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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Then there's something else going on. Switch to crystal, if it works there, then you have to revert every template in your skin one by one until you find out which one it is which is breaking things
  2. Nabeel

    Add To Bid?

    Have you made any changes to core_htmlhead.tpl? But at least we've now narrowed it down to something in your skin
  3. Revision 859: Google Maps updated to v3, some finance fixes20 January 2010, 1:13 pmGoogle Maps updated to v3, some finance fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  4. I think you're gonna have to do a fresh install, I can't duplicate any of these errors either on the test site, or my dev site. Can you run: /install/checkdb.php and /install/checkinstall.php And paste the results in here?
  5. Just add an entry in your navigation which links to it
  6. Nabeel

    Add To Bid?

    You said in the other thread you got it fixed?
  7. Nabeel

    Roster list

    The cleanest is $all_pilots = PilotData::findPilots(array()); But, they all return the same data.
  8. So these show up when you register? Hmm. Ok, remove any custom fields, then try to register, do they show up?
  9. In local.config.php, set DEBUG_MODE to true, and set /core/logs/log.txt file to writeable. And then after a bit see if anything shows up in that file, and then post it here
  10. Yes, and always use the default core_htmlhead.tpl file, I made a new in that for the next udpate
  11. In your core_htmlhead.tpl file, replace this line:; <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>--> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.flyaka.com/lib/js/jquery-front.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.flyaka.com/lib/js/phpvms.js"></script> (The jquery-front.js file will be something like "echo $cachefile": With: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/jquery.form.js');?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/jquery-ui.js');?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/phpvms.js');?>"></script> That's from the next beta, let see if that helps
  12. Nope, your data is safe, it's in the database. I'd still recommend you backup your database, though
  13. What's the point? http://openflights.org/
  14. That's probably the right path. Yeah, set the log to writable, and try again, see if anything shows up
  15. Can you try the file from the latest beta? Not sure what's going on. What's the modified date on the file?
  16. Can you switch to the default skin and see? Seems like an old file or module, http://bugs.phpvms.net/browser/trunk/core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php?rev=854 Line 79, doesn't exist. I think somehow you're on an older version. Re-upload all your files from scratch
  17. Hmm, that's weird, because that file's not included anymore/was stripped. Do you have a schedule_details.tpl in your skin's folder? If you do, if you remove that, does it show up properly now?
  18. Okay, they're fixed now, sorry about that.
  19. I'm trying to find those, not sure why they disappeared.
  20. Hmm, if there was an error it should have shown up in the logs. I'll investigate further as well. But yes, that edit may have to do with it. I'm not sure I enabled textfields.
  21. I see errors in firebug. It's that jquery-front.js file again. Can you re-upload that file from a freshly downloaded zip?
  22. Nabeel

    Add To Bid?

    What browser are you using?
  23. For all the aircraft you add, use one registration number - ie "N12345". Then in your schedule's, just use that aircraft for the registration
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