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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/185#comment:3
  2. Nabeel


    Thanks. Enroute is the status which will show for fsfk/xacars, since they don't report a flight status
  3. Nabeel


    Seems like your install didn't go completely. I would remove your database, and do a fresh install
  4. Who's your SMTP provider? Try setting up outlook express to use that SMTP and try sending a mail through there manually and see if it works? It could also be rejecting it because it thinks it's spam. Maybe that's something to research?
  5. That's odd. Can you attach your import file, or PM me a link to it so I can see if I can duplicate any issues? Thanks
  6. Nabeel


    Don't use the beta, stay with the release version for now. Also, try running install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php And paste your results here
  7. I added a column decribing their status. I'll see if I can fit in a filter
  8. Ah this is on the admin side, sorry. I must have overlooked changing that. Sorry!
  9. Is there something up with your SMTP server? I will try sending to a live.com address
  10. Sure is; if you're on 2.0, in app.config there is this setting: /* What to order schedules by. Use s.[column_name] [ASC/DESC], with the column name being from the schedules table */ Config::Set('SCHEDULES_ORDER_BY', 's.flightnum ASC'); Just add that to the local.config, and change it to s.arricao ASC (ASC is from lowest to highest, A-Z, DESC is the oppposite)
  11. Local.config is what takes precedence, local doesn't get touched/changed at all by me on updates. Can you get me a login, with admin, and PM it to me? I'll try logging in as well and see if itw orks. Pireps should be 60th of hours - 6.30 for 30 minutes. And prices/fuel are whatever unit you set. If you set it to kg, then use kg amount everywhere - if you put 100 and your unit is kg, it will be 100 kg. if you put lbs, it will be 100lbs. The key is remaining consistent. There's no unit conversions anywhere
  12. You can empty the schedules table. That number might just be the ones updated. Are you making drastic changes and not seeing them reflected? What's an example of changes you're not seeing?
  13. Only people who have access to the admin panel see the admin panel link, if you use the default setup. Login then redirect? I guess, but it would be changed every time they login.
  14. Do you mean they are actually being set as auto-retired? Or it's just showing that they are, but in reality in the DB they're not?
  15. So then they probably are updating properly. Was that log.txt file writeable?
  16. Overriding with skins only works with templates
  17. Might just be that the code is wrong there with the if/else, do you have that code there?
  18. What's the error? Might be that hotmail thinks it's an improper relay or something
  19. That might help too. But he's also using it in an iframe which complicates things (which is why I don't support iframes). But that's a good point - try empty the sessions table
  20. You're also using an iframe on your site. That will cause problems
  21. Can you enable DEBUG_MODE (set it to true) in the local.config.php, and then try an import, and see if there are errors in core/logs/log.txt (make sure it's writeable first)
  22. I should be, is that column a string?
  23. Are cookies enabled for those two?
  24. Can you attach your import file? Did you do an export first and then use that file to reimport?
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