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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Will do; it's odd because my unit testing seems to indicates that it works, so I'm trying to debug in some detail. Wait - are you guys using the beta copy?
  2. Interesting, it doesn't find a schedule though. I'll have to look over that
  3. I can see about searching by time, if you can add it to the bug tracker
  4. Hey no problem man!
  5. I'll check that, can you add it to the bug tracker? Thanks
  6. Oh ok, can you add it into the bug/project tracker?
  7. Hey, I would talk to your host about that error. I have fixed it for the next update though (just suppressed the error)
  8. Nabeel

    Some "bugs"

    They don't need admin approval, they can change their email/password in their profile from the Pilot Center. I fixed the 'move to pending' bug for the next update. Any pending pilot's that are declined are deleted. This is as designed, for people who register but are denied, that's as designed. And if you delete a pilot, you're doing that - deleting them. So all their data goes as well. At first they were not deleted, but many wanted the ability to delete a pilot. Once you delete, all their data will go with them, but I'm changing this behavior by adding a "retired" flag, to keep them in an inactive state. But deleting yes, often cases you want to delete the pilot. Also if a pilot is deleted, but their data kept, that data is in an orphaned state, and won't be picked up. In terms of financials, it won't erase any financials for previous months, unless in the next update, a pilot is retired.
  9. Nabeel


    Is it doing the same in another browser? I couldn't find anything on your page, it seems like a problem with your browser/cookies/cache
  10. I'm looking into this, but core/classes/util.class.php, line 50 the AddTime() function, though I have a feeling it's somewhere else time being double-added, where I'm missing. Some of the code is unweildy and begs a refactoring
  11. Hmm max, I'm trying to understand what you're doing. Seems interesting, just wondering if there are any side-effects from the system's side. And welcome to the forum, schwalbe, for the first question, yes there are bids As for the second question, there is no 'free-flight' per say, just schedule'd flights, but max might have a work-around
  12. Nabeel


    Hey, I'll be including this functionality in the next update
  13. Oh, hmm, ok, but the time is correct? Or is it doubling the time? Also, what kind of PIREP is it doing it for? Manual or FSACARS?
  14. I'd be weary of changing anything in the admin center, since that changes often. Just don't mess with the template, but the theme is ok I suppose. Just remember it get's over written And good to hear about the other things
  15. Yeah, wrong file, chmod 0777: /lib/js/jquery-admin.js and jquery-front.js
  16. Nabeel


    Delete all your cookies and cache, see if that does it If it doesn't, PM me your URL
  17. Did IE report any errors or the Firefox error console?
  18. You would edit the core_navigation.tpl, it's in my tutorial where I reformat it
  19. Nope, the IDs are assigned by the database, I just mess with them after-the fact. Check this out: http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?topic=169.0
  20. It's case sensitive, so in your case it seems as it may be: <?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/skyazores/Flash/banner_menu.swf
  21. You can list in the schedule notes on what day it should be flown, and just ask your pilots to be mindful of that. I could but it's not a priority or even on my list with the number of other things to do
  22. Nabeel


    That's weird. Goto the pilot center, then try doing things from there; does it work?
  23. Yup, safe mode shouldn't be on anyway for production/in use servers, it's just a way for lazy hosts to "secure" their installation. Messes with alot of things
  24. That's a good idea for the next update, thanks
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