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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Your query is wrong: $fuelflow="SELECT fuelflow FROM aircraft WHERE id $aircraft-schedule"; Should be $fuelflow="SELECT fuelflow FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft WHERE id $aircraft-schedule"; Also, you didn't actually runt he query, it would be (fill in the aircraft_id) variable $sql ="SELECT `fuelflow` FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft WHERE `id`= {$aircraft_id}"; $result = DB::get_row($sql); $fuelflow = $result->fuelflow;
  2. The quick fix is dropping IE6 support. I think that's OK to do, so fixed, unless I find a better alternative for the modal boxes (have to look around see if I have time to do that).
  3. This problem is a bit more extensive, the problem is in a jQuery plugin. Seems like it's not ready for IE8. I have to investigate this further
  4. Hmm, I think I have it fixed now on the dev site. Forced IE out of quirks mode with <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=7 I'll leave it open still for now, let me know. The shifting seems to be a CSS thing
  5. I see the shifting on the route page, I'll fix that. But I don't see any javascript errors on either page?
  6. Interesting. I'll see what I can find as well, but it could be a problem on your hosts side
  7. Fixed for next, on PIREP file they'll be reactivated.
  8. Can you see if it's happening on the dev site? http://dev.phpvms.net I'm assuming you mean where the metar shows - there's a div with the class "metar", if you remove that div (or rename the class), then it won't try to load the weather. See if that works
  9. Interesting. Can you send it to your host? Does the registration happen?
  10. Everything should be back up and working. If not, wait a little while. The DNS may not have propagated yet (there's a ton of subdomains). Thanks
  11. Gotcha, thanks. Seems to be the JS event listener isn't picking up a repeat call. I'll try this on FF too.
  12. Yeah, woops. I am thinking, once they login, to pull them out of retired? Or should it be when a PIREP is filed?
  13. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1399.0[/iurl]
  14. There's a few issues with IE8. If you're brave enough, you can check the beta and see if they are fixed
  15. Tom nailed it for ya. As for some of your other questions, check out the docs link up above, that will hopefully answer a few more of your questions in terms of installing.
  16. The registration should be available. You can edit your schedule_results template to show additional fields. I think it's $route, so you can do. You can also do that on the briefing template. print_r($route) somewhere in the template temporarily to see which fields are available. IIRC, $route->registration should be set for the aircraft registration. I can take a look, but if you end up making the changes, I can roll them into the official release.
  17. Can you duplicate this on the dev site? How about filling from a bid? Edit: I just tried on the dev site. No errors there. Is the schedule active?
  18. Nabeel


    Hey, You might want to check out the tutorials up on top. There's a few videos there. Other than that, I compiled a blog post with some resources which might help you out: http://nsslive.net/2009/10/06/php-resources/ Towards the bottom, "general knowledge", that's a good place to start. It's a little overwhelming coming to it new, but any questions, feel free to ask!
  19. Haha! I moved from shared to one VPS host (Slicehost), but found a much better deal on Linode. I didn't like Slicehost mainly because of the forced x64 architecture, which resulted in just wasted memory. The only main is since they just give you a blank slab, I'm spending the weekend re-installing and setting up the server from scratch. Waiting for Ubuntu 9.10 to be released though
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