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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I'm slowly moving the documentation and updating it to the new tab called "Resources" on top. IPB has an add-in called IP-Content, which rocks in how it can be customized. I like having one system for everything, and with this I can start condensing everything into one more manageable system (rather than the now 3 separate pieces of software setup), and this is what I was looking to do for the docs anyway. Especially now there are comments allowed, so everyone can pitch in their two cents I need some docs written, mainly on sections in the admin panel. So if you consider yourself an 'expert' in some part, it would be great if you can write up an article. I'm creating all the topics in there, and if you'd like access to edit one of them, let me know, it would be sweet.
  2. Make sure Excel isn't truncating that 0 in the daysofweek column.
  3. I don't get nay data from it, but I see the price is up on Airnav.com, so that explains the price
  4. IP.Board has an addin called "Converge" for single-sign in, so it will probably involve that. I don't know any specifics though Cool, this is what I was saying earlier in the thread, to use the phpBB functions for doing to, to ensure things don't break going forward.
  5. Strange, I will try to do some debugging and see what I can come up with.
  6. I just tested firefox too, and it works. There's nothing generated which is browser specific, it's all server-side code and is browser agnostic. There's nothing wrong with your registration form.
  7. I used IE8, not sure about the others. That won't make a difference though. It's working.
  8. Yeah there are bugs, haven't gotten a chance to get around to it yet
  9. Check out http://docs.phpvms.net, there are guides there
  10. Hmm, are you using postfix or sendmail? Is email from other PHP apps working/can you send mail from the console?
  11. I was also just able to register just fine. Reupload all those files from the latest, or try re-uploading everything. Those didn't match the register of what those files should be, so they could be corrupt
  12. Ahh that would be it, thanks Dave. I must have deleted it by accident when cleaning up the settings.
  13. The same one as always, http://downloads.phpvms.net I wouldn't use that one, use the one from downloads.phpvms.net. I do some transformations and zip it up and place it, this doesn't have those things in it (mainly for versioning)
  14. If you goto reports, does it show up there? How many airlines do you have?
  15. What do you mean, where? What version, etc
  16. You'd do $route->fieldname Look in the docs, the configs section
  17. Yes, someone has implemented it, if you do a search
  18. It's not a bug. The different airlines are just setup for different routes. But it's easy to customize. You can add some code into the template which will only show the bid link for the airline the user is in. schedule_results.tpl if(Config::Get('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID') == true && $route->bidid != 0) to if(Config::Get('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID') == true && $route->bidid != 0 && Auth::$userinfo->code == $route->code)
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