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  1. Thank you
  2. do you still need help, mate?
  3. few weeks ago, one of my CC modules stopped working, and i found that the module sent a validation script to CC's server, which is not avail anymore. i had to skip the validation check script, and now it's working again. not sure if it's right thing do, but i bought the module years ago, and i think i have the rights to keep it working as i expected
  4. Great.. This is the documentation link for IVAO APIv2 https://wiki.ivao.aero/en/home/devops/api/documentation-v2. I don't know which one you need, but you might want to look at the user session on the private API set. Also, to use the private API, va must be listed as official in IVAO, and only then they can request the token to use the API. Which i believe is not difficult for Vielma16 and Srilankan Virtual.
  5. IMHO, for IVAO, you can try to parse IVAO whazzup data, and compare it to your pilot's flight data. If something match (can be vid, and/or callsign, and/or strings at the remark), then the system tag it online per whazzup download. So you have to set minimum value for the whole flight to be reported as online flight. Or you can try for their private APIv2, which require token for an approved VA. But, still i can't write a code for that, so i would like to know too..
  6. does the leaflet map work inside your phpvms installation?
  7. Hello.. I'm sorry not being clear before. It's on the acarsmap.php, change the script to to Leaflet's. Is it the CC payware modules? Regards
  8. You've changed to Leaflet? You have to modify the scripts for displaying the whatever things you want at your map to Leaflet script too... Regards
  9. Found the solution to my problem. Apparently it is not the module itself. It is mentioned here. Regards
  10. Helo Nabeel.. Tried to, but no response at all. Also read on other thread that one got his refund from paypal, most likely because paypal get no answer as well from CC guys. So i think i will rely on the help from the community. Regards
  11. Hello All.... I had a problem with Auto Assignment Module by Crazy Creatives. If pilot bid the assigned schedule, the phpvms system recognize that the pilot had a bid, but the bid won't show on the pilot's bid page. Instead the bid appears on the smartcars. Further investigation, i found that the module did not send aircraft registration to the phpvms_bids table (the aircraftid is 0/zero, not blank). As the module is payware, would someone kind enough to help me on this via PM? The developer is no longer replying for their customer's communication. Regards
  12. Get your point ProAvia.. Will do that, hope someone will be able to help me Thanks
  13. Me too had several payware CC modules....and no respond from their end to my problem. The question is, how can i get some help from this community to resolve my problem related to the CC payware modules? In my case, i think i know what might the problem is, but my scripting knowledge is not that good. I believe there must be a way to get help from this community, other than "no solution here, please contact the not-replying-at-all developer for your issue" Any direction ProAvia?
  14. hello..... can somebody direct me how to change the route map displayed when i click the route on the pilot's pirep detail on the Admin panel? I could manage to convert the map on the va site, but not on this particular map in the admin panel... i've attached the map results from the same pirep, one from the pilot's logbook, and one from the admin pilot pirep list thanks... version php7.2
  15. hello.... any news on the project?
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