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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. What do you mean by bookings?
  2. Hey, welcome! Flight types only have an affect on the fuel calculations, but you can set it to charter for now. I'll look into making it configurable
  3. Hey, localhost... are you on Windows? What are you using?
  4. Rev 731 - Including xacars config27 July 2009, 4:53 pmRev 731 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)Including xacars config+ /trunk/core/templates/xacars_config.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  5. Rev 730 - XACARS config file, fixed newlines in configs27 July 2009, 4:52 pmRev 730 - nabeel (5 file(s) modified)XACARS config file, fixed newlines in configs~ /trunk~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.php~ /trunk/core/templates/profile_main.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  6. Rev 730 - XACARS (beta) implementation, PIREP and status filing (ready for testing) 27 July 2009, 12:53 pm Rev 730 - nabeel (4 file(s) modified) XACARS (beta) implementation, PIREP and status filing (ready for testing) ~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php ~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/fsacars.php ~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.php Source: phpVMS Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  7. Rev 728 - Xacars updates27 July 2009, 9:11 amRev 728 - nabeel (6 file(s) modified)Xacars updates~ /trunk/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php~ /trunk/core/cache~ /trunk/core/codon.config.php~ /trunk/core/common/ACARSData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  8. Thanks, I just noticed it myself. Fixed it, submitted a bug report to SMF too.
  9. You haven't ended this: <?php # This will only show this message if it's not a popup window # Ends on line 13-15 if(!isset($_GET['newwindow'])) { ?> Add this at the end: <?php } ?>
  10. Nabeel

    vaBase skin

    It'll be just a skin, but can show the alternative layout. If you wanna Roger, sure. I'll be busy with xacars next few days, and I've got another little list of stuff to fix.
  11. Interesting idea, but not possible as of now, unless you want to write code to do it (dunno your PHP level), but you could use the notes field to indicate which rank, then in the template check the note field and display based on that
  12. Added to my list to check
  13. You can add everyone manually, if you're doing it by hand, you can just use the registration form and it will just require that the pilot activate it by email
  14. Ah, the zoom setting is in the Javascript file (acarsmap.js). Search for "17" or "18" (one of those numbers). That should be a setting
  15. Seems like a bug. Will look. Unless there was no distance entered for the schedules/routes
  16. I think there was a setting in the config to set the default center I assume you're talking about the ACARS map - that will automatically center and zoom to fit in your flights, so if it's all in the UK, I guess it will center down to that level
  17. This should be OK as of latest beta, but have not tested it extensively. Been busy on vaCentral (I was supposed to launch this week.....)
  18. Just checked the code, there's no sort order. So I guess you entered them into the database that way
  19. Which version are you on? I'm wondering whether its the updates I've made to the database layer. But that would only be if you're on one of the betas
  20. OH boy. Who's your host?
  21. Nabeel

    route map

    I mean for the page you created
  22. Oh, IE 8, I haven't tested the admin panel with it. I am still stuck on 7 because of work, can't upgrade yet : But Chrome/FF/Safari should be okay
  23. Nope, sorry. The ID's are "given out" by the database
  24. Ahaha... I wish FSACARS was a little smarter.
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