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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Revision 875: fixed #190 fixed #192 refs #18216 February 2010, 2:03 pmfixed #190 fixed #192 refs #182Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  2. Can you give me some details?
  3. fixed a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/190" title="bug: Route not drawn on Gmap but cache active in DB (closed: fixed)"#190/a fixed a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/192" title="bug: Total Hours / Total Flight (closed: fixed)"#192/a refs a class="accepted ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/182" title="enhancement: draw routes on database on pireps/schedules/acars (accepted)"#182/a View more details
  4. $40 for a skin isn't much at all. I charge $80/hr for outside work, so you're getting a bargain As for skinning yourself, start off small, don't bite off more than you can chew at first. It sounds like you're trying to learn HTML, using Dreamweaver or something. Go slow
  5. Nabeel


    You'd have to post on the thread for that
  6. Under Site & Settings - > Maintenance, there's an option to reset hours
  7. Nabeel


    Can you re-upload that acarsmap.js from /lib/js, something looks funny
  8. There's a bunch of fsfk_ templates, you can hardcode a width="" and height="" to the <img> tags in there. I forget what the template is called but it's in there
  9. Yeah, use $pilot->retired If it's 0, they're active, 1 then retired
  10. Nabeel


    Read the changelog and update all of those templates
  11. I use modx, beat Drupal/Joomla IMO, has a steeper learning curve, but I like it. It's what I'm using on the phpVMS main site
  12. If it's in admin/templates it won't check the skin folder, I have to change that, if you can make a bug for that in the tracker
  13. I think you have to shut engines off too, not sure if you did that
  14. Yeah, shadow7 is correct, that template hasn't been updated
  15. Yeah, I'm going to move those, or actually to force it to look in the skin folder for that one...
  16. Hmm, perhaps there's a missing setting?
  17. In maintenance options, there's a link to clear the acars table.The vacentral map is driven by that local table.
  18. Nabeel


    Is there a route attached to it? Even in the table?
  19. The link might only show up for the full admin, but can they still get to it by going to /admin?
  20. If the field name correct in the form for the email?
  21. Nabeel


    You don't need to, it automatically will from the API server Yeah, there's a class for it, if you poke around in the pirepdata file, there's a function called generate feed or something, it will show you the basic code on how to
  22. Yeah, read the changelog, all those templates need to be replaced
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