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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. To refer to a file use SITE_URL then the path: <style type="text/css">@import "<?php echo SITE_URL?>/assets/css/default.css";</style> That's probably why
  2. No prob, check out the API docs as well (see my sig) There's alot of functionality available
  3. Easiest way would be using this: http://tablesorter.com/docs/ And you can see in the code, that the tablesorter class is in the <table> tag, you should just have to include the javascript file, then it should just work... Why is there XML output in the middle of your code? There should be a start parameter for the GetSchedules - GetSchedule(start, limit, only_enabled), IIRC
  4. What do you mean hand-typing them every time? Well, more like, what do you mean by 'every time'?
  5. This thread: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=272.0
  6. Use: <?php $country_name = Countries::getCountryName($userinfo['location']); Or whichever variable holds the country code (pretty sure it's "location")
  7. No prob! At least you are trying. You're getting blanks because you're using $pilot instead of $newpilot in some places eg, you just need: Login Pilot ID: <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($newpilot->code,$newpilot->pilotid)?><br/>
  8. Nope, it's trying to find a scaling factor for the graph, that seemed to be where it was hanging up (infinite loop). SO you probably had another PIREP which gave it an exit
  9. You'll have to do what Nige said, since the pilot variable hasn't been assigned to the template. Using Vars::Post() is probably also cleaner, since it will filter, though I think you can use Vars::$post->code etc. But no difference
  10. You'd have to ask them, I have no idea
  11. So just the manual PIREPs are showing without the leading zero?
  12. I meant checking threads in the FAQ http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=795.0 http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=798.0
  13. Nabeel

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    When I checked the page, the schedules weren't there. Can you re-upload everything? Revert to the default schedules_* templates (for now)
  14. You can get the pilot code as: [code php] <?php $pilot = PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); This will return: VMS001 Depending on the format specified for the pilot id's. And yes you can sign in with just an ID or a string with ID. It doesn't make a difference, since any leading text is stripped and just the ID is used, so VMA0001 will be stripped to 0001, and then leading zero's are erased. Generally people will use VMA001, or whatever their pilot ID is, so that's ok. Refer to API docs: http://docs.phpvms.net/api/ There's a couple other threads about forum integration, that will be the basic code you need to use, except just replace the SMF specific code with phpBB, and you should be set.
  15. Nabeel

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    And make sure that folder/files in it at 777
  16. Nabeel

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    Re-upload your /lib/js folder, you're missing js-front.js
  17. Re-upload the /lib/js folder, and set all the files to 777 in it, seems a javascript file is missing
  18. I need the exact error messages (with the line numbers), and if you can, the number of flights you have had for the past week, day by day. Thanks
  19. This belongs in support. Have you modified the pilot center template? And if you have, did you check/copy over changes from the original?
  20. That allow_url_fopen is ok. But when you click accept, it there an error in the Firefox error console? Did you change any files in the admin panel?
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