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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I can't tell by looking at it, have you downloaded firebug?
  2. That width is defined in the CSS files, wherever you place them. Adding PHP code is just the same as a nywhere else. What's the exact error you're getting?
  3. Nabeel


    Looks good mang
  4. You could possibly do it on the bids page, and have a link to simroute there?
  5. Nabeel

    Adding to

    You could but it wouldn't be very clean. Probably a module would be good for it, with a call to the module function within the template. You can add a column to the db, though then you would need to edit it which is an admin panel mod
  6. And add the link in the notes section, that could be done. It would be alot to add a route upload section
  7. There's code already to do the addition, just need to implement it. Haven't had the time yet though, sorry!
  8. Interesting, I'll consider it
  9. not yet, I haven't had the time to integrate it, FSFK is a bit tougher to do
  10. Search for jquery gallery, there's some real nice ones which are easy to use. For instance the one I use here: http://phpvms.net/gallery
  11. Using firebug will help since you can mess with the styles. Haven't had time to look just yet
  12. Nabeel

    Adding to

    What kind of restriction? You can actually do it in the template (schedule_results.tpl) The example is there, which skips the day if it's not the current day. You can easily add code there to check any other conditions (for instance the last airport). So you can do it in the template, that way it's totally portable. I try to leave controllers to retrieve data, then dictate the template to display it. Then any (simple) display logic can go in the template.
  13. Nabeel

    Map Control

    No prob, check out sitepoint.com too, great tutorials there
  14. Thanks nabeel at nsslive (dot) net
  15. Don't do any manual queries: This is kinda backwards, but the URL; http://yoursite.com/index.php/yourmodule?confirmid=$confirmid Replacing $confirmid with the right one, of course <?php $_GET['confirmid'] = $conf_id; // This will be from the URL above, you don't actually need this line RegistrationData::ValidateConfirm(); // This is an old function, but still works There used to be email confirmation, but that was disabled in favor of the admin confirmation
  16. Nabeel

    Map Control

    It's ok!! Go slow, and read some PHP tutorials too. It's a little tough to jump straight into it, but as usual, any questions, go ahead and ask
  17. YEssir, you got it. You have to pass it the correct variable to it knows what you're talking about
  18. SOrry man! I been so busy. I'm trying to recover this file from an old backup, but not having any luck. I guess you could just follow the tutorial and type it up?? Unless someone has it?
  19. You have the confirmation ID available, perhaps that's a better way to send it, instead of the ID? Anyone can change the ID or spoof it. The confirmation ID is one time
  20. Nabeel

    Map Control

    Sometimes CSS interferes with the google map. Any general styles for img {} or something.
  21. You would use: $airport_info = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo ($icao); Using the proper $icao variable, of course Also, you have a mispelling: foreach($location as $airportloaction) { echo $airportlocation->name; }
  22. Take a look at the source for the XML module
  23. I only do support on the forum. Which templates have you modified? Can you list them?
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