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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Interesting. And th efolder you said is 777? I'll take a look..
  2. You can just call a module directly: index.php/Routemap
  3. Nabeel

    First Skin

    Looks great! I would suggest moving your menu you have now to the footer, then a smaller menu up top, more web2.0 style
  4. Was it working in the past?
  5. 100mb you should be OK I guess. If you have shell access, you can bypass that FTP limit.
  6. Beta install is fine, just some things might be broken. Is adding groups busted in beta?
  7. Nabeel

    Map Control

    I don't know about that, I'd check the Google's docs. I'm pretty sure it's transitional by default. The zoom levels are funky, but I think I had moved the zoom setting to the local config. Unless of course, I didn't... lol
  8. There isn't really a list, but it will be the same as the column names. The quick trick that I still use for the variable names are var_dump or print_r... print_r($userinfo); And will give you a list of the members
  9. Nabeel

    Map Control

    That's an odd bug. The JS file you edit in place, only templates you move to your skin folder. What exactly are you trying to do?
  10. There's a few bugs with groups, it's being fixed up for the next version (you can see in the build log)
  11. Nabeel

    Add bid

    Try removing it. There are javascript errors on the page
  12. <?php MainController::Run("ModuleName", "functionName', parameter1, parameter2, etc); ?> parameters are optional
  13. Whats your live timeout value in your config file?
  14. What's the path? In the lib/avatars folder, did it write anything? What kind of image did you try? Can you try a different type?
  15. I'm gonna look into a replacement for this sucker
  16. Use arrname And you can do: <?php $lastreport = ... if(!$lastreport) { echo 'no reports'; } ?> It will return false if there's no results. If you do print_r or var_dump() on the $report variable, you'll see all the available fields
  17. Is there an error message? Need some more info to go on
  18. What version are you on?
  19. Check your CSS, a couple of hard line breaks will help too.. <p style="clear:both;"></p>
  20. Nabeel

    Add bid

    I'll take a look as soon as I get a chance
  21. Every time you install? Is that what you mean?
  22. I omit the start letters in my code using regex
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