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Everything posted by Strider

  1. He is asking why is it there twice, it is curious why it is in there twice myself, i have not removed it, and i dont think crashgordon is going to either, just wants to know why it is there. Cheers Dan C
  2. I uploaded everything, maybe it didn't upload right or at all. But I have it working. Cheers Dan C
  3. YOu have to export the schedules, they will be exported in csv format. Cheers Dan C
  4. I found the problem nabeel, when i edited the csv file, the days of the week i thought it was 1234567, but it is 0123456, the 0 does not work as it automatically disappears when you put it in front, maybe if it was changed to 1234567 it would work. I have my schedules fixed now. Cheers Dan C
  5. I am having the same, there are no flights showing up yet, they are in the database and in the admin, but they wont show on the main schedules page on the site. And I have not restricted the aircraft to specific ranks. Cheers Dan C
  6. When did this happen? As I only got a new laptop at christmas and it came with windows 7 and IE, so I doubt it is the whole EU as I live in Ireland. Cheers Dan C
  7. I found another way, i just replaced the schedules modules folder with a slightly older one, i think 2.1.0 and it works fine. Cheers Dan C
  8. I assume it takes information from vatsim or IVAO for the controllers and online pilots, and I think it is a good thing to have a browser in there, means you dont have to start up any other programs you dont need, and you can get information readily, without loosing performance. Tom I am not sure which EU country your from but when i got my laptop it came with IE, a computer would be fairly useless for the internet if it came with no internet browser, and FF is unlikely to be shipped with Windows anytime soon. Cheers Dan C
  9. You have either accidently double clicked the add schedule button, or you have not added any airports yet. Cheers Dan C
  10. If you want i have the codee and a graphic for it. Cheers Dan C
  11. I am having a problem with the bid adding again, it keeps saying no route passed when I go and click on add bid. Anyone know how to fix this? Cheers Dan C
  12. Is there a way to show 0 pireps on the graph on the admin home page? As it always shows a minimum of 1 pirep. Cheers Dan C
  13. When creating the profile field, make sure you click on the show in user profile:yes. Cheers Dan C
  14. http://globalaircargovirtual.org/index.php/routemap That is the map io am talking about.
  15. I have a routemap on my site and have 238 flights, yet it only shows 4 flights. I have edited the local.config.php and app.config.php but they dont work. What is the code that i need to use to get it to work? Cheers Dan C
  16. Sorry but isn't that the whole point of a VA? To create a VA for the pilots? Cheers Dan C
  17. Even still, the 744 is a very big aircraft, spending a lot on fuel. The fuel to freight is disproportionate, four engines means more fuel, the route would be better served with a 767 freighter, or 737 and the frequency doubled. Cheers Dan C
  18. Question, why use such a big aiurcraft for such a short route? Route in question is KLAX-KSFO operated by a 744F. Wouldn't it be better served with a smaller aircraft? Cheers Dan C
  19. Is this going to be a pay ware addon for phpvms or free? Cheers Dan C
  20. hehe nothing like a little bit of competition. Cheers Dan C
  21. Where will you be based out of? GACV has a base at KLAX, and operates the 777, MD-11, 757,767 out of KLAX. There is a 747 route oute of KLAX but it is a return flight. Cheers Dan C
  22. Not to be mean but what is the point of me joining your va if i have no plans on flying for it? Also when I go to Jeff's site, it just links to your VA and asks me to log into your va or join.
  23. Has this been finished if so could you post the working code? Cheers Dan C
  24. Just wondering is there any other way of downloading KACARs instead of having to join PVA, it is a good VA and all, but I dont really have the time to fly for PVA and run my own VA and work on college assignments. Cheers Dan C
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