have the most current FSIUPC and .NET framework.The problem is encountered when I go to close out kacars. If I click yes and quit 4 times, kacars will crash and I can then close it out. Jeff, this is the lastest error I received with kacars_ free version with my mil air va: http://www.usavsac.com/vsac/index.php/ and http://www.usafvgroup.com/usafvgrp/ See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.Configuration.ConfigurationerrorsException: Failed to save settin…
Last reply by danydj96, -
- 5 replies
Hi there, I was just wondering if the FlightStatus variable is actually working completely in the Free version. I suspect it is not, but wanted to double-check before I go any further with what I'm trying to do which is to have kACARS tell the user that the airplane is out of service if they try and bid on a plane that is not enabled. The module is coded that if you pass the number 3 back through the XML for FlightStatus, that is supposed to represent "Out of Service", but it seems the only two messages that get passed are "Flight Found" and "Flight Not Found". Am I doing something wrong or is that the case? Cheers.
Last reply by drgullen, -
kacars error
by mac- 5 replies
I have read the forum and downloaded new module and progam, and still get this error. kacars_free cant continue! contact your site adminisrator to fix this issue! Application and module donot match! evry thing is updated on site and computer Help
- 5 replies
I contacted Jeffrey but thought it'd be best to post here. Does anyone know how to export own data to kACARS? Take passengers for example. There is: $load = $xml->pirep->pax; in the code but this won't set the actual value. I'm assuming the values are decided in the XML? Any ideas?
- 5 replies
Quick Question about the "Select Aircraft" option - i now adjusted the ranks and fleet - so with my rank now i can only fly the Dash and not the T7. T7 flights don't show up in the schedule - so far so good, but when starting Kacars i'm able to select any aircraft i want ? Is there something i can do about that ?
How long does it take to hear back from the owner of KAcars as im after a tracker for my va
Last reply by rav72, -
- 5 replies
Fatal error: Class 'CodonModule' not found in home2/ /public_html/flight/phpvms/core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php on line 22 There has to be a fix for this but I simply cannot find it. I've mastered Java but that doesn't help me here despite the fact that PHP looks like a child of Java and C++.. Anyway, all help would be appreciated.
Last reply by Azaruth, -
- 5 replies
I have 2 problems, when a pilot goes offline it stays on the map until the next day... And when a pilot finish it flight and send it, the plane move to a location under Ghana. How to fix it?
Last reply by Appleonastick, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I tried to and i recieved http://prntscr.com/cnppc2
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 5 replies
Hi again Just setting this up again and came across this issue last night and I'm banging my head to figure out why it's just not working. First sorry if this is been posted before but I been searching for this issue and haven't come across anything. I've been setting up Flight schedules using two different airlines. With the first schedule of flights setup and complete for airline number 1 can be seen in both the flight schedule on the website and within the Kacars program when going to get flight info and bid. However airline number 2 is 50% finished with over 15 flights posted as on now. The issue is that Scheduled Flights for pilot bidding can be seen on th…
Last reply by Wood, -
- 5 replies
Hi all. i have looked through the forums and can not find an answer to my problem. please find the attached file below. Help!!!!!
Last reply by KorrexelzYT, -
- 5 replies
http://www.fs-products.net/ is down, any idea whats cooking there ? Jan
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
[EDIT] Well, tried with lot of passwords and now is connected. Sorry about this post '^^ Now I have another question. Is kACARs compatible with X-Plane? Thanks!
Last reply by Germy, -
Vacation Time
by Guest lorathon- 4 replies
I will be on vacation from Aug 13th until the 23rd. I will handle any issues when I return. Don't think I have ignored you, I am just going to be internet free for a week.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 4 replies
When i try to connect my VA to KACARS i get this message: And when I connect to my FSX i get this message: Any help?
Last reply by James142, -
Set departure time to Pushback time
by Guest Duckydoo- 4 replies
Hello I posted this here but it seems it's more likely to get seen in this forum. If this is considered a double post, sorry. kACARS is a really neat and user-friendly ACARS application but I have one problem with it. It records the boarding time (i.e. the time before pushback is started) as the actual departure time (labeled "Act Depart Time" in the UI). This can skew your block times making them longer - for which your Virtual Airline my penalize you. This isn't much of a problem if you only start kACARS at the time you are ready for pushback. But strictly speaking I don't think this is correct behavior since departure time is normally the time pushback begins i.e. bl…
Last reply by jantorre, -
- 4 replies
Hi I have a problem when I connect to the server kacars airline conection error I get down I can do tell me I have all the good data in the configuration help me please.
- 4 replies
Hello All, kACARS has been working fantastically up until the last few flights. Now when someone goes to file a pirep they are given a connection error. Interestingly the pirep still files on the main site but their bid is not removed from their bid list. All other parts of kACARS work correctly. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Dear lorathon i have a quick suggestions for you is it possible that in future if you come up with an update of Kacars that we may also save our logs and do offline flights because we have some pilots who does need to fly offline? awaiting you on this
Last reply by FiveStar, -
- 4 replies
Hello I have a little Problem with KAcars. My Pilots fly the flight and landing. And then say me all Pilots she have a Landingrate from 20 up to 150 fpm. But in the Log i see she have 600 and more fpm.I think its an Bug. Anybody a idea to resolve this? Thanks and Regards
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
kACARS gives an error #12 message syaing it can't find FSUIPC. I note that in the instructions it says that .NET framework 3.5 must be installed. I have .NET framework 4.0. Could this be the problem? If so why is kACARS not compatible with .NET 4.0 which Windows Update automatically upgrades to?
Last reply by bumblegrum,