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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. What's the link again?
  2. I'll keep you in mind when I'm ready to test more widely
  3. Hm try logging in at paypal.com first, then going to the donate link? Thanks! ] Try adding: <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> After this line in profile_main.tpl: <li><?php echo $award->name ?></li>
  4. http://phpvms.net/svn/filedetails.php?repname=phpVMS&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fcore%2Ftemplates%2Fpilot_public_profile.tpl Towards the bottom
  5. 5+ PIREPS a day, 20+ members, then I'll consider it. Though right now, I'm not adding anyone extra
  6. Sure can. Use firebug to select the nav bar, mess with those styles. Once you mess with the styles, they stick until you refresh the page, so you can change multiple elements and get it all fit however you like.
  7. Potentially yes, especially if you change it after any pireps/groups have been assigned. I recommend not touching the ID there at all! Use the above instead
  8. Weird, should be working. How does it show up on your template?
  9. Hey, Where did you change the code? Did you change the option in the local.config.php? The ranking should be updating, most likely it'll reset when someone submits a PIREP. I'll take a look at that, though. Homer got the image thing right, you have to uncomment the line in the template to have it show. It's commented because I'm not sure how people will want the images to show, so that's left upto you
  10. Weird, if you use phpMyAdmin, can you see if the airport and schedules tables exist? Or try a fresh install, it's possible it didn't complete fully
  11. It's invite only at this point
  12. It's target="_blank" (not sure if you meant that)
  13. Yep, just type in plain ol' HTML
  14. Hey, good to hear!! You would right click on the file/folder, and select "file attributes" I think it is in Filezilla, then set it to 777. Then you should be set.. found a few images http://www.interspire.com/content/articles/12/1/FTP-and-Understanding-File-Permissions Also, I see you're using free hosting; there can be issues with those, just so you're aware!
  15. You click the firebug icon in the status bar, then the window pops up. click inspect, and move your mouse over the area which is giving trouble. It'll highlight the div or whatever and on the bottom right hand, there are the styles. Double click inside or on one of hte existing styles and you can edit it, or add new styles, and you'll see it change right away. It's handy for figuring out what's wrong. It'll give you the entire 'inheritance' of the styles too
  16. Yup, you can use Filezilla. I use WinSCP myself
  17. it's on my list.. sorry. i've been swamped at work the last week
  18. Hey, Are you sure you're uploading to the right directory? It should go into a /public_html directory or something if you have it. That's what I would guess, since it's saying Index of /, meaning no files were found there Try just going to your site's root too (where index.php is), it'll forward you to the correct installer page
  19. Yeah, I'm trying to locate those... if someone has copies...
  20. Try a search on google, there's gallery2, i'm not sure what else is out there
  21. Nabeel


  22. This topic has been moved to General & Support. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=816.0[/iurl]
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