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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. Another issue with this addon, it won't show the aircraft name or Reg.....The code also doesn't work for the acars map...
  2. Its funny you ask, I do that too. Here is what you change. Departing airport <?php echo $flight->depname;?> Arrival airport <?php echo $flight->arrname;?>
  3. Not sure if this has been posted before but I am unable to delete sent mail..Get this error. Notice: The template file "/home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual//core/templates/mail_deleted.tpl" doesn't exist in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
  4. Once again, better joke: Look down your trousers....Your country still has a queen, thats a bigger joke....
  5. There is one person posting here that is himself a copy cat, matter of fact as I was searching for an aircraft for my operation I discovered this person stole one of his trade mark images directly off the site of an aircraft designer..i won't mention names...Nabeel I thought you were going to deal with the d---ouche who calls himself Tom, I think more than a handful of people are tired of him at this point..
  6. RogerB

    Basic Blues

    I see Tom is still here being his usual dickish self
  7. FsPaintShop... LOL
  8. My chart still isn't working correctly. The previous month doesn't display correctly, older months do. Weird..
  9. RogerB

    Hub Images

    Ok, I shall try this..
  10. Would it be overly difficult to include an image with each hub instead of text, or both? For the pilots page I mean.
  11. RogerB

    Alternate way

    I got it to work. All files must be named .php, thats the only way I got the functions of phpvms to work..So far its working well.
  12. Looks really nice
  13. Do you have the orig..index file to compare it too??? Nabeel always sais, "small changes"
  14. Since this is about SimPilot, I will say that you do rock SimPilot...
  15. Haha!! That is crazy.
  16. I did some flights and compared the fuel usage to what this add on states, and it was spot on...Great add on!! airmermaid, I don't think it matters but I used standard.
  17. Vansers re-read my post.....LOL do you really think I was serious??
  18. Doesn't the iphone show normal websites with no problem anyway?? I have the mytouch 4G and it shows the admin panel just fine.
  19. This is a very hurtful thread to me emotionally. I would like it removed or changed to be more mamby pamby like please. I really don't see why you can't respond in 3.5 minutes either, thats in no way unreasonable...
  20. Rock and Roll
  21. It does the same thing for me...I mentioned this months ago....it worked at one point then after one of the updates it stopped.
  22. It appears the map is doing that... overlapping your footer. I like the site...very nice. or check your <div> tags
  23. RogerB

    Alternate way

    LOL...Ok I'll figure it out.
  24. This is a great addon. Same question as above, how should we enter the initial values, standard or metric???
  25. Ok, The directory "VatsimPHPfiles" goes in your site root directory, it should only contain the .txt files. The file VatsimPHPgenerator.php also goes in your site root by itself, not in any directory. Here is an example of how I use it. <?php require_once("VatsimPHPgenerator.php"); $VatsimPHP=new VatsimPHP; $pilotlist=$VatsimPHP->airline("put your va's call letters here"); for($i = 0; $i < count($pilotlist); $i++) { echo '<p>'; echo $pilotlist[$i][0].':'; echo $pilotlist[$i][2]; echo '</p>'; } if(count($pilotlist) == "0") { echo "<p>Currently no operations</p>"; } ?>
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