I have integrated the fspax log into phpvms modifying the pirep table and the faspax config file to insert each line of the log file into a separate DB field then I managed to basically get rid of the "n" in front of each log data.
if you think you won't use those airports ever again, then you'll have to do two things to remove them for good:
1. Delete the airports from your DB totally.
2. Delete all schedules you have created for those airports
* You can either use the admin center for this or your DB.
But if you want them to be there just in case for future use then you're gonna have to write some code and say if $airport->name == "LLLL", continue here is an example:
foreach($depairports as $airport) {
if($airport->icao == "ABCD")
echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao.' - '.$airport->name.'</option>';
Now "ABCD" is the ICAO of the airport you want to exclude.
Both issues noted and fixed thanks again. The images also have been added to the repo in lib/images folder in case you want to use them.
remember to upload them in lib/images in your phpvms folder.
1. Open common/RealScheduleLiteData.class.php and look for the following:
And change all of them to the following:
BTW, thanks for pointing that out. I fixed the problem.
1. Have you imported the SQL provided with the download into your DB?
2. Have you copied the following in your core/local.config.php?
3. Fuel per hour and per 100 nm can be set in schedules_results.tpl.
Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25');
That's right but you may also want to add something that's not added in those AFCADS like a "Transfer Bus" or a "Light Pole". Also some airports are like getting updated monthly. I have searched for some airports and there are nothing in AVSIM or FLIGHTSIM for them and nor there are in the internet, so that where i can provide this service.
The code in the post you mentioned has the following part:
$flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '10');
$string = "";
foreach($flights as $flight)
$string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+';
Now change it to the following:
$flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '10');
$string = "";
foreach($flights as $flight)
if($flight->code =="ABC")
$string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+';
"ABC"is your airline code.
haha! To be honest I myself would like to release it very much but there is this glitch with it that I don't know why I can't figure it out but I'm asking you for patience hope that I can make it happen.
I think you didn't install the module correctly. This means the module folder is not where it's supposed to be. You might want to check if the folder pfinance is in lower case or upper in the download and make sure you have uploaded them in order.
Hey Guys,
I'm offering FS Scenery modifications for both fs9 and fsx. Anyone interested? PM me.
Add, edit airport, taxi ways, nav data, runway, ILS, Lights, objects, and more
if you create a folder in core/ templates and add your TPL in there you won't loose them during an upgrade.
You would then access it like (foldername/file.tpl) using the template::show().