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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Revision 813: fixed #74, fixed #75, import fixes, airport retrieval, schedule search ...7 December 2009, 5:22 pmfixed #74, fixed #75, import fixes, airport retrieval, schedule search fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  2. Only FSACARS will have the touchdown rate
  3. 700 is the last in 1.x. You can upgrade to the betas (2.x), since I'm fixing bugs in that (I'm working on fuel price stuff now, just commited 813), but you'd have to update fairly often. There might also be problems, but not as big as on 1.0, and I fix them really quickly once found (within a day or two)
  4. Do you mean you're using xampp when you're offline? There are security restrictions in browsers where they won't allowed ajax requests to localhost
  5. Which version are you on, 700? It's buggy. I fixed alot of bugs with the fuel prices not retrieving or being applied properly. That fuel price table is for live prices, I cache them server side in that table for live prices. I'm working on fixing the prices right now.
  6. It might be because on the update, I empty the sessions table. Delete all your cookies, etc, and try then.
  7. For conversions... I suck at these... // Convert units from gallons to lbs if(self::$unit == 'lbs') { $result->jeta = $result->jeta / 6.4; // 6.4 pounds per gallon $result->lowlead = $result->lowlead / 6.4; } elseif(self::$unit == 'kg' || self::$unit == 'kgs') { $result->jeta = ($result->jeta / 6.4) * .45359; $result->lowlead = ($result->lowlead / 6.4) * .45359; } Basically I start with the fuel price, per gallon. Then to convert to price per lb, divide by 6.4. To KG, I convert to lbs, then multiply by .45 to get to kg. This correct, seems right?
  8. It uses AJAX to dynamically pull the schedules. It looks there like a stylesheet is missing too
  9. Seems like it is the filter. I'm looking into it. I'm trying to generate about 100 schedules right now so I have something to work with.
  10. so if you take out the it's gone?
  11. As long as the values in local.config check out, it should be ok. Sessions do rely on cookies so a domain change would affect that. I think clearing the sessions table should reset that, though.
  12. Is your sessions table there? Empty that out
  13. You'd have to use that to compare dates http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=php+compare+dates&aq=f&aqi=g3&oq=&fp=49bb1336baeea163
  14. Which bug number? I changed the admin to show 20 by default at first (since people had a ton of schedules). Hopefully by next beta this will be paginated. The filter shouldn't be limiting any, weird. I will check. I only have a database of about 10 routes, I have to create more
  15. Can you link me? Probably related to the new editor. Might have to make a change to the news template, I was trying to avoid that but I may have to now in the end
  16. What group is he in? And what's that group's permissions?
  17. You'll have to hardcode it into phpBB
  18. It shoulda be 0123456 The route map only shows 20 routes. If you have any more than that, it'll probably kill a users browser from everything it has to draw I'm looking into import issues
  19. Would you mind sending me your FTP info, and an admin login to phpVMS, I'd like to try to debug directly, my dev copy is being fussy
  20. I pull the live prices from airnav
  21. Your site didn't install correctly, delete everything in the database and try again. What version of phpVMS?
  22. Thanks. At least there's some errors there I can work with. And no airports... interesting. No errors reported with that.
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