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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You could do is like: <?php if(Auth::UserInGroup('Group Name')) { // Show content } ?> And you could add that right into the profile_main.tpl template
  2. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Sorry, the acarsdata table, just empty it
  3. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Clear the acarsmap table.
  4. Can someone help me fix this? I don't have the time right now to sit with IE8 and figure out what the deal is.
  5. Nevermind, I see the line. I can't add it in there because, that's loaded at runtime, and no idea what the flight is. Unless it's sent when the flight is pulled from the VA. I don't have the time right now, so if you can check their SDK docs to see if it is that would help
  6. What's the line in fsacars_config.tpl/
  7. Where are you putting the config files?
  8. I am not sure, I would have to check their docs. Where are you getting the remarks from now?
  9. Can you open a bug on the bug tracker? thanks
  10. Overwrite the files, and read the changelog for template changes. Any templates you've change should be in your skin's folder, so those won't get overwritten.
  11. I'm working on pagination. Are you getting all you flights shown now?
  12. Thanks for looking! I found a bug, where it won't let you blank the fuel price. If you set to false FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE (looks like you did), and set the fuel price as blank, it will then pick up that default price. I fixed the bug where it default it to 0 when it's blank. Though, I might say if it's 0, and LIVE_PRICE is false, then it should use that default price? Would that be ok? I'll add an accept button
  13. Ahh sneaky. Fixed on the dev copy, thanks alot!
  14. Check the local.config.php file, settings are in there
  15. Thanks, check the changelog for template updates, start from there first. There was changes in acars_map.tpl, that will probably fix that. Landing data is only for FSAcars and FSFK. I haven't looked at FSPax yet.
  16. The airline should just be the code http://docs.phpvms.net/using_fsfk#using_fs_flight_keeper
  17. Are you following the instructions in the docs?
  18. Revision 814: Airport add error fixed8 December 2009, 7:27 amAirport add error fixedSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  19. Maybe the browser is in offline mode?
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