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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yeah gotcha. Well, that wouldn't work since it relies on javascript popups which sit in the backend, but it's still worth it for learning
  2. after a PIREP file then re-enable the pilot
  3. If you can do an export in phpmyadmin of that table wit hthe contents, that would help
  4. Shoot, I forgot that portion Will add it asap..
  5. There shouldn't be an echo' there, or closing that echo. That will screw it up. But I doubt that code will work since it requires things in the admin panel. What are you trying to do?
  6. You'll have to export the database, in the export file, change all the table prefixes (you'll see phpvms_, change to phpvmsdev_ or something), and then in local.config.php, point it to the right database, and change the TABLE_PREFIX parameter there
  7. No prob. What I did was in the pilot profile, add a separate entry for transfer hours. I think it's good to show both separately, so you know your true hours.
  8. Yep, this latest one today should be ok. If there's no issues, I'm going to leave it out there for a bit to "marinate". Moving to a more powerful server
  9. This could be the last update until sometime next week. Am working on moving all my sites (including phpvms/vacentral) over to a server @ The Planet. Hopefully this build is pretty stable.
  10. Rev 784 - Version bump to 1.3, minor fixes and cosmetics30 October 2009, 1:19 pmRev 784 - nabeel (14 file(s) modified)Version bump to 1.3, minor fixes and cosmetics~ /trunk/admin/index.php~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/header.tpl~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/styles.css- /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/layout.php+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/layout_dark.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/ops_airportlist.tpl~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/classes/SessionManager.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/templates/profile_main.tpl~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/update.php~ /trunk/lib/rss/latestpilots.rssSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  11. Which settings do you have? None of them save, or only one or two don't save?
  12. It's avoided because it's frowned upon with the W3C standards to use tables for design. Tables were really meant for data. People still use it, but the 'standard' is to use divs for it, it's much easier to control through CSS too. But it's mostly a school-of-thought kinda thing
  13. Ok, yes, I was going to say, there was probably an error, so run these: INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'phpVMS Version', 'PHPVMS_VERSION', '1.2.##REVISION##', '', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Virtual Airline Name', 'SITE_NAME', 'PHPVMS', 'The name of your site. This will show up in the browser title bar.', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Webmaster Email Address', 'ADMIN_EMAIL', '', 'This is the email address that email will get sent to/from', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Date Format', 'DATE_FORMAT', 'm/d/Y', 'This is the date format to be used around the site.', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Notify for Updates', 'NOTIFY_UPDATE', 'true', 'This will notify in the admin panel if an update is available', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Current Skin', 'CURRENT_SKIN', 'crystal', 'Available skins', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Google API Key', 'GOOGLE_KEY', '', 'This is your Google API key. You need it for the maps functionality to work', 1); INSERT INTO `phpvms_settings` VALUES(NULL, 'Default User Group', 'DEFAULT_GROUP', 'Active Pilots', 'This is the default group if they are not explicitly denied', 1);
  14. Hmm, that's weird. I seem to recall this issue from before too. How did you do your install? Did you use the installer, or manually run the install.sql?
  15. There's a few IDEs you can use. If you're looking for something for free, Netbeans is great. There's an add-in which connects to FTP. Its code completion and and syntax checking/highlighting are good too. I prefer using Visual Studio with the PHP plugin, but it's payware. http://jcxsoftware.com/ It's not too expensive, but works perfect for me, since I can just scp/ssh into my server and work (I don't use FTP), which makes it quick. I don't need to worry about uploading, I just save it and poof, it's live. For design and stuff, I do it mostly by hand also, in this same editor. The add-in is all inclusive. I've tried Netbeans and Zend, but I just prefer how the VS editor just works (little things). I'm also used to it since I've been using it for years.
  16. Hey there, What version are you running on? So if you hit save and refresh, the setting is gone?
  17. Made a few other cosmetic changes in the next build, but I'll wait for feedback until I commit that on any new open bugs.
  18. Ah ok, yes, the drop would fix the sessions table, that what I wanted to see. Sweet
  19. Trying out a new design in the admin panel. Not completed yet. But I'll make the old one available for whoever wants to switch back
  20. I'd watch the skinning tutorial. Also check out the crystal-sidebar skin, that has two columns. Usually the sidebar down to where the content is will go in the header.tpl, and the end of it finishes in the footer.tpl
  21. Rev 783 - FSACARS fuel conversion fix, admin skin update29 October 2009, 6:12 pmRev 783 - nabeel (40 file(s) modified)FSACARS fuel conversion fix, admin skin update~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/footer.tpl~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/header.tpl~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/images/admin_logo.png~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/images/background.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/images/heading.png~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/styles.css+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/footer.tpl+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/header.tpl+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/admin_logo.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/asc.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/background.jpg+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/background.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/bg.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/dashboard_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/desc.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/folder-closed.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/headerbg.jpg+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/icon_file.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/minus.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/operations_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/pilots_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/pireps_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/plus.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/reports_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/settings_icon.gif+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/settings_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/images/site_icon.png+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/js+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/layout.php+ /trunk/admin/lib/layout_dark/styles.css~ /trunk/admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js~ /trunk/admin/modules/SiteCMS/SiteCMS.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/core_navigation.tpl~ /trunk/core/bootstrap.inc.php~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php~ /trunk/core/templates/profile_main.tpl~ /trunk/index.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  22. It's actually / .4535 (lbs to kg), it's been commited. Let me know if it's working.
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