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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Something like if(Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel > your required rank level) { //give em the download } This would be based on the numerical value of your ranking system.
  2. Have you got a test instance of phpVMS running on the same database that may have set everyone to retired?
  3. What did you do to get to that point? Did you change any settings, or did you try to load it into a local database and then upload it to your web server?
  4. Posted in wrong forum (vaCentral) - Moved to support.
  5. Did the setting in the config file get changed or overwritten? # After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 120); Check the date the server thinks it is as well. It could have been changed or corrupted.
  6. If you are on VPS or dedicated hosting look for ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. ; http://php.net/upload-max-filesize upload_max_filesize = 2M in your php.ini file and change it to what you need. Remember to restart the server after the change. You may have to change the max-execution time temporarily as well, I think default is 30 or 60 seconds depending on the configuration your host uses. If you are on shared hosting you may have to contact your host. When I have a file that size I usually import it into a sql database on my local machine then export it as a gzip sql file and import that into the live database, that will sometimes work easier than other methods.
  7. The database structure has not changed so if you already have it installed you should be fine just updating the files and leaving the database as is.
  8. When you are working inside of php tags you need to use the print or echo syntax to get the html to the browser. There are a few ways you can get this done. Two of them would be; <?php if($userinfo->hub == 'EGLC') { echo '<img src="http://www.leavirtual.com/lib/skins/Site/images/profile/eglc.gif" width="200" height="100" /> '; } ?> or if there is a lot of html to parse it is sometimes easier to end your php coding and then restart it after your html syntax <?php if($userinfo->hub == 'EGLC') { ?> <img src="http://www.leavirtual.com/lib/skins/Site/images/profile/eglc.gif" width="200" height="100" /> <?php } ?>
  9. Looks like he has enough respect for VAFS to put a logo on the sidebar for them, but not for Nabeel or the community here at phpVMS. I think this free advertising has gone far enough, after all what drives people to a site more than controversy. Thread Locked.
  10. You could just stop them from dispalying in the results list, in schedule_results.tpl right after foreach($allroutes as $route) { put if(Auth::loggedin() && ($route->code != Auth::$userinfo->code)) { continue; } If someone is looking at the schedules but not logged into the site they will see everything, but if they are logged in and their va code is not the same as the schedule code then it will skip that route. If you have a lot of schedules/pilots/server traffic it would be better to go back to the controller and build a new data call to just export the correct set of schedules to the template.
  11. In the public profile you could use a print_r temporarily to find what info is available in the local variable, in the case of the public profile page it is $userinfo; <?php print_r($userinfo); ?> When you do this you will get a printed string in the page something like stdClass Object ( [pilotid] => 1 [firstname] => Dave [lastname] => Clark [email] => dave.clark@virtualaca.net [code] => ACA [location] => US [hub] => CYHZ [password] => xxxx [salt] => xxxxx [bgimage] => approach.png [lastlogin] => 2010-11-23 [totalflights] => 11 [totalhours] => 20.11 [totalpay] => 1816.5 [transferhours] => 50 [rankid] => 13 [rank] => Chairman Of The Board [ranklevel] => 13 [confirmed] => 1 [retired] => 0 [joindate] => 2010-05-09 13:51:09 [lastpirep] => 2010-07-21 23:50:40 [lastip] => [comment] => [rankimage] => /lib/images/PilotRanks/rank_ceo.png [payrate] => 90 ) If you look through that variable dump you will find that the hub is included. You can print out any piece of the data by using an echo statement, for the hub you can do; <?php echo $userinfo->hub; ?> You can use the same process for the other page, find the variable and then find what is available in it, then echo out what you want. If the data you are looking for is not available then you will have to go back into the module and create a new data call to supply it to the template.
  12. On the pilot center page you can use the $userinfo variable to determine the hub the pilot is in; <?php if($userinfo->hub == 'EGKK') { //do stuff here } ?>
  13. It is a white space error. Look at all your modified php core files and see if there is any white space before the opening php tag or after the closing tag. Make sure you try to clear any space after the closing tag, even if it looks like it is the last line. The error showing on line 154 is just where it catches up with it, it is somewhere before that in that file or a file called prior to that.
  14. Found this page about one mans opinion of web site design, he calls it the html hell page. He includes Design Hell, Content Hell, Style Hell, and Extension Hell. I don't endorse it, although I agree with a lot of it, I just found it interesting and felt it gave a point of view for designers to think about when designing web pages. http://www.catb.org/esr/html-hell.html
  15. Good to hear, even if it is my competition...
  16. Same to you Keith, I just woke up for round two, aka "The Leftovers".
  17. I would start with apache and possible mod_rewrite errors. Do you have any .htaccess files in the file tree? If so, are they configured correctly? Is the server running PHP5 on Apache 2.2 as CGI mode? Many web hosting companies set this as default; Apache is not going to support “PATH_INFO” in mod_rewrite. In order to solve the problem you can try a custom php.ini file in your root directory (if your host is ok with it) and include the line cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0; in it. This may correct, or at least override the error. Couple of more questions? Did the application ever work on the server as it is now configured and just quit, or has this issue been present since the initial install attempt?
  18. Are you on Godaddy's "Grid Hosting" package? That service seems to produce this error a lot. Most every time it is due to how php is compiled and configured on the server. You can try running www.yoursite.com/install/checkinstall.php and see if it pukes out any errors but the issue is almost positively server side.
  19. Way down in the bowels of the app.config.php file there is an array of options that your new flight type would have to be added to. /** * Constants * Do not modify these! All sorts of weird stuff can happen */ # Set the type of flights we have Config::Set( 'FLIGHT_TYPES', array( 'P'=>'Passenger', 'C'=>'Cargo', 'H'=>'Charter' ) ); But as the notes say, be careful. After adding it to the array you will have to modify all your drop downs and such accordingly. I have no idea as to if it would affect Acars programs among other things or not... Good luck
  20. the absolute url for that would be http://www.yoursite.com/index.php/pages/executivestaff
  21. I think your best option would be to add some javascript to the registration form. The other option is to add some checks to the registration.php file to validate each peice of data but if someone changes any of the fields it would not get automatically changed in the core file, not to mention it would be over-written in any update. A decent example of adding some js to the form is here -> http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_form_validation.asp
  22. As long as you have placed your modified template files in your custom skins folder they will not be overwritten. If you have been modifying the files with in the core/templates folder (which you should not be doing) they will get overwritten in an update. The system looks for the needed template in the chosen skin, then if it is not found it will go get the generic one out of the core/templates folder.
  23. Yep, thats been an issue from the beginning, its on the list for the net version, if and when I can get to it. Got my hands in a few too many things at the moment.
  24. They are the name of each template, I put it in every template to hopefully avoid the "which template do I edit" questions and speed up the skinning of the module to your template.
  25. simpilot

    ACARS Map

    I am not sure how to make it work in an iframe, I do not really mess with them. It looks like it is trying to work but I do not see the map itself. I noticed it looks like you must be running the server at home using a dynamic ip address, that may have something to do with it too. There is a va here running phpvms that uses iframes within a joomla install but the name escapes me at the moment, but I do remember that the pages include the entire skin and phpvms site within the iframe. To me a better option might be to build all the code into your page and include an instance of codon at the head and not use an iframe. If you have both your va and your fshost server running in the same place it should be fairly painless.
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