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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. It can be done. PM me if you're interested.
  2. You can change the aircraft name to registration in search form but the aircraft location is not doable on this module.
  3. You want this message to be dynamic meaning on every page of your website or on the pilot center only?
  4. An FTP would be better. PM me please.
  5. Can you give me a login to your website?
  6. Colin, If you want to get this done you have to go step by step not just copy some codes from some pages and paste it where you want as it's not gonna work for sure, so first off you will need a variable to search through the PIREPS based on the pilot id then use a foreach loop to get those data out of the DB then you design a table and put the info in it, so here is the code: <?php $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $reports = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotid, 5,''); ?> <table width="100%"> <tr> <th>Flight Number</th> <th>Departure</th> <th>Arrival</th> <th>Status</th> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() && Auth::$userinfo->pilotid == $userinfo->pilotid) { echo '<th>Options</th>'; } ?> </tr> <?php foreach($reports as $report) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/view/'.$report->pirepid);?>"><?php echo $report->code . $report->flightnum; ?></a></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $report->depicao; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $report->arricao; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php if($report->accepted == PIREP_ACCEPTED) echo '<div id="success">Accepted</div>'; elseif($report->accepted == PIREP_REJECTED) echo '<div id="error">Rejected</div>'; elseif($report->accepted == PIREP_PENDING) echo '<div id="error">Approval Pending</div>'; elseif($report->accepted == PIREP_INPROGRESS) echo '<div id="error">Flight in Progress</div>'; ?></td> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() && Auth::$userinfo->pilotid == $report->pilotid) { ?> <td align="center"><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/addcomment?id='.$report->pirepid);?>">Add Comment</a><br /></td> <?php } } ?> </tr> </table> Screenshot: Now this will show only last 5 flights. If you want to show more flights change "5" to whatever number you want.
  7. You have to set a cron job for bids to expire and FBS_V1.0 has nothing to do with local.config.php except for the jump seat.
  8. It's not for sure free but it may be published.
  9. It's actually ordered by someone and not finished yet.
  10. I was just joking with you. I did find one simple one on Google search and wanted to share it with you but I'm glad you found one yourself. Anyways, if you wanted mine I'll give it to you.
  11. I suggest you install my Pilot Manager add-on at Github. You could also go to my website at www.parkho.ir and click on module test, log in and go to "try out center - admin" then click on "add-ons/pilot manager" if you wanna see how it works.
  12. How much do you pay for it? LOL!
  13. Check for DB for that one pilot or more to see if anything is changed unexpectedly. Cause sometimes when they edit profile they delete some parts on save.
  14. RGR that cptn. Glad the issue is solved.
  15. Okay, make a back up of your DB, delete your DB and your website, now install a fresh copy of phpvms and restore your tables in the DB. Make sure you use the airline code and everything as before. This has to do it but let us know.
  16. Go to the following location: core/templates Look for downloads_list.tpl open it with an editor and find the following: foreach($alldownloads as $download) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>"> <?php echo $download->name?></a><br /> <?php echo $download->description?><br /> <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></li> <?php } now add the following to it before "</li>" <img src="<?php echo $download->image ;?>">
  17. Well! Uploading your file into your download folder is not enough as the system needs to add the download link into your DB first before it can show the downloads. Most probably it is the image link, so make sure of that.
  18. Okay! You'll have to go to admin center, click on the News $ Contents/Downloads then create a group and add a download to the group where you'll have to provide the info as well as the download link. Then the download page will show your download.
  19. Before the upload, did you have some codes in those pages you created? If yes, make sure to put the code back in there. If it didn't help, delete the page and re-create it with the codes to show.
  20. Make sure you have the table created in your DB. Also I think the table name has been changed. and NO you don't need an actual flight to be able to transfer. One more thing, If you have the old version, make sure you get the new modified V1.0 from Github, it has changed a lot.
  21. 1. What do you wnat to sort for schedule results? 2. The reason is that you have those aircraft in 4 different schedules, I will look into it to see if I can change that. 3. Thanks I will change that first chance.
  22. Believe it or not i have tried all ways with no luck.
  23. Here is the fspax config file. Sorry, I'm unable to give you the DB PIREPS table with the modification since my older website is long gone and I could give you this file from the last back up of my older website but I think you can figure it our, no big deal. Also, I can tag along and help you set it up. fspax.zip
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