The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hello Facing this problem when i click file pirep it says Error: Error message is Data Not Received switch = pirep what to do on this? Site URL: http://piasvirtual.org Thanks & Regards Ahad
Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
Issue finding flight info.
by Guest- 11 replies
I booked a flight and i went to log on KACARS and everything worked exept for the flight booking info. The module is up to date aswell.
- 1 reply
Hello guys i have bid on a flight, installed the new module but the Kacars doesent find the flight. Any Ideas?
- 1 reply
Hi i bought the acars for my company, and i bought the module position reporting, but in some pireps i haven't the map in the pireps details, why? You can watch it in: http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/208 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/155 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/217 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/212 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/193 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/192 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/214 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/209 http://www.bluepanoramava.com/index.php/pireps/view/…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
I keep getting the switch error along with the URI error and I don't know why. I've searched the forums and followed all the instructions: I'm on Windows 7 and running it as administrator, the site is http://www.virtualsouthwestairlines.com which is hosted through fivedev, and the module is in the correct folder, core/modules/kACARS_Free/KACARS_Free.php Much help appreciated!!
- 8 replies
Hello !! We have problem showing our flights on VA Central live map when we use kAcars free. When we use old xacars , everthing working fine. It free version limited for show our flights? Very strange, I sent a few emails and posts on this forum, but nobody respond. Thanks for any replay
- 3 replies
Hello, Every time I go to log into kACARS_free v1.0.0.9 I get the following Error: Website Warning Encountered: Notify system Administrator of the Switch error. Data Not Received switch=verify I KNOW I have my link and ID/PW right, (www.continentalva.net) I am looked through about every topic and didn't find a ""cure"" Help please?? Dylan J. Lundberg
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi . One of my pilots is having problems with his kacars. it is saying it needs jit debugging . Can anyone tell me what thjis is . thanks
Last reply by VAEA, -
kACARS - Translations
by Guest lorathon- 9 replies
I have been working with Artjom to translate kACARS_Free into Russian. I am now looking for anyone else who would like to have their language included in the next release. If you do please PM or email me and I will send you the text file containing what needs to be translated. I will also include your name on the about page. I appreciate all of your help. I would like to get as many translations as possible before releasing the next version. Thank you all, Jeff I would like to thank Artjom for his time. He has been extremely helpful in getting this going.
Last reply by Topgun, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all, One of my pilots is getting this error with his kacars. Can anyone tell me why this is doing this. Thanks marc kacars.pdf
Last reply by VAEA, -
- 26 replies
when I try to log onto the custom kACARS, I get the following error: unable to connect to remote server, then I press ok button and get this message : Notify system Administrator of switch error. Data not received, switch=verify .. any ideas on what is going on ? I have been away all week and have not been able to fly, until now and cant.
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by PIAS2011, -
- 9 replies
For some reason i am able to run xacars, but kAcars_free does not work, and i am following instructions. Got it configured right, running as administrator. And when i try to login it gives me an error msg. kAcars_Free can not continue! Contact your administrator to fix this issue! I have googled and found nothing and i cant find any previous post here either. Os: Win7 64 bit Latest phpvms version. Any one have a easy fix for this? Thanks in advanced! -- Topgun
by Guest lorathon- 5 replies
New Version Released Another Site Setting added - Allow Charter (with this set to '0' your pilots will not be able to fly charter flights nor will they be able to change the aircraft) A few more error catching filters. YOU MUST UPGRADE THE MODULE ALSO!!!! Please test and report and problems right here. Thanks
Last reply by bunoire14, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, Some of our pilots, including myself (6 in total) have been getting the following error message: unhanded exception has occurred in application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue (just brings uo same message) if you click quit, the application will close immediately. (it shuts down but then on reload gives the same message box) I have tried re-installing ACARS, .NET Framework and FSUIPC with no luck, the others have tried it also. Cheers, Thomas.
- 4 replies
When i try to log in , a message comes up that says ""access to the path C:\Program Files(x86)\FS-Products\kACARS_Free\send.xml is denied"" I tried to log in from another pc and its OK.
