The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
This has probably been asked before, but kACARS reports fuel in pounds to phpvms, then it gets recorded as kilograms. When doing manual pireps, pilots need to convert lbs to kgs. I was just wondering if there is a way to get phpvms to record fuel in lbs instead of kilograms.
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I have a pilot who has issues when filling out the form. He is getting a hour glass for about 30 seconds, very laggy. Once he hits start he has no issues. kACARS custom
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Were were talking on our forum and were wondering how does kACARS determine the landing rate? At touchdown the rate becomes zero, so is the rate determined at the moment of contact? One second prior? Two seconds? Is it an average of the last few seconds? And take off speed. Is it the IAS at the moment of liftoff? Just curious how these parameters are determined.
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Dear pilots, First of all, let me introduce myself to this community. I'm Rui, 36 years old, I live in southern coast of Portugal, and I've created a new VA last year : FlyAlgarve VA, based in LPFR Faro airport. Our website : http://flyalgarveva.wifeo.com/ Now, I am looking for a flight logs system for my young VA... I found FSacars, kacars and VAFS. As we are a very young VA, we don not have money to spend in this kind of system, so I'm trying to introduce Kacars in our VA and our website but... to be honest, I do not understand anything about that, so I kindly ask some help. I don't know if our website is able to "receive" this kind of application... I don't know...…
Last reply by Jeff, -
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One of my pilots is getting this error, he is the only one. The pilot just upgraded his pc, he is using Windows 7 64 bit..
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 follower
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Has anyone seen this before and can advise me what to do.
Last reply by VAEA, -
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Hello Guys, Ive made 2 routes for me and a friend to do for testing we have both bid for the individual route and we cant get the route on kACARS as it says "No Flight Found" and when we look in the "My Flight Bids" there is no route there. Any Suggestions or Answers please put them below. Thankyou Guys I appreciate it Best Regards, Kieran http://monarchvirtual.co.uk/
Last reply by Kieran Jones, -
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Many of our members are experiencing the issue that when the start there flight with KACARS & FSUIPC there FSX Crashes after a while of flight. I am unable to find a solution to this issue.. Lorathon can you update me on this? Is it a KACARS issue or what? How can we solve this? All FSX Members are complaining the same since we upgraded to KACARS
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Hi Everyone Any ideas how to solve the attached problem, i have entered my VA's details and my Pilot Id and Password, but when i go to begin recording a flight i get the error messaage as shown in the image attached below. I would appreciate some help, my VA CEO has no idea how to solve it and neither do i. I am running KACARS in Admin mode. Many Thanks Dave B CG5341.bmp
Last reply by daveb1036, -
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Hello evrybody. I would like to ask if it is possible to stop the flight log with kacars when the Pilot shutts down the engine,and not when the parkring break are set. Last time i had 8 planes in front of me,and i putted the parking brakes on,and the flight log stopped immediately. I looked in the kacars_free.php but cant find it Sorry guys it is xacars lol so forget it :-( Regards
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Hi, I am trying to set up a new VA using phpVMS and kACARS_Free v1.0.1.1 and Module v1.0.1.1. When I try to Log In from the kACARS_Free I get the typical "Notify System Administrator of the Switch error. Data not recieved. Switch = Verify" I have researched the forum for similar problems and I have tried all the suggestions. Unfortunately I have not been able to resolve this issue so far. I will appreciate your help. I will try to describe my environment and what I have done from simple to more complex: 1- I have entered the URL as http://dev.flypgsva.org without the ending slash. 2- The client and the module are the latest available from the download site. 3- The…
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I have installed and set up kAcars according to SpiritAir's VA instructions ann i keep getting the following error message "Notify System Administrator of Switch Error Data Not Received Switch=verify" I have emailed the CEO of the VA numerous times and not getting any help so I cam on here hoping someone can help me get it to work. These are the instuctions sent to me and I followed them exactly and still getting the error. kACARS:_ I recommend using the kACARS flight tracker. If you do not know how to configure it, here ya go. You want to open kacars, click on the "Options" tab, click on "VA Profiles" in the base URL, put http://spiritairva.com, then in the …
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As w know, a lot of us can connect to kacars or acars and with a lot of va's using both tracking services they can see on the acars map where each other is and can chat with each other bwforen or after they fly which makes chatting with them even harder.. I'm wondering if kacars and acars could stay a tracking service but eventually turn into a vatsim like area. Where instead of just seeing them from a map you could actually fly with them, and yes I know you could do that on vatsim as well but they may not always connect to vatsim so connecting to the acars Flightsim server would be much more fun, you could chat with each other as you fly no need for making ".msg ovaXX…
- 15 replies
Hi, Windows 7 32 bit. kAcars provided by VBird VA. kAcars run as administrator = OK Login to VA = OK Problem: When I minimize the program, it is shown as an icon in the system tray. It is not possible to restore the window again. Double click nor right click on the icon in the system tray have any effect. Please can somebody advise? Thanks in advance Jacob
- 1 reply
Hey there Jeffery, I'm currently having an issue with kACARS_Free V1.0.1.1 with logging in. When I log in, I get a whole stack of the main page's sorts of codes blasted the whole length of my monitor. It said "Website Warning Encountered" and the message was "Notify System Administrator with the following error code" The error code was the whole code of the site coding, JS links, CSS, Nav, blah... Then I click close on the error window, and then another message comes up and the message was "Notify System Admin of Switch Error Data not recieved Switch = verify" I checked the module version, current is V1.0.1.1, checked the login info, and checked to see if the site ha…
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Hello With the paided version of kACARS is there any auto config file which stop members having to edit the core directory of the application? I have alot of members who dont know how to configure there kACARS software so it would be good to have an .exe file to do it for them? Thanks Michael D
Last reply by MichaelD, -
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hey gents can some one please guide me through duplicate pireps problem i am receiving duplicate pireps from pilots who so ever is using kacars currently it was so much of headache to check all duplicate pireps what is causing this issue please reply.
