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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Import/Import.php m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m admin/templates/ops_airportlist.tpl m admin/templates/ops_schedules.tpl m core/app.config.php m core/classes/CodonRewrite.class.php m core/classes/MainController.class.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/SchedulesData.class.php m core/version m install/checkinstall.php m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml VMS-289 VMS-290 VMS-291 #close fixed View complete changes Download from here
  2. Nabeel

    kACARS - Feedback

    Sounds like one of my normal landings!
  3. Yup to account for 0 being Sunday, and if 7 is used for Sunday. PHP uses 0 for Sunday with date('w'). It's in there twice since array numbering starts from 0, so the first Sunday is 0, Monday 1... then on through the 2nd Sunday in which ends up being 7. Which is why you enter the dates with 0-7, it's easy to map to the name that way. I added a line in the importer to replace any 7's with 0's so then you can use 1-7. The Sunday was in there twice for if you did use 1-7, it would show up properly, but I didn't realize date('w') returns 0 for a Sunday. Here's the fix (at least the schedule view piece, which I also added into schedule_results.tpl for the next): http://forum.phpvms....dpost__p__17915 But any imports should now convert 7s to 0s (as of 932/next update this week)
  4. As soon as Google adds the geodesic option, I will add it in.
  5. Screenshot? It might be because you have less than a month's worth of data
  6. You can check with install/checkinstall.php, but good to hear it's working
  7. Nabeel

    Finance Data

    Thanks. It could be the conversion of the time to minutes or the price to per-minute.
  8. Sounds like a problem in the skin then...
  9. Are the lib/signature folder and files in it all 777?
  10. But you never know, with those hosts, one day might be fine, the next might be screwy. You get what you pay for...
  11. Blank page means some PHP error. I'd check your server logs as a start.
  12. Hmm no problems with Chrome here. Try IE and FF, see if there's any errors there. Try this - open admin/modules/operations/operations.php. Line 500 is: header("Content-type: text/x-json"); In the schedulegrid() function - try commenting out that line, does it help? What about changing it from x-json to just json? And this URL: http://fs-products.net/PhoenixVA/admin/action.php/operations/schedulegrid?_search=false&nd=1272311197967&rows=25&page=1&sidx=flightnum&sord=asc If you click that, what does it output?
  13. Hmm... what if you try in IE or FF? Any problems? I'm loading up Chrome now
  14. Ahh yes, free hosts - they cause problems all over the place.
  15. Strange, schedules aren't cached. Anything in the debug log? How about the /checkinstall.php and /checkdb? Also, those are loaded by AJAX, so anything in the error console? Or IE throwing any javascript errors?
  16. Thanks Dave, I hate IE. I think I have a few of those lurking around somewhere, gotta search em out. Added the ASP tags check, seems like that's been coming up now since the JS templates use the <% %> tags
  17. I said in the other thread, I need the log files from you, if there's anything coming in the logs
  18. Nabeel

    Finance Data

    Ok, perhaps this is the right calculation: SUM((TIME_TO_SEC(flighttime_stamp)/60) * (pilotpay/60)) as pilotpay What it does is takes it all down to the minute - so hourly pay to the minute, and then the flight time in minutes, I think that's probably the most accurate then. What do you think? (Sorry, I can't personally run down a complete itemized list ATM)
  19. Nabeel

    Finance Data

    That pilotpay is the per-hour rate of the pilo, so that's fine. I think the difference might be that it's doing the flighttime as a decimal, and not as minutes. Let me try something
  20. This post, scroll up: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2698-flight-schedule-is-not-showing-up/page__view__findpost__p__17915
  21. I would contact them, because that sounds like a configuration error. I've run into with running php on fast-cgi, and it was a problem with it being configured wrong. In my case, it was they were parsing just .php, and no including the .php/parameters portions
  22. Replace: $output[] = $pilot->Position; with $output[] = $position; Since above you're doing $position = ...
  23. Nabeel

    Finance Data

    Give 931 a shot..
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