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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. I have looked at the DB and the airports table has no column for airline code on each airport, so my solution is to categorize them by country and simply change the caption to the airline name.(ex. If HUB country = 'USA' then show 'TST- Airline HUB' before the airports.) Another way I can think of is to add a column to the DB and a field to the airport add form in admin to insert an airline code into the DB column and then categorize them accordingly but it requires changing phpvms original files.
  2. I would add an airline with the freighter name and create scheds for that airline and set their aircraft and type as cargo then I would separate the flights into passengers and cargo and show the pilot a table in their profile as which flight type they have flown based on the sched's code. The table then will contain the data as 'Number of pax carried' or 'Amount of cargo carried' etc.
  3. Okay. The AS folder is now uploaded. Please download again.
  4. Install the attached .ZIP file in the order of the folders. Access it by " www.yoursite.com/index.php/airliner" Screenshot: AirlineSelect.zip
  5. Install the attached module in the order of the folders and access it by "http"//www.yoursite.com/index.php/pilotlist". Screenshot: PilotList.zip
  6. Well! as I mentioned in my first post you'll need a class file in common folder that pulls out the data sorted by pilot total hour then edit the pilot's list to call that function and show the data in a table. Keep in mind that doing so will results in a table with all the pilots sorted based on hours and not showing the pilots in HUB sections any more.
  7. Index is not a file, it's a function inside pilots.php
  8. I have created a small module called "Flight Duration" and I got its data from "FSPAX". It's pretty accurate and works even if you don't add time to your schedules. If you're interested you can visit my page at Github and look for "FlightDuration".
  9. The reason is that you're in the wrong place. Looking at the function in modules/pilots/index(), I tried to see if I can order pilots by total hours but I think a lot of parts need to be changed if you want to go that way. I think creating a common php file for this and edit the template would be a much easier solution without having to change the file system.
  10. Not yet decided. I think I mentioned somewhere else the FlightBookingSystem_V3.0 would be payware.
  11. Thanks Well! To be honest I thought of that but at the end decided to make it less complicated since I wanted this module to be as simple as possible and basically more user friendly but anything is possible as far as the coding
  12. Very good idea. I will implement that first chance i get Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I guess that would make this module V3.0.
  13. This is correct but not good if you don't want to change the default coding.
  14. you're welcome so much.
  15. You need to create a PHP file in common folder then address the tpl to use the created PHP file. Now inside that PHP you need to write a query from DB to get all pilots and sort them by their hours and finally show that in a table If you know what I mean.
  16. <?php $scheds = SchedulesData::getSchedules(); ?> <table width ="100%"> <tr> <th align="center">Flight #</td> <th align="center">Departure</td> <th align="center">Arrival</td> <th align="center">Time Out</td> <th align="center">Time In</td> <th align="center">Fare Price</td> <th align="center">Aircraft</td> </tr> <?php foreach($scheds as $sched) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->code.$sched->flightnum ;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->depicao ;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->arricao ;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->deptime ;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->arrtime ;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->price ;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->aircraft ;?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> Screenshot:
  17. Okay. If you can open both TPL files and look for the following: FinanceData::formatMoney(); if this is there leave it. If not add it like the following: <td align="left">Total pilot pay rate is : <strong><?php echo FinanceData::formatMoney($payrate);?> / hr</strong></td>
  18. Follow this guide it might be helpful: kACARS-Free
  19. Have you changed the codes cause I see numbers with a lot of digits.
  20. Yes it's always the case which is normal.
  21. Yes I know what you mean but don't you think that would make a long list?!
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