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Hello there, I am facing an issue with kACARS which kinda puzzles me. Basically, what has happened is I had to move hosts, due to an unfortunate free hosting suspension. It was a test account anyway for site development, and now we're looking to open the airline soon, so we moved to a new host, I only carried the templates over, but I get this mysterious warning upon connection through kACARS to the new server. I can't really copy it, since I don't know a way out of a window, nevertheless, it talks about code from x10's suspension page. Any ideas why as I'm puzzled? The path in the local.config.php is set to a new site (www.flyglobespanva.xaa.pl), an entire new database…
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 10 replies
Hello, I have a small Problem with kACARS: If a Pilot is logged in phpvms AND started a flight with the client, then he's shown twice. Any ideas to fix that? phpvms:Version 2.1.934 kACARS: kACARS_Free Application v1.0.0.8 Chris <div id="Info"> <h3>Users Online</h3> <?php $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); $guestsonline = StatsData::GuestsOnline(); foreach($usersonline as $pilot) { echo '<p><img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" alt="'.Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location).'" />'; echo " {$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}</p>"; …
I don't mean to question your skills at all, Jeff, but can you explain why kACARS_Free has to be run as Administrator on Vista or Windows 7? As a Linux user, I have been taught to avoid running programs as root like the plaque. Isn't this a security hole, running as admin, or am I mistaken?
Last reply by bwilber, -
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hey jeff i just moved hosts and now i have folowing error on kacars free when i then choose ok i get a switch error website is www.citybirdva.be regards joeri
Last reply by vcal, -
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I have downloaded and installed kACARs free onto my computer. I also have downloaded the kACARS module. Do I ftp upload this into core PIREPS or the regular modules directory? Or where?
Last reply by tgycgijoes, -
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kACARS Version: kACARS Free FSUIPC Version: 3.48 Recently I've been getting this error: I tried upgrading, so I'm now running, but the problem recurs. If I click OK, the log begins, but only if I check the 'Ignore P-Brake / Airborne Check' option. If I don't, it tells me to check my parking brake and to get on the ground even though I already am. At the end of the flight, the log only shows some information: http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/pireps/view/426 Here is my FSUIPC.LOG:
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Hi Guys, Quick question from my members, We have noticed that while using kACARS, if we are doing Touch and Go practice, as soon as the aircraft touches the Runway the ACARS logs a landing, but then seems to stop capturing data. Certain things continue, such as flight time, but alot of the logging stops. Is this something that can be altered to recognise multiple takeoffs and landings? Very Best Regards,
Last reply by bunoire14, -
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so I the site administrator of http://www.virtualcanadianairforce.com and every time i try to get kAcars to work it gives me a switch = verify error. Here's a Picture of the error. http://gyazo.com/06f5885c70e42610574c5eff2e551027 the module is the same version as the client and it is installed in the right dirctory. I dont know what to do. the directory is core/modules/kAcrars_free thanks
I had this idea long ago but forgot about it. , the talk of kacars made me think of it again. How difficult would it be to design and option where Admin's could send messages to pilots during flight (threw Kacars of course)? This is good for bush operations as it would be a cool way to dispatch flights. What do you think?
I've noticed that kacars free registers constant pauses if you switch screens while flying, for instance from the flight to your desktop (flight sim is minimized). My sim doesn't pause when I do so and this clutters up the flight data with pauses that aren't really pauses at all. I really do see the need for this, or it is just an error.
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Every time i try to log into my own va pirep software kacars_free the config settings give me an error of it cannot continue please contact the admin. But i can use fsacars, any one know why?
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 8 replies
My Kacars is not logging, already changed the Kacars_free Module, nothing happens, still without logging in, like to know how to solve it! thank you
Kacars info
by Guest- 2 replies
hi all I found this log on your site jeff http://fs-products.net/PhoenixVA/index.php/pireps/view/3 is still a test? or kakars register a new take-off and a new landing? Regards Mattia