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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I have the field there (the retired field), I just need to implement it. I'll add it into the project tracker
  2. Nabeel

    3 Issues

    What do you mean import and overwrite?
  3. And you don't see it in the tracking system (http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?project=1), click "Report Issue" to add it. I'll be going through and adding things, but I am still sorting stuff. I have yet to setup and move the code repository, I won't be working on/fixing anything until that's done. Thanks
  4. I know, the DNS is going to cut off over, alot of the links aren't working yet.
  5. Woo Everything should be MUCH faster, though it was a pain to setup!! Haha
  6. You set /lib/js/jquery-admin.js and /lib/js/jquery-front.js to 777? (not just the directory)
  7. Nabeel


    It's supposed to work, I have it on my list to check, it's supposed to pull the latest bid info
  8. Nabeel

    3 Issues

    For #1, make that file writeable. The other two I will check. If you add back in the registration, does it save it?
  9. Hey, Just make those two files writeable
  10. Nabeel

    I updated

    ^ Those errors are your route_map.tpl, revert to the default one
  11. Thanks very much, glad you got it working. I'll probably have that patched for the next update. I haven't looked at the other problem yet - trying to first complete a server and repository migration first
  12. Allt he data is in the $pirep variable, as $pirep->variable Get the list of variables by doing: <?php print_r($pirep); ?>
  13. I have been planning to, haven't had the time though. It would be quite a bit more involving than FSACARS/FSPax though.
  14. Nabeel

    I updated

    I'm lookin into it, hopefully tonight.. things been a bit hectic. Got in a car accident today, tryin to get that sorted...
  15. Yeah, that was going to be my next suggestion. Reupload your files; if you did an update install, make sure all the files did indeed update
  16. You have to add all the airports you're going to fly to, and routes are required (you need to have some set schedules)
  17. Yep, it always was. I'd check with your host. Actually hmm, Is there a blank line in your import?
  18. Hmm, it won't add to any? That's weird. I'll check it out.
  19. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    No, I just use it to mark where the header and footer.tpl files will be; when you add an editable area when you create a dreamweaver template, basically everything above that editable area goes into header.tpl, everything below into footer.tpl
  20. Because you probably weren't doing it correctly.
  21. $pilot_id = $fname.' '.$lname.' '.$code.$pilot_id; To get the properly formatted pilot ID (with the proper # of zeros, etc), call: $pilot_id = PilotData::GetPilotCode($code, $pilot_id); $pilot_id = $fname .' '.$lname. ' ' . $pilot_id; Though I'm not sure if you're still "inside" phpVMS to be able to access the PilotData class.
  22. You'll need to contact your host, they're disabled XML for reaching out online. I reach out if you haven't added the airport and it's in the import file. The work around is to add your airports manually, then run the import. Check with your host, they may be able to. Send them this error: And tell them the point of having XML is to load data from an outside source... Hopefully they'll switch it on for you.
  23. The name should be allowed to be the same. Try this out: http://www.phpvms.net/forum/index.php/topic,177.0.html
  24. Can you PM me a link so I can check it out?
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