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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Ah ok, yeah, that's in the bug list, thanks
  2. there doesn't need to be a "" because it's an integer, whether you put a '' in the set or not
  3. I would contact your host. You're probably on shared hosting and their server is overloaded
  4. It should be populating in the landingrate column. I think this addon needs to be updated. Just change instances of 'landing_stat' to 'landingrate'
  5. My condolences man, hope things look up for you soon. We're all here for ya!
  6. Contact your host, or read their site, they may have instructions. It's hard to tell from screenshots
  7. Weird, looks like there's something wrong with your account. I would email them.
  8. What do you mean install it into each aircraft?
  9. Make a folder in lib called fsfk (all lower case) Then setup the FTP settings in the app.config (copy them to local.config). that should be it
  10. Look in app.config.php and copy the settings from that file into local.config.php
  11. local.config is in the core folder
  12. The download URL works - post your va-template file. For the FTP - when you log into FTP, what's the directory path tot he /lib/fsfk folder? it's probably has to be: */ Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp://server72.hosting2go.nl/subdomains/va/httpdocs/lib/fsfk'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', 'fgroeneveldt'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', ''); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASSIVE_MODE', 'TRUE'); Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/lib/fsfk'); Passive mode is set to true. Post your va-template, it will most likely be correct
  13. Try searching again, I seem to remember a thread where you could restrict based on rank, I had posted the code in there to place in schedule_results.tpl
  14. Is this on the client side or admin?
  15. It does pull the data from fspax and fsfk, yes.
  16. I never rely on auto launches. I always launched FSX, setup my flight, then launched FSFK, then connect to FS manually and start ACARs manually
  17. Because the pie chart doesn't really handle times, it just doing it as a fraction of a number, not a 60-minute time interval. The overall ratio should be correct. The code, well, I guess the OP wanted it for a module
  18. What version of PHP are you running? Seems like you're not on 5.2 or above
  19. Hey, You have to use an FTP client (I use WinSCP, some people use Filezilla). Your host should have specific instructions
  20. Yes, shows the flight time per aircraft for that pilot. Are the times not adding up? The times might be a little different, due to the fact that the stats counter is using mysql to add up the times, whereas I do it manually. It shouldn't differ too much, though. Which actually bring me back to the OP's question: $flown_counts = StatsData::pilotAircraftFlownCounts($pilotid); Do a print_r($flown_counts), that will return loads of information, per-aircraft. Chances are, what you're looking for is probably in there
  21. Nabeel

    Admin template

    There's a setting to change it, in local.config: Config::Set('ADMIN_SKIN', 'layout_dark');
  22. I haven't had the time to come up with any of that stuff yet. I barely get time for phpVMS things. So you're gonna have to be patient and wait until I get the time to get the infrastructure into place
  23. I do: <?php $row_int = 0; foreach($rows as $row) { $class = ($row_int++ % 2 == 0) ? 'row0' : 'row1'; echo '<tr class="'.$class.'">...</tr>'; }
  24. Or you can use the API. Don't do manual queries, chances are 99% you can do it all without touching the API. I'm re-vamping for statistics, to add a flexible query system like I added for PIREPS and Schedules and Pilots, but for now, you can do this (which actually is using the PIREP query system, this shows how flexible it is) <?php $params = array( 'p.pilotid' => [pilotid], 'p.registration' => [aircraft registration], ); // Look for the last 24 months $totals = PIREPData::getIntervalDataByMonth($params, 24); $flown_time = 0; foreach($totals as $total) { $flown_time = Util::AddTime($flown_time, $total->total); } echo 'Total time flown: '.$flown_time; It'll be a bit slow, but I'm working on better functions for statistics as part of the cleanup. It might not work completely, but I'll let you figure out the pieces. You can put that in a loop for each aircraft
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