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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yeah, I fixed that one. The split error might be in one of the 3rd party libraries I use.
  2. Oh boy, me too. We had 6 turkeys are a huge gathering yesterday, and another huge one today.
  3. http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/64
  4. Ticket added, just add any extra information on there, thanks http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/63
  5. Thanks! I did, two days of good food, recovering now How about you? I've fixed it on dev, it'll be up shortly. Thanks
  6. In the beta, icons have changes... there's no red/green anymore (since I don't get a flight status from anything but fsacars, and fsacars isn't reliable). Instead, it's icons with are in the direction of the heading.
  7. Thank you sir, can you add a ticket into the bug tracker for me? bugs.phpvms.net And yep, I've had a nice break this week. Hoping to crack all these issues this week
  8. I haven't been able to test against 5.3, there's no Ubuntu package for it yet. Do you have the list of functions you get depreciated errors for? I was trying to fix all of those (as I encountered them), but haven't been able to get a full list
  9. I'm not sure there's a way around it, I'll take a look
  10. Yeah, that's on my ticket list, I have to create a default rank image. I agree, it's pretty ugly haha
  11. What was the airport you used, in the USA? Seems like a bug to me. Can you file a bug ticket so I remember? Thanks
  12. Can you send me your FTP, and site information (an admin account), it seems to be saving on the dev site.
  13. Thanks, can you enter a bug for it. I'm planning on upgrading up from 700 next week to test and all, but that's a weird issue.
  14. Revision 808: fixed #60, pirep hour bug fix26 November 2009, 1:09 pmfixed #60, pirep hour bug fixSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  15. Revision 807: Installer fixes25 November 2009, 10:04 pmInstaller fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  16. Yup, I understand. I just fixed 60 (build 808, dunno why the Build Log stopped updating, but it's fixed now). Should be up soon, before I'm off to Turkey-ville. But yeah, you can do everything in v1, the basics haven't changed. Check out the change log, though.
  17. Hey, Well, if you can document the bugs, that would be great. But, there shouldn't be any compatibility issues. Changes from version to version are listed in the change log. But if you stick with v2, I will usually have issues fixed within the day.
  18. 807 is up now, give it a shot and let me know how it goes. I couldn't really duplicate any of the errors, I tried on two servers.
  19. You shouldn't be writing any PHP files, for the database interaction (unless it's an example of how to). In reality, you should just be spitting out XML to a URL specified (a different URL for PIREP, and a different URL for status, basically a different URL you can set for anything which can be updated), and let me (or whatever system it is) handle what to do with it. Even in your example PHP files, you should be parsing the XML that your application sends (please don't do it the way FSACARS and Xacars do it now, it's such a pain in the ass to parse), XML is the most pain-free way to go. After dealing with 4 systems now, trust me, this is the best way to go I would even go to say to look at my FSFK XML configuration (he allows you to put the variables in any format you want for a PIREP, unfortunately, you can't for a status