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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Well, the PIREPs were flagged on my end, I did get a notice. Well, it shouldn't affect the ranking much, though I did make some adjustments. Rejected flights should sync with vacentral eventually, but a few reject pireps won't make much of a difference overall
  2. Check for any errors in the error console, start there
  3. Yeah, what's under live acars?
  4. Did you reupload the registration module after you had modified it? Reupload the original one and then try
  5. The FTP settings are put in app.config/local.config, and FSFK automatically asks for the config files from your VA install. So don't change it. It automatically downloads the web.txt file. Did you setup the FTP information? If images don't show up, then FTP info is wrong
  6. If it's redirecting back, there's an error somewhere. Is the captcha showing up?
  7. What version are you using? Did you upgrade from 1.0
  8. Site5 is good. There's a referral link in he "Recommended hosting" topic
  9. Nabeel


    Someone would have to code it, I have my hands full.
  10. That template has been updated, check the changelog
  11. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1973 Also, if you searched: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1670.msg10220#msg10220 http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=243 http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1116.msg6528#msg6528
  12. $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports([PILOT_ID], 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); echo "This pilot's last location is: {$last_location->arricao}"; Of course, replacing the [PILOT ID] with the variable holding the pilot's ID
  13. Thanks, I'll check it out, but if you can send me a PM next time, that'd be better
  14. Nabeel


    They'd have to be separate routes, but you can name them as something like: VMS1000A KJFK-KIAD VMS1000B KIAD-KMIA If that's what you mean
  15. The data is wrong on geonames then. In the app.config.php, there's this line: AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER Find that, copy it to local.config.php, and change the value to 'phpvms' and then try. Let's see if it's correct on my airport database
  16. You have to set the settings to the way it says in the docs, otherwise it won't use the downloaded configs. Let's see what bravo comes back with, I may be missing something in the docs
  17. Ok, I will look into it. I vaguely recall a bug, I'll have to search and dig it out
  18. Are you doing a search on the plane? I think there was a bug relating to that
  19. Nabeel


    Yes. However, an easier way (IMO) would be setting up something like Google Calendar, and then create a page in phpVMS, and embedding it into the page
  20. Where are you entering it? Airport lookup?
  21. You don't need all the config files. Only the va-template downloaded from the pilot center, with no changes. FSFK will automatically download and keep upto date all the other config files needed
  22. It's in one of the page_ templates in /core/tempaltes
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