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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Seems like your host an an old version of the CURL module installed - send this error message to them: Checking connectivity... Notice: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION - assumed 'CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION' in /www/zzl.org/s/u/n/sunsetva/htdocs/install/checkinstall.php on line 77 Notice: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER - assumed 'CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER' in /www/zzl.org/s/u/n/sunsetva/htdocs/install/checkinstall.php on line 77 Notice: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER - assumed 'CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER' in /www/zzl.org/s/u/n/sunsetva/htdocs/install/checkinstall.php on line 77 Notice: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT - assumed 'CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT' in /www/zzl.org/s/u/n/sunsetva/htdocs/install/checkinstall.php on line 77 Notice: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_HEADER - assumed 'CURLOPT_HEADER' in /www/zzl.org/s/u/n/sunsetva/htdocs/install/checkinstall.php on line 77 [Connection failed] Could not connect to remote server - error is "cURL not installed or initialized!" They should be able to fix that.
  2. You'd have to re-upload the install folder from the zip file
  3. Interesting... can you paste the results from running: /install/checkdb.php /install/checkinstall.php
  4. Nabeel

    Add To Bid?

    I said it above, something in your skin. You have to revert each template to the default without any changes, and figure out which template is causing problems, and then specifically what in the template
  5. Add these two into local.config.php Config::Set('VACENTRAL_DEBUG_MODE', true); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_DEBUG_DETAIL', 2); Then set core/logs/vacentral.txt to writable. And send it to me after a day or so and trying to export. Also, run install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php And paste the results here Thanks
  6. You can add it into those templates where you want it to show
  7. It says in the changelog which files, I don't have it open in front of me. core_htmlhead is the important one. Financials aren't fully working yet. That was noted yesterday in the build notes
  8. So you want it to show on some, and not on others?
  9. If you use Excel, you can devise different calculations to come up with those things.
  10. Sounds like something got corrupted, or didn't upload fully on the upgrade
  11. Read the changelog. And topics about beta should be in the topic in build log. But there are template changes. And make sure you uploaded that template
  12. Nabeel

    Add To Bid?

    Yeah, it won't work off of localhost, has to be on line
  13. Revision 860: Google Maps updated to v3, some finance fixes20 January 2010, 1:21 pmGoogle Maps updated to v3, some finance fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  14. Have you changed the form template? Can you make me an ID to try?
  15. Nabeel

    Add To Bid?

    I'd recommend not touching that file, but instead, adding includes, etc in the header.tpl file
  16. Ah ok, the API server seemed to have an error, try again
  17. So it's not working on the default either? Clear your cookies, and empty the sessions table, then try it
  18. Then you have to revert each template one-by-one until you know which one is causing trouble, and then rebuild that template
  19. When? Does your va page on vacentral show pireps?
  20. FSFK does penalties, etc. There is no other ACARS in development which I know of. For seating, you can just average all the prices, and enter it there. It's more work for me to split out prices, and then assigning them all is a bear, but you can average them as an operator and enter them in as that price
  21. Yes, check the addons forum/search it. It's come up before
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