- 0 replies
Hi. I'm using kAcars for x-Plane through XPUIPC. All works fine except the Aircraft title and Model; it shows : (piece of last send.xml) <pirep> <pilotID>LOQ0001</pilotID> <flightNumber>LOQ8534</flightNumber> <registration>ECLOQ-001</registration> <depICAO>CYHT</depICAO> <arrICAO>CYXY</arrICAO> <flightTime>00:41</flightTime> <flightType>H</flightType> <fuelUsed>172</fuelUsed> <pax>9</pax> <cargo>9</cargo> <landing>-183</landing> <comments /> <log>[20:06] Aircraft Title - *[20:06] A…
Last reply by jfbuendia, -
custom kacars mid air refuel
by Guest- 4 replies
HI ALL when i in flight and remove fuel, the kacars register mid air refuel. but it should not do that when I add it? best regards Mattia
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
In kACARS under VA Profiles that a VA drop down what is that for.... in there its says template ??? i never used kARCARS before so i am lost ??? thank
- 2 replies
I am getting an error with Virgin Atlantic VA's custom kacars the error is: But it isn't, I just updated to the latest FSUIPC for FS9. It worked fine yesterday. And that has me baffled.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 5 replies
I have noticed that there is a negative pitch on takeoff, is that normal?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
Anyone know how to add the KaCARS app to FSX so it shows up in the addons menu or is it even possible? Some of the guys in our group asked this question, I was just wondering if anyone else tried to do this. Thanks Keith WestCoastHops
Last reply by N316EC, -
- 3 replies
I am having a problem When i try and log in to my va from kacars i get the kAcars_free module error please contact your system admind... everything thing is set up right web address etc... but i cant log in to save my life I think i have the module in the right place im on windows 7 64bit fsx both are run as admin http://virtualunitedairlines.org
- 3 replies
Hi all. Please somebody can inform me if Kacars show this information : Gear up and down speeds Flaps speeds max flight level fuel on destination Landing rate Flyed Aircraft V1,VR,V2 Tanks !
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
I tried to solve this using the threads that discuss it here, but nothing I try seems to work. I cannot login with kACARS. I get the Switch error and in the lower right it says CONNECTION ERROR! The URL is http://www.ozarkva.net and it is on a VPS that I rent. There may be some php settings to change, but I have no idea what they would be. I have .NET 4.0 installed and kACARS versions match. I am running kACARS as administrator. What have I missed?
Last reply by bwilber, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, after putting to kacars_free.php into the FTP, I tried opening kacars free and was successful. but once I tried to connect to my site to do a test flight I got an error. The error was, Notify System Administrator of the Switch error. Data not recived Switch = verify Can someone please help me out. Thanks
Last reply by pilotkid33, -
- 5 replies
One of my pilots is stating that when they click Start Flight, it says Aircraft Is Not On Ground. He has the parking brakes on and FSUIPC is installed. Is there any way to fix this? He needs it fixed by tomorrow for our event we are having.
- 4 replies
This might not be the correct forum, but I am trying to find out where the aircraft in the PIREP is being reported from. Is it the aircraft in the schedule the pilot has bid on? The reason is we're trying to implement routes that can be flown by any aircraft and I don't want 27 number of aircraft types in our fleet) different flight schedules for each route. So I thought about adding a "default aircraft" to every route and then allowing the pilots to select the actual aircraft being flown from the dropdown menu in our customized kACARS. So our question is will that work? Will the aircraft we select from the dropdown be reported on the PIREP, or is it the one from the ori…
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 4 replies
kACARS gives an error #12 message syaing it can't find FSUIPC. I note that in the instructions it says that .NET framework 3.5 must be installed. I have .NET framework 4.0. Could this be the problem? If so why is kACARS not compatible with .NET 4.0 which Windows Update automatically upgrades to?
Last reply by bumblegrum, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone tell me what to do here. I am setting up my custom kacars. I am a beginner at this. thanks A new table must be created to allow the chat to work. The table needs to be named with the same table prefix as all other phpvms tables. If the standard tableprefix was used (phpvms_) then the table needs to be named phpvms_acarschat. If the table prefix is different than name accordingly.
Last reply by VAEA,