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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. You can just delete the files you uploaded to your site from the package and then use phpmyadmin to delete the three tables in the database that you added (events, events_pilotranks, and events_signups). That will remove any trace of it unless you have skinned it into other templates. This module really has nothing to do with filing pireps though, I think you will find your problem in another spot.
  2. I have made an entry including the download of the guide in the documentation section of the forum here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?category=1 Thank You to Bluemax for this nice addition to the documentation of phpVMS.
  3. There is no data set in the $bids variable when you access it through the profile method as it is in the schedules/bid method. You can add $this->set('bids', SchedulesData::GetBids(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid)); to line 64 of Schedules.php Profile.php in core/modules/Profile/ and that should set the $bids variable with the data from the pilots bids (if there are any bids for the pilot). REMEMBER, if you update the install this change will get overwritten and you will have to do it again.
  4. I posted functions for averages here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2989-touchdownstats-10/page__view__findpost__p__21572 and worst rate here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2989-touchdownstats-10/page__view__findpost__p__24875 If you go through the thread I think there are some more adaptations and you can modify what is there to get almost anything else you are looking for. I am assuming you are talking about landing rates and not ringtones - lol
  5. Do you have PIREPS filed for the month?
  6. You will have to make some modifications to the core of the addon to accomplish being able to visit the same airfield within the same route without duplicate routes being available for the aircraft. You will have to find a way to get the aircraft location and look at the last PIREP for it in order to grab the correct schedule for the next leg when you are at an airfield that is visited twice in the same route.
  7. Do you have a folder named "pics" in your root directory of your phpvms install and if so, is it writable?
  8. THANK YOU!!! - You are one of the few that has done that for me, although I have not ever pressed the issue the license has certain requirements, including not removing links to the author included in the distibution. I have only included items like this in two addons, AIRMail and POPUPNews but most folks have removed the links without permission, I have only had one person ever ask for permission. I DO LOOK FOR THESE LINKS when I am asked to support an addon. So... I say THANK YOU to you!
  9. Well.... I have been away for a week on vacation and you need to have a little patience...
  10. You could try to include an instanace of the codon structure within a custom page of joomla, I have not tried it so I can not say if it will play nicely with joomla. It does work on stand alone pages. Something like <?php //start an instance of phpvms/codon require_once 'yourpathto/core/codon.config.php'; //get all the pilot data $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); //use a foreach to display the pilot info you would like (read as "customize this part") foreach($pilots as $pilot) { echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'<br />'; } ?>
  11. <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?>
  12. i was trying to help but I see that this thread is going nowhere. I am locking this before it goes any further.
  13. Ok, looks like all the core files are intact, look for any error logs in the folders of the site, there may not be any if de-bugging is turned off or if the error is not within the application. If there is no error log then lets get some de-bugging info going. Use the information here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=31 to turn on the de-bugging functions within phpVMS. Once you have done that, go to your site and visit all the pages you have errors with, this will create a log within the folder tree as outlined in the above instructions. Post, or attach the error log(s) to your post and hopefully that will give us some insight to the issue(s).
  14. To redirect back to the index page you can use; header('Location: '.url('/')); You can redirect to a certain page by adding the module in the url command. For example if you want to redirect to the pilots list; header('Location: '.url('/pilots'));
  15. simpilot

    No Hub

    Build a new module: First create a folder named Listing in your core/modules folder, then inside of that folder create a file named Listing.php and insert the following in it; <?php class Listing extends CodonModule { public function index() { $this->set('pilots', PilotData::getAllPilots()); $this->show('pilotslist.tpl'); } } Then create a new template in your skin folder called pilotslist.php and insert the following in it; <table> <tr> <td>Pilot</td> <td>Country</td> </tr> <?php foreach($pilots as $pilot) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->location.'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </table> Then point your browser to www.yoursite.com/index.php/Listing It will show a listing of all the pilots names and the country abreviation from the database. You can throw a print_r($pilots); in the template to see what data is available to you but I believe it will supply everything in the pilots table to you for your use in a table of your liking.
  16. When you deleted the other site were some files from the main site inadvertently deleted? Try putting the install folder back up and then run www.mysite.com/install/checkinstall.php and see what is output, it will tell us if there are any missing or corrupt files in the install. That is a good starting point. Also, what version of phpvms are you running, and what version php is running on the server?
  17. simpilot

    No Hub

    In your module use $this->set('pilots', PilotData::getAllPilots()); to pass the data to your template, then in your template you can use a print_r($pilots); temporarily to see what data is available to you in the variable. Then it is just a matter of building you display for the data as you would like. A simple table example could be <table> <tr> <td>Pilot</td> <td>Country</td> </tr> <?php foreach($pilots as $pilot) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->location.'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </table> This is off the top of my head so it may need to be cleaned up a little but you should be able to build your list from here.
  18. Free hosting generally has a lot of issues when it comes to dynamic php/mysql driven sites. Basic html static sites seem to perform ok on most free hosts but you will find a some decent paid server space, even if it is a shared server is better than a free host.
  19. Wow, "lack of forum support" and "forced to purchase another server" are some strong comments about an open source community project. Nabeel has spent countless hours coding the base software and supporting users through the forum board, not to mention the money it takes to keep the site up and running, he has even purchased IP Board forum software for us. There are many others here that help when they can, but as you mentioned, this is not a commercial software project, members (including Nabeel) have real world jobs, family commitments, and other interests, so response is not always immediate. To back up what Jon has mentioned, the comment in a request for help that states, "it doesn't work, what is wrong", is not the best way to get some help. It is very helpful to the people trying to help you if you include the details of the situation. It is the old saying of "help me to help you". I do find myself avoiding the threads that have a screenshot of a problem and very little supporting information, it is similar to calling the Dr and telling him you don't feel well and asking him, what's wrong? He can't see you, perform an examination, and may not know your history. I also, and I think I may speak for others, avoid threads with "HELP!!!" in the title, or are filled with "!!!!!!" strings. As far as your comments, I think your statement to the lack of forum support to the members is far from fair, and frankly, insulting. I also find it hard to believe that anyone "forced" you to buy another server. The views of a thread can also be very deceptive, if you look at the members loged in at anytime you will find multiple crawlers on the site, everytime one of these crawls a thread it registers as a view.
  20. Moved to skinning board.
  21. You can build the template for your pilot bidding with the code provided, just include the necessary data elements from the realschedule module in the method called to display the pilot bids.
  22. It is the cost of one ticket, which is tied to the pax count for the aircraft. Make sure you have the max pax field filled in correctly for the aircraft. The system will multiply the ticket price by the pax count to get the revenue for the flight. The pax count is determined by the max pax multiplied by the setting in the local.config.php for % pax load.
  23. Unfortunatly the live fuel price feature has been unavailable for some time. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2832-live-fuel-pricing/
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