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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. <table width="40%"> <tr> <th align="center">Country (Flag) </th> <th align="center">|</th> <th align="center">Pilot ID - Pilot Name </th> <th align="center">|</th> <th align="center">HUB</th> </tr> <?php $pilotinfo = PilotData::getallpilots(); foreach($pilotinfo as $pilot) { ?> <tr> <td align ="center"><?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?> ( <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>"> )</td> <td align="center">|</td> <td align ="center"><?php echo $pilot->code.$pilot->pilotid.' - '.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ;?></td> <td align="center">|</td> <td align ="center"><?php echo $pilot->hub ;?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> Screenshot:
  2. The V2.0 has been removed due to some issues, so I'm trying to get it fixed ASAP. Have you replaced yours with V2.0?
  3. If you don't want to use the bidding system then you'll have to restrict your pilots on PIREP submission.
  4. I can give you a static map that only shows the departure and arrival if you want and nothing more.
  5. What do you intend to do then? Cause if you're trying to restrict some routes for higher ranks then that goes to schedule_results.tpl which will be showed when you are to bid on a flight.
  6. Are you using any shared hosts or free websites? Cause normally people with those will get such error message.
  7. This means the TPL file is not where it's supposed to be. Add-ons normally have TPL files stored either in a folder (ex. core/templates/xxx/xxx_xxx.tpl) or directly in the templates folder (ex. core/templates/xxx_xxx.tpl) but some add-ons modify the core TPL files which upon uploading get overwritten, so it's better to place the TPL files in the skin folder instead (ex. lib/skin/crystal/xxx_xxx.tpl). I hope this helps you.
  8. Are you using the default booking system? If yes, I have a module which is based on 2 different modules which I mixed them. That module has aircraft restrictions and the pilot who's rank is not high enough won't be able to see those heavy aircraft to begin with. Here is the link: FlightBookingSystem_V1.0
  9. Switch to kACARS-Free and all the issues will be gone. Great interface as well as really good support, Jeff did a really great job on kACARS. You can see the link in the forum's first page for the software.
  10. Yes, unfurtunately my website has been down for a week now. I'm trying to get it up and running.
  11. I have changed the codes in the common file as attached, those of you who installed the module and have the error, replace the attached file. install the module and address to www.yoursite.com/index.php/pfinance/pilots for all pilots. PilotFinance.class.php
  12. Try 0123456 instead. Cause as I recall, phpvms used to recognize 0 as Sunday.
  13. You need to create a folder called "Fleet" in core/module and inside that folder make a file called "Fleet.php" then open the fleet.php and paste the above code in there. Also, you need to place the "fleet_main.tpl" in you skin folder or in core/templates if you're using the default skin. Remember, the module folder and the file inside that are case sensitive. To create a link to call the module use the following code: < a hre="<?php echo url('/fleet') ;?>">Fleet Page</a>
  14. NOOOOO! LOL I was writing a new reply then I realized my answer isn't appropriate and normally since you can't delete your post, you write delete instead meaning this post has to be deleted.
  15. Okay, so you want to divide the planes into classes and basically at the last tab show the details. Do you have any templates already made? or you want to do this from scratch?
  16. Do you wanna show the number of planes only or the details as well?
  17. What status are you talking about?
  18. $details = OperationsData::getAllPilots(); foreach($details as $pilot) { echo $pilot->firstname.'<br />; echo $pilot->lastname.'<br />; . . . }
  19. Parkho

    pilot pay?

    Well it all depends on your expectations. some add-on might be good to some people but not to you and vice versa .
  20. You might wanna reinstall it or make sure you have included every part.
  21. Yes. Open pages_content.tpl and edit what you want there.
  22. Hi there, have you imported the .sql file provided with module cause sounds like you haven't.
  23. In version 3.0 the admin will be able to set the aircraft location at the beginning and once the module is first loaded if there are any PIREPS for the pilot the system sets their location to arrival airport in the last PIREP. If not, then the system sets them in their HUB. I regret to inform you that V3.0 is gonna be a payware.
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