update), so I formatted it into XML: <FLIGHTDATA> <PilotID>$@$PilotID$@$</PilotID> <PilotName>$@$PilotName$@$</PilotName> <AircraftTitle>$@$AircraftTitle$@$</AircraftTitle> <AircraftType>$@$AircraftType$@$</AircraftType> <AircraftTailNumber>$@$AircraftTailNumber$@$</AircraftTailNumber> <AircraftAirline>$@$AircraftAirline$@$</AircraftAirline> <FlightNumber>$@$FlightNumber$@$</FlightNumber> <FlightLevel>$@$FlightLevel$@$</FlightLevel> <FlightType>$@$FlightType$@$</FlightType>~ <Passenger>$@$Passenger$@$</Passenger> <Cargo>$@$Cargo$@$</Cargo> <ZFW>$@$ZFW$@$</ZFW> <OriginICAO>$@$OriginICAO$@$</OriginICAO> <OriginGate>$@$OriginGate$@$</OriginGate> <OriginRunway>$@$OriginRunway$@$</OriginRunway> <OriginTransitionAltitude>$@$OriginTransitionAltitude$@$</OriginTransitionAltitude> <DestinationICAO>$@$DestinationICAO$@$</DestinationICAO> <DestinationGate>$@$DestinationGate$@$</DestinationGate> <DestinationRunway>$@$DestinationRunway$@$</DestinationRunway> <DestinationTransitionAltitude>$@$DestinationTransitionAltitude$@$</DestinationTransitionAltitude> <AlternateICAO>$@$AlternateICAO$@$</AlternateICAO> <SID>$@$SID$@$</SID> <STARS>$@$STAR$@$</STARS> <FlightDistance>$@$FlightDistance$@$</FlightDistance> <RouteDistance>$@$RouteDistance$@$</RouteDistance> <OUTTime>$@$OUTTime$@$</OUTTime> <OFFTime>$@$OFFTime$@$</OFFTime> <ONTime>$@$ONTime$@$</ONTime> <INTime>$@$INTime$@$</INTime> <DayFlightTime>$@$DayFlightTime$@$</DayFlightTime> <NightFlightTime>$@$NightFlightTime$@$</NightFlightTime> <BlockTime>$@$BlockTime$@$</BlockTime> <FlightTime>$@$FlightTime$@$</FlightTime> <BlockFuel>$@$BlockFuel$@$</BlockFuel> <FlightFuel>$@$FlightFuel$@$</FlightFuel> <TOIAS>$@$TOIAS$@$</TOIAS> <LAIAS>$@$LAIAS$@$</LAIAS> <ONVS>$@$ONVS$@$</ONVS> <FlightScore>$@$FlightScore$@$</FlightScore> <FLIGHTPLAN> <![CDATA[ $@$FlightPlan$@$ ]]> </FLIGHTPLAN> <COMMENT> <![CDATA[ $@$Comment$@$ ]]> </COMMENT> <FLIGHTCRITIQUE> <![CDATA[ $@$FlightCritique$@$ ]]> </FLIGHTCRITIQUE> <FLIGHTMAPS> <FlightMapJPG>$@$FlightMapJPG$@$</FlightMapJPG> <FlightMapWeatherJPG>$@$FlightMapWeatherJPG$@$</FlightMapWeatherJPG> <FlightMapTaxiOutJPG>$@$FlightMapTaxiOutJPG$@$</FlightMapTaxiOutJPG> <FlightMapTaxiInJPG>$@$FlightMapTaxiInJPG$@$</FlightMapTaxiInJPG> <FlightMapVerticalProfileJPG>$@$FlightMapVerticalProfileJPG$@$</FlightMapVerticalProfileJPG> <FlightMapLandingProfileJPG>$@$FlightMapLandingProfileJPG$@$</FlightMapLandingProfileJPG> </FLIGHTMAPS> </FLIGHTDATA> The code to parse this is all of 2 lines. Any other format it's a nightmare (see FSACARS, Xacars), etc. To parse that (Assuming the POST data is ?xmldata=[the above string]) <?php $xml = utf8_encode(trim($_POST['xmldata'])); $xml = simplexml_parse_string($xml); In fact, if you send that exact FSFK format via POST to the URL, it'll make my life so much easier.
  20. Yeah, I'm trying to dupe alot of this stuff in a fresh install, all seems fine to me. I made some enhancements to the installer, when I commit that, try that in a fresh install, maybe it'll provide some clues as to what's going on
  21. Hey! This is a known bug on 700, it's been fixed for the betas, which will be released shortly Nabeel
  22. Nabeel


    That's a skin issue
  23. Alright, thanks! Give me some time to try to work through all these things with a fresh install, hopefully by the next commit I'll have some of these issues fixed
  24. I think InnoDB is included by default with Mysql 4.1. You'd have to make sure your host didn't disable it, but the install wouldn't work if it wasn't there.
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