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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. OpenFlights has a database: http://openflights.org/data.html
  2. Wait till some new features roll out in VA Central... namely Alliances...
  3. core/common/PilotData.class.php - generateSignatures()
  4. Look in the code snippets forum, I believe it's there
  5. That's not the solution. There are db fixes in the next update. You have to trace the error and see exactly where it's coming from
  6. /home/olbifgro/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb.class.php Does that file exist? I will take a look, thanks
  7. Probably missing something. You have too few parameters in that PIREP data structure. I'd take a look through the FSFK module and see what you're missing
  8. filePIREP has two parameters: http://docs.phpvms.net/api/codon_core/ACARSData.html#FilePIREP You're missing cod ein the filepirep too... check out the fsfk module..
  9. The 142 sounds about right. The new algorithm didn't take place until midnight which is when the cleanup script runs. It's basically last 40 days pireps, average per day calculated against # of pilots total, and active pilots out of all those pilots. So Joeri is correct - 30 pilots with 10% active will do worse than 10 pilots with 9 active, but 30 pilots wiht 50% active will do better... with an average of lets say 2-3 pireps a day. Increase your score by - more pireps in one by by more pilots, but it doesnt change in one day, it takes several days to get better - meaning you have to keep your VA performing well and better in order for your score to go higher. Number of schedules don't count anymore, but the %age of actively flown schedules do have some bearing on the overall score, though not much. But if you have 100 routes and only 10 are really flown, it will count against you, vs if you have 30 routes and 25 of them are regularly flown. It's a bit complicated, but basically the thing is - expand your VA, keep it active in all areas and you will do well
  10. Might have been for some other reason, was there an error message?
  11. That's their export file? Can you send me an example at my email nabeel at nsslive dot net
  12. Thanks! I guess they can see the 'view recent reports' link? Just fixed it, thanks!
  13. IE is stupid. In the template, route_map.tpl: lng: "<?php echo $route->lng ?>", }; That last , after the lng: line, remove the comma
  14. Thanks, I was able to duplicate it on the dev site. Checking it out right now...
  15. You had to have originally created the project from git to be able to do that
  16. Yep you can do a pull then update, and manually merge any conflicts
  17. What do you mean it's rejected?
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