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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. I don't know about plesk and mailerphp but cpanel doesn't have such option and is working just fine. You may want to check with you host provider see if they have any idea about this but I think if you have email accounts and email service activated on your website then there shouldn't be any problems. Have you been using phpVMS before or this is your first time?
  2. in the settings table you will need the email address saved as ADMIN_EMAIL. if it's not there the eamil won't be sent.
  3. Open you DB(Data base, click on "phpvms_settings" table and make sure the email address you saved is there. If it's there then open core/common/PIREPData.class.php go down around line 753 where you see the following and make sure its there: if (Config::Get('EMAIL_SEND_PIREP') === true) { # Send an email to the admin that a PIREP was submitted $sub = "A PIREP has been submitted by {$pilotcode} ({$pirepdata['depicao']} - {$pirepdata['arricao']})"; $message = "A PIREP has been submitted by {$pilotcode} " ."({$pilotinfo->firstname} {$pilotinfo->lastname})\n\n" ."{$pirepdata['code']}{$pirepdata['flightnum']}: {$pirepdata['depicao']} to {$pirepdata['arricao']}\n" ."Aircraft: {$pirepdata['aircraft']}\n" . "Flight Time: {$pirepdata['flighttime']}\n" ."Landing Rate: {$pirepdata['landingrate']}\n"."Filed using: {$pirepdata['source']}\n\n" ."Comment: {$comment}\n\n" ."Click to approve this pirep (admin must be signed in):\n" .adminurl('/pirepadmin/approvepirep/'.$pirepid); $email = Config::Get('EMAIL_NEW_PIREP'); if (empty($email)) { $email = ADMIN_EMAIL; } Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message); } And let us know what you do.
  4. Are you using a free host? cause some web hosts doesn't allow sending emails to info@yourdomain.com for example.
  5. I use easy php and I had the same problem with the newer version but the older version was working just fine. I think it has something to do with the php version and mySQL. Try using the older version of "ëasy php".
  6. Parkho

    Fuel leftover

    That's correct. Real airlines would have some fuel left in their AC tanks cause they're required to have fuel for at least 45 min flight time for emergencies when they land at their destination.
  7. Try this: <?php MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 5); ?>
  8. What if someone uses fspax as their acars?
  9. If a bid is placed on an schedule, it won't get affected when you edit the schedule. In the .cvs file you can edit the route bid column but keep in mind to insert the bid id correctly cause when you submit a PIREP for the route the bid section won't get updated if the bid id is incorrect.
  10. Take a look here at the guide it might help. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7930-kacars-free-guide/
  11. I remember I wrote a piece of code for someone to award their pilots (raising their bank) on good landings. I placed it in code snippet section and yes if you can record those data then it would be possible to implement it into phpvms to calculate those and set the pilot's rank. But the question is are you willing to pay for this module since it requires a quiet amount of time to make? About the aircraft maintenance module, the answer is yes as I have created that for someone on the forum and I'm at final stages of finishing it. Cheers
  12. Try changing your email address and send a manual pirep.
  13. Removing PIREPS will result in some parts not showing correct data. Instead, you can change the codes not to show all PIREPS but some.
  14. I don't think I'll be spending time on v2.0 but I will on v3.0
  15. Consider it done! but after new year!!
  16. -The admin add the message like News item. -Once done, the message will appear automatically when the pilot reaches certain time. -The message will be active until the pilot clicks it. -Then the admin can delete the message or add a new one. If these are what you want please confirm. Thanks
  17. I'm still working on it so hang in there.
  18. use the Email and pass provided at the page title when you hit the "module test"
  19. Have you changed your website's skin or modified any files before this issue?
  20. Was it working before?
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