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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Did you enter the airline code with the flight number in xacars?
  2. Sounded like a browser issue. Use FF or Chrome for best results
  3. I don't think you can do that in one query, you'll have to write a script that analyzes them.
  4. Anything is possible https://github.com/n...class.php#L1260 You'd have to modify that area of code there. Though that's the code in the latest beta which is changed. You would have to add the fields for the total pirep pay in that sql query, and then get a %-age from there. Not sure how it looks in the release version but it's probably something similar in that calculatepireppayment function
  5. I wouldn't do that, it's not a good editor, and probably is causing your problem. Use something like WinSCP to FTP in
  6. In your local.config.php add: date_default_timezone_set('TIMEZONE'); Select your timezone from http://us.php.net/ma...nes.america.php
  7. also 777 on any files inside of the pages folder
  8. I don't see any extra stuff in the beta download in http://downloads.phpvms.net/ ? If it's from github, there's an extra folder for unittest, which can be ignored
  9. I don't know why you're doing all that. Add custom profile fields from the admin panel. They will show up on the registration form, and you can select them as private so only the admin can see them.
  10. Changed Files: m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/structure.xml m install/update.php m unittest/Tests/UserTest.php close #53 pilot reset pirep count fixed View complete changes Download from here
  11. Don't write directly to the database. You'll lose any data integrity, and you'll lose things in updates (like in the betas, a ton of code has changed in the pirep submission process). And all that financial code is changing/changed You need to use the ACARSData::filePIREP function. Read through here: http://forum.phpvms....html?category=6 Looks through this code: https://github.com/n...sacars.php#L386 And look how each variable is formatted so then it's submitted
  12. You can edit that template too, I believe it's pilots_list.tpl
  13. If you edit the pilot, there's the option for their group. There are still issues with it
  14. There is a pilot roster built in, if you goto the pilots link on the front-end. Or are you trying something different? Check out the add-ons forum as well
  15. Those errors... did you update the config files?
  16. $total = count(PilotData::getAllPilotsByHub('YPPH'));
  17. LIve map... I believe it depends if the route was entered in acars/they're flying a scheduled route that does have a route with it. Have you verified those waypoints exist within the navdata?
  18. Follow instructions in my signature about debug mode
  19. Changed Files: m core/codon.config.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/install.sql m install/sql/structure.xml fixed codon.config error View complete changes Download from here
  20. I seem to remember someone posting a way to do it, you'd have to search
  21. You'd have to add a checkbox to that form, then on the submit, depending on what checkbox is selected, use the PilotData::findPilots() function with the appropriate search to filter out the pilots
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