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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yeah man, I was in shock for quite a while after that...
  2. What's your airline? I don't see any errors in my logs, did you check on your site to see if they uploaded (on your airline page?) - I'm improving this show they show up better
  3. Well, the option is there
  4. Ray, I saw Dimebag the night before he was killed, in Niagara Falls - insane night. My old boss up there is a beer nut. I just drink the stuff I'm finally getting back into vacentral... working on the newsfeed stuff now... coming up with va alliances (will rank those...), and just souping the site up overall
  5. You'd have to view source on the email to see what's happening, it's hard to tell without knowing exactly what it's putting in
  6. I simplified it a bit for you, if you don't mind. public static function GetNewsItemByCategory($category,$limit) { $sql = 'SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(postdate) AS postdate FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'news WHERE category=`'.$category.'`'; if (!empty($limit)) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$limit; } return DB::get_results($sql); } You can call it as (assuming you put it in SiteCMS, or even better, just create a new dataclass for it so it doesnt get overwritten - to do that just follow the same format as the other classes in there, ClassName.class.php, then inside that is class ClassName { }... in fact, creating a class like that called CustomQueries (so CustomQueries.class.php, and inside class CustomQueries{ } ) to put all your custom code so it's not overwritten in an update is probably a good idea) $news = SiteCMS::getNewsItemByCategory($category, 1);
  7. Send a request to the xacars author to include landing rate in the pirep submit... maybe he will listen if a few people request it
  8. It should be using the ADMIN_EMAIL setting in that settings database. Is it all email? Or just certain ones?
  9. Seems like I copy/pasted and didn't change which setting it looked at =\ I'm trying to duplicate the second one - what's the email address you're entering? And what PHP version are you on?
  10. Count me down for a batch of homebrew... I hear ya, been crazy busy as well, this time of year is busy for me at work. Haven't had abeta release in a week before yesterdays. Haven't worked on vaCentral for a long time either.
  11. Yep, I haven't gotten the time to fix this... I'm hoping to get to a few things on the vacentral side tomorrow (well, later today.. need sleep...).
  12. You can probably also send an email to Thomas directly
  13. My thoughts exactly, I'd be a bit peeved as well, I just want to fly, not go through all that stuff there. But that's why I left that code in there, but commented to. To each their own, I guess.
  14. Check the firefox error console, it'll give you clues
  15. define('NAV_NDB', 2); define('NAV_VOR', 3); define('NAV_DME', 4); define('NAV_FIX', 5); define('NAV_TRACK', 6); Those constants are in the app.config so you can use those directly if you need to
  16. Too much code paste.. lol... you might need to also include jquery-ui, in the lib/js folder. Do the <script src=""> in the header.tpl file. See if that works first
  17. Here's the proper gzip'd on with extended inserts. This should go better. navdata.sql.gz
  18. Yeah it looks like mysqldump does one huge insert, which kinda sucks. But I'm checking the options for that, I think I can break it up. I have scripts which run and generate all the data from the nav files (which take about 45 minutes by itself), and then finally do a dump, so it just uses the CLI. I'm too lazy to go through phpmyadmin/download/reupload, etc etc lol
  19. If you're on the command line you can gzip it there, and then import. I attached a gzipd version. I think you can also tar it locally and use that. Are you using phpMyAdmin? Edit: Scroll down to get the other one
  20. Nope, it's all one table now. It's pretty large, though the insert is split up. I have to see if there's a way to export it into smaller chunks.
  21. http://bugs.phpvms.net/log/ Select the revision from the "changeset" column. It will list any changes to files/templates. The templates are the important ones. I do list them in the changelog, but that's mainly for the next release (I list them as I go so I don't forget)
  22. I guess you're doing an update? You can ignore that. But installs won't work.. doh. I'll have that fixed tomo...
  23. Well, if you'd like to set it up, I have no objection. I just don't have the time to completely check and administer. I can add the information to the vaCentral homepage.
  24. fixed <a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/191" title="enhancement: Expand Admin Email Section (closed: fixed)">#191</a> fixed <a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/198" title="bug: TOTAL_HOURS missing from settings (closed: fixed)">#198</a> fixed <a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/202" title="bug: Pirep charts noticed #34;min#34;: 1, #34;max#34;: 1, (closed: fixed)">#202</a>, refs <a class="accepted ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/182" title="enhancement: draw routes on database on pireps/schedules/acars (accepted)">#182</a> View more details, download from here Notes You can drop these two tables: phpvms_navdb phpvms_airways The install/navdata.sql file has to be manually imported as well. Mouse over the links above to see which bugs have been fixes. Routes aren't cached anymore except for PIREPs. Re-wrote the route parsing mechanism - only uses 2 queries flat, instead of the (n+n) queries (where n = number of segments in the route). The new table format helps with this. The file is almost smaller with fewer entries, but does cover nearly everything. Let me know if something huge is missing. Also added two config options to set specific email address(es) to get notifications for new registrations or PIREPs. Note 2 Fresh install won't work with this - the update will complete but throws an error. Just create an "airways.sql" file which is blank in the /install directory
  25. What does having one for vacentral accomplish? I tried searching, couldn't find too many details. I guess my point is, why should we run one? Would it be its own type of "vatsim", or does it connect to vatsim, but it's just another communication server?
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