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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Do you see it in phpmyadmin? I'm not sure why they're show up in one place and not the other. Anything special/different about those flights?
  2. Which folder are they in? And can you post a link to the PIREP?
  3. In Firefox, goto tools->error console
  4. Try a search on Google to start
  5. Revision 858: finance update19 January 2010, 12:16 pmfinance updateSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  6. Well, reupload the entire core/common and core/modules folders. Also core/templates.
  7. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1270.0
  8. Hmm, that log being on wouldn't make a difference in terms of processing. In the core/logs/log.txt file, are there any errors?
  9. Revision 857: expenses update, dashboard graph fix19 January 2010, 9:58 amexpenses update, dashboard graph fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  10. Dunno, but that sessions error is a host thing. Are your pilots marked as retired? That could be why
  11. Just include the /core/codon.config.php file on top
  12. Revision 856: financials fix, auto-retire fix (maybe)19 January 2010, 9:12 amfinancials fix, auto-retire fix (maybe)Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  13. Edit an expense, it'll populate the log. I forgot to include that code in, woops. Can you tabulate differences in financials between 854 and 855? I'm doing an install right now for 854 with the same db so i can see
  14. Depends where you're using it. Look in that template file to see where else a pilot ID is being used and mimic it. It could be $pilot->pilotid, or $userinfo->pilotid
  15. Well, did you do an upgrade install? Or a full install?
  16. Did you update from 1.2? Or did you start from 2.0/
  17. * Option to delete all schedules before an import * Ongoing rewrite of financials backend (including the new charts there). Mostly complete. Please check financials, make sure they all check out. Everything's in real-time now, instead of being cached. It's much faster, and more detailed There are still problems though (the pilot-side hasn't been updated yet), and the numbers might be off here and there. Let me know though, try to go through the numbers yourself and make sure
  18. Revision 855: fixed #153 fixed #155 fixed #156 fixed #16718 January 2010, 8:30 pmfixed #153 fixed #155 fixed #156 fixed #167Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  19. Contact your host about that one
  20. Well, first question - what did you do between last night and today?
  21. You pay for server resources. With free hosts/shared hosting, once your CPU usage goes over a certain amount (very low), you're throttled. You're also fighting for processing power with perhaps dozens of other users.
  22. Update your schedules_details file, it was changed in the latest version, see the changelog
  23. Can you set DEBUG_MODE to true in the local.config.php file, try registering, and then attach the core/logs/log.txt file?
  24. Because $pilotid is probably not the right variable replacement which is supposed to go there